Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Marijoa, World Conference Hall!

In the solemn and huge conference hall, kings from all over the world are sitting.

East Sea, South Sea, West Sea, North Sea, Paradise, New World...

On fifty thrones sit the kings of fifty countries.

Although there are about 170 member states in the world, the kings who are qualified to sit here must have a certain strength and scale.

The World Conference also adopts the speaker rotation system. The presiding speaker of this session is King Han Berg of the Baltimore Kingdom.

"This time, let's have an in-depth discussion about this beautiful world!!!"

"Dear kings!!!"

King Han Berg spoke first, and the World Conference quickly entered the discussion process.

The kingdoms seem to have a weak presence and slightly weak strength, but once they really form an alliance, their huge power should not be underestimated.

After all, there are no fewer hidden strongmen in many top kingdoms, and some small kingdoms have more or less devil fruit ability users.

It can be foreseen that this force is powerful, of course, it cannot be compared with the huge and powerful forces such as the World Government, the Navy, and the Kingdom of Heberfil.

Although it cannot be compared with the famous royal groups such as the Whitebeard Pirates, the Beast Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates, and the Red Hair Pirates.

But there is no doubt that the combination of various kingdoms is definitely one of the largest forces in the world. The only thing missing is the top combat power.

Once this huge force and population are combined with the top combat power, it is definitely a powerful force beyond imagination.

A group of kings from various countries of the world's member states gathered together to discuss the impact of the Kingdom of Heberfil.

Grand Line Paradise, Prodians Kingdom, Elizabelo II, took out a newspaper about the Heberfil family.

One hand pointed at the photo of Charlotte on the newspaper, and the eyes of the kings of other countries all looked there!

The figure in the photo is known to everyone in the world today, and it is a truly terrifying "king".

Elizabelo II looked at everyone's attention and spoke slowly.

"This is the founder of the Kingdom of Heberfil, one of the Five Emperors, a legendary pirate, the terminator of the old era, the strongest man in the world... Heberfil Charlotte, I think all the kings present here are well aware of the danger of the other party."

Listening to the words of Elizabelo II, everyone had different expressions.

Many ordinary people may not know, but as kings of various countries, how could they not know the horror of the Heberfil Pirate Family and the Kingdom of Heberfil.

It can be said that this is the third largest force in the world today, except for the World Government and the Navy.

The world's number one power, Elbaf, is naturally not included.

Many kings present knew that there were huge problems within the giants themselves, and they generally did not contact the outside world, so the threat was naturally not as great as that of the Kingdom of Heberfil.

A fault-like crushing, any single kingdom would be killed in seconds in front of them.

The king of the Kingdom of Ilusia from the West Sea, the blond Shuenda Lucas, asked first.

"Tell me, what do you mean?"

This sentence also attracted the attention of other kings.

"Jointly launch a proposal, and multiple countries will form an alliance to form a maritime force to deal with the situation."

When these words came out, the faces of kings around the world showed incredible expressions.

You know, because of the existence of the navy, their countries do not allow the existence of a navy.

Doing so will easily be rejected by the Five Elders, the highest power of the World Government, even if it is an alliance.

Just use their own weight to challenge the world's top power, the Kingdom of Heberfil.

It is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

That is a powerful country with many top masters, and even in their eyes it is a real superpower.

Possessing the world's most powerful peak combat power, in addition to having extraordinary masters comparable to the admirals of the navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even if such high-end and super combat power is not mentioned for the time being, there are countless people who can rival the combat power of the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

What alliance is there? Let's not talk about whether the World Government will pass this proposal. Judging from the results alone, it is a joke.

If the battle really goes on, there will only be a one-sided massacre and nothing more.

It would be easier to increase the amount of heavenly gold and strengthen the navy.

"Are you kidding? That's too much."

Bill VI of the Urshu Kingdom looked listless, and he didn't seem to be interested in Elizabelo II's proposal at all.

"We are a member country that has paid heavenly gold, what are we afraid of?"

In his opinion, it would be more comfortable to lie down than to spend time and effort on things that are powerless and fruitless.

