One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 519 The Will and Glory of the

Heberfil - Holy Mountain!

This is where Charlotte usually practices, and now it is called the Holy Mountain by outsiders.

Facing this special and extremely important day today, Charlotte naturally chose this place for his awakening without hesitation.

The Holy Mountain is planted with precious flowers and plants from all over the world. At a glance, it is a scene of birdsong and flowers, tranquility and peace.

A nine-story Tianyun Pavilion was built on the top of the mountain.

This is a pattern designed by Charlotte himself based on his memory, which is a microcosm of his hometown deep in his heart.

Because Charlotte is about to start the awakening of the animal-type devil fruit, the entire Holy Mountain is under complete martial law.

Barrett, Jin, Beta, and Pande are in charge of the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

At the same time, the four major knights of Death, Fanaticism, Sword, and Holy Spear were dispatched to garrison.

For the entire Heberfil family, he is the king of this country, the leader of the family, and the great master.

Charlotte's safety is more important than anything else. It can be said that the preparations are extremely rigorous and no mistakes are allowed.

There are a large number of soldiers and cadres deployed on the periphery... the action is not small.

Even if the internal confidentiality measures of the Heberfil family are world-class.

That requires full preparation.

They have to clear the vision for the "king" and eliminate all dangers.

One hour later!

On the top of the mountain, in front of the nine-story Tianyun Pavilion.

A space door slowly rises, like the Shura Gate of Hell, majestic and domineering.

Charlotte slowly stepped out of it, looking at the towering Tianyun Pavilion, his emotions were neither happy nor sad.

Only by taking the last step can he face Yimu with a fighting force, and the Five Elders have awakened early.

Yimu's awakening will only be stronger.

The final battle is inevitable and he needs to do his best to improve his combat power.

Standing here, Charlotte looked at Tianyun Pavilion with a firm gaze, he wanted to complete his own awakening here.

Lina and Hancock, who came with him, revealed a deep worry in their eyes.

You have to know that although there are many people in the Heberfil family who have awakened their devil fruits, this is the first person to awaken the Mythical Beast.

The gap is huge.

The two of them are very clear, and scientists who have studied this have even issued a warning that there are great risks in this awakening.

For creatures that almost only exist in legends, no one knows how intense the "heaven and man" battle of will will be.

However, facing Charlotte's choice, they can't speak out to stop him as they wish.

This is his path, the lonely path of the king, and there is no replacement.

However, more people in the family firmly believe that Charlotte will succeed, and the firm belief that goes deep into their bones has never shaken their confidence in Charlotte.

Along the way, the entire Heberfil family, under the leadership of Charlotte, has experienced too many hard battles and fierce battles, and each time they have returned intact, becoming stronger again and again.

Until now, it has become a world-famous behemoth and has established the unique Heberfil Kingdom.

The original dream of the ideal hometown has come true.

Because these beliefs in Charlotte are becoming more and more indestructible, they regard him as the god of faith in their hearts.

You have to know how much preparation he has made for this day and how much time he has spent.

The desire for strength runs through his life from beginning to end.

Only with strength can he achieve success.

Because once the awakening fails, he will completely lose himself and become a puppet without will.

That means his life has come to an end and there is no possibility of recovery.

By then, not only him, but the entire Heberfil Kingdom and family will suffer a huge blow or even be destroyed.

This is simply unimaginable for Charlotte.

Calming down the messy thoughts in his heart, Charlotte adjusted his breathing and regained his calm.

Not long after, Charlotte was ready for everything, both in physical and mental state.

"Really good condition!"

The low tone was full of confidence and determination.

The invincible momentum cultivated by years of fighting, there is a strong sense of confidence and indifference in every move.

In the face of all crises, he believes that his continuous accumulation and growth over countless years is the confidence in his own strength.

Never slacking off in practice is the basis for continuous breakthroughs and transcending limits.

In addition, he now has irreplaceable responsibilities and burdens.

He must not fail, he has reasons not to lose.

The terrible cohesion of the Heberfeller family exists because of him.

"Charlotte, you will succeed! You have come all this by yourself, I will wait for you here until you come back safely."

Hancock spoke slowly, her tone full of uneasiness.

Although she tried to keep her tone calm, she still couldn't help worrying about the unknown risks that her beloved was about to face, even if she believed in him.

"Silly, I will come back safely."

Charlotte comforted Hancock softly, this silly woman was focused on him.

Although Lina didn't say anything, the worry in her eyes was clearly visible.

As the person who had been with Charlotte the longest, she knew very well that this was Charlotte's choice and decision.

Once he decided, no one and nothing could stop him.

At the moment, the only thing she could do was to be strong and not distract Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at Lina, who was now stronger, and reached out to hold her hand.

He knew very well in his heart how much this equally foolish woman had silently sacrificed for him.

Lina, who was suppressing her worries, nodded silently.

"Don't worry!"

Charlotte, like the sun hanging high in the sky, illuminated the way forward for every member of the Heberfeller family.

He could sense everyone's thoughts at all times, delicate and warm, and his tone was full of warmth.

As long as he stood there, everyone would not be afraid of any difficulties.

"Charlotte, have you really made up your mind about the awakening of the devil fruit? There should still be enough time."

Hancock, who was still a little worried, could not hide her increasingly flustered heart.

She took the trouble to say the most real thoughts, she didn't want Charlotte to encounter any danger.

Mitis and others around also looked at Charlotte closely, and the worry from the heart was clear at a glance.

This family cannot be without Charlotte.

"Don't worry!"

Charlotte spoke gently, looking the same as usual, and answered firmly and forcefully, soothing everyone's anxiety.

As the backbone of the family, his statement at this moment is everything.

For those family members who are loyal and dedicated, they will feel at ease.

Charlotte didn't want everyone to worry about this.

The real strength is to take the initiative and make a decision for the persistence in your heart without regret.

Just like him at this moment, that is, his own goal, and also the heavy responsibility in his heart.

As a person who fully understands Charlotte's will, Mitis feels the firmness in Charlotte's words.

Where the "king" is going is exactly what they think in their hearts.

Mitis immediately put one hand on his chest, expressing his determination, and said without hesitation.

"Boss Charlotte, I believe you will succeed, and your glory and greatness will surely illuminate the world."

This pious gesture unique to the Heberfil family has long become a habit.

A unique action unique to the Heberfil family, this is a cultural spirit engraved in the blood.


Looking at Mitis's actions, everyone offered the family's pious etiquette, knocking on their chests, making a dull sound.

Solemn and solemn.

This also represents everyone's blessings.

Everyone is well aware of the terrible consequences of the failure of the awakening of the animal-type devil fruit, especially the mythical beast species that have never been involved.

What will happen to those ancient and strange creatures that almost do not exist in the world today when they awaken? No one can predict.

Facing everyone's blessings, Charlotte smiled slightly. These lovely guys are also the confidence he has come all the way!

Charlotte, who had already made a decision, did not hesitate and turned firmly to Yunge.

Because only by constantly moving forward can this hard-won powerful family be protected forever.

The legend of the Heberfil family should not stop here, it has a more glorious future.

Mitis, Hariri and others looked at Charlotte's figure gradually moving away.

The figure that looked a little thin with its back to them was like a peak at this moment, and they could only look up.

The will and glory of the "king" will definitely be seen by more people.

They will always be Charlotte's most determined followers, supporters, and devout believers.

The powerful spirit that Charlotte exudes naturally makes people feel convinced.

Although the "king" is always careless, hates trouble, and doesn't care about fame, everyone knows that his heart has never changed.

In every major event, Heberphile Charlotte always rushes to the front and they keep following his figure, moving forward unswervingly.

He is a lighthouse, illuminating the way forward; he is a flag, leading the direction of attack; he is a mountain, sheltering the homeless.

Heberphile Charlotte is not just a name but a symbol, representing a manifestation of will.

Just like the legendary sun god Nika, Heberphile Charlotte is also the god they believe in.

Charlotte walked slowly into it until his back disappeared from the outside world, and the heavy door closed tightly and disappeared.

"Will Charlotte really succeed?"

At this moment, Hancock finally couldn't let go of his worries, and whispered in a low voice with some uneasiness.

She had long regarded Charlotte as everything in her life.


Lina spoke unwaveringly, their man is the best in the world, and he will definitely succeed.

Hancock saw this and realized that Lina's concerns about Charlotte had all turned into firm belief, which made her put down her worries. Indeed!

The name of Heberfil Charlotte has always created legends. Just now, she was really distracted.

Lina's words inspired her strong belief, "Indeed, it will happen