Leave the troubles to the navy and the world government, he just needs to pay the money, ensure safety, and enjoy the rest of his life.

"How can this be a joke? The security of the kingdom is our foundation, and we should build a stronger military force." Elizabelo II couldn't help but roar, Bill VI in front of him was really stupid.

The ideas of the Heberfil Kingdom have too great an impact on many countries, can he really not see it?


"I agree with Elizabelo II's proposal, and we can try to make this proposal to the world government."

The king of the Rommel Kingdom, who had been silent all the time, spoke in a deep voice.

Quickly, the outstanding-looking Queen Meng Luolong of the Tajiqin Kingdom softly refused.

"I don't want to waste time on such things."

In her opinion, let the navy handle it. She doesn't like this kind of fighting.

In an instant...

The entire conference room broke out into a heated discussion. Some agreed, some opposed, and some were neutral...

It can be said that the demands of each kingdom are completely different, and the mood is naturally different.

Just like the many kingdoms in the four seas are not in a hurry at all, the journey of ordinary people to the Kingdom of Heberfil is too far.

And the relatively anxious ones are naturally those countries on the Great Route.

Similarly, some kings who rule with kindness don't care about the influence of the Kingdom of Heberfil. After all, who is willing to take the risk of going to another country when they live well in their own country?

Those who blushed were naturally some kingdoms whose ruling methods were too cruel, because the ideas of the Kingdom of Heberfil were the most harmful to them.

The originally calm and majestic World Conference Room was like a vegetable market at this moment.

After a long time, the conference room was much calmer.

Nefertari Cobra, the king of Alabasta, a great country from the Grand Line and paradise, spoke calmly.

"I abstain from this proposal."

For a moment, many countries looked puzzled. The value of Alabasta was different, and its meaning was completely different.

However, even so, one-third of the kingdoms still insisted on this proposal.

The meeting ended unhappily.

At the same time, this part of the unwilling kingdom even contacted other small countries that were not qualified to attend the meeting to jointly sign a proposal to the World Government.

It caused a strong shock.

In Pangu City!

In the huge royal palace.

At the end of the towering and continuous steps, a throne representing supreme significance stood far away, just like a throne in the void.

In front of the void throne was the sword of the twenty first kings when they formed an alliance eight hundred years ago. This was the sword of the alliance of the oath.

It meant that the empty void throne, no one could sit on it to rule the world.

In the quiet oath hall, the five elders of the world's highest power were silently waiting for something, with extremely serious expressions.

Tap, tap, tap...

The dull and loud footsteps slowly resounded throughout the huge, empty and quiet hall.

The five elders below all tensed up.

The footsteps seemed to carry some kind of magic, and every step seemed to step on the hearts of the five people.

Until the footsteps disappeared, a figure had already sat down on the empty and high-hanging void throne.

If such an incredible thing were known to the outside world, it would definitely cause an uproar.

On the high and mighty void throne that symbolizes the pinnacle of power, the "top of the world" that should not exist, a figure looked down on everything.

There shouldn't be anyone sitting in that position, but at this moment, there was an indistinct, hazy figure sitting calmly on the void throne.

The voices of five people rang out in the dark and empty hall.

"Lord Yim!"

The five elders with the highest power in the world knelt on one knee and spoke respectfully to the person at the "top of the world" like a servant.

"What happened?"

The man covered by the shadow on the empty throne spoke coldly and emotionlessly, and a strange sense of oppression spread wildly.

Satan, the five elders wearing a black flat hat, held the cane tightly in his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Lord Yim, a man named Heberfil Charlotte appeared during this period."

Listening to the five elders Satan's narration below, Yim in the shadows lowered his eyes slightly, and an inexplicable pressure swept over him.

The five elders were all shocked, they knew that it was the "king" looking down.

"Isn't it the D clan?"

Satan answered the king's question without hesitation, "No."

Obviously, this made Yim, who had just woken up, interested.

It can be seen that he is a remarkable person to be seriously raised by several people now.

"Tell me about it!"

The doubtful voice was a little surprised and curious.

After hearing Im's order, Saint Satan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly explained to the king.

After a while, Saint Satan introduced everything about Heberfil Charlotte in the simplest and clearest words.

Obviously, as the king of the world behind the scenes, Im, who has lived for a long time, showed real surprise.

A person who does not have the name "D" has a spiritual will similar to the "D" clan.

It was a little beyond Im's expectations.

This reminded Im of the two famous guys with the name "D" who brought a lot of impact to the world.

They are the representative figures of the "D" clan and the two spiritual wills.

Rox D. Gibek and Gol D. Roger.

The guys who surprised Im when he woke up briefly.

Just like eight hundred years ago, the collision of the two wills is exactly the same.

Although Heberfil Charlotte does not have the name "D", the spirit he shows is highly similar to that of the two.

The war that continues is really not far away.

The five elders below are naturally very concerned about the state of Lord Yim, although they are in a brief silence at the moment.

But they knew very well that the "King" had almost fully awakened, so there would definitely be instructions on what to do next.

The most important thing is that with Lord Im's complete recovery now, the huge war will completely kick off and enter the final turning point.

They are extremely determined and confirmed.

This is a fact!

As the five elder stars known to the outside world as the highest power in the world.

Their role is to serve Lord Im.

Take charge, control, balance, and run the world.

In this way, the world government maintains its supreme power over the world.

Now this rule is slowly being broken.

The huge kingdom of Silberfil continues to grow. This result is not what they want to see at all, and it is beyond Im's expectation.

The "King of the World" Im sitting on the throne of the void behind the scenes.

This moment really attracted the attention of the Kingdom of Heberfeld.

The terrible consequences it has caused are a bit unimaginable.

The next second, on the Void Throne at the top, in the darkness covered by shadows, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, like the devil from hell.

Those red eyes were filled with weird spiral patterns, which made people feel inexplicably scary.

"Pay close attention to the changes in the world for the time being, and the plan must prepare to enter the countdown stage..."

Countdown! ! !

The five old stars below all looked sharply, and they knew the meaning of this sentence very well.

It seems that a real huge war is really coming.

It was a battle that could destroy the world. It was like a reincarnation, erasing all traces of the world and redefining the order of a "new" world.

The five old stars responded respectfully in unison, "Yes, Lord Im."

After the words fell, when the five people looked up at the Void Throne again, there was no trace of Im anymore, and the place was restored to its original state.

The long-haired and bearded Saint Maz then looked at the other Five Old Stars and said.

"How to deal with the proposal proposed by the world's franchise countries?"

Saint Mazi didn't mention this matter in front of Im just now, naturally because he knew very well that Lord Im was not interested in this kind of thing.

The bald man Nashou Langsheng rubbed his chin with one hand and said coldly.

"They are just a group of puppets, and the so-called rights are just traps, reject them."

Hearing this, the other four Five Old Stars also looked at each other.

Indeed, the World Conference seems to be providing development suggestions for the world, but they are just false cover-ups, and the purpose is naturally to serve the Tianlong people.

They never really cared about those "mortal" kings, they were just tricks to fool the world.

"Then let's do it!"

Saint Maz spoke tacitly, and the other people did not have any objections.

The thoughtful Saint Satan suddenly added.

"Of course, we can also use them to generate some value, and notify various kingdoms to form land armies, ready to be called upon by the World Government at any time."

It makes people's eyes light up when they hear this.

This is a pretty good arrangement. It appeases various countries and provides cannon fodder, killing two birds with one stone.

"Then as soon as possible!"

Following Saint Satan's wishes, Saint Peter spoke calmly.

The most important thing for them right now is to speed up Lord Im's plans...

At the same time, in the distant new world of the Kingdom of Heberfeld...


Charlotte couldn't help but sneeze and muttered, "Damn it, why did you catch a cold?"

He shook his head, feeling a little weird.

It's really unbelievable that he has such a problem with his physique.

Fortunately, the symptoms of continued sneezing did not appear after a few minutes.

It seemed to be an extremely accidental event. He didn't think about it anymore. He was going to retreat next.

This is an important node related to whether his strength can be improved again.

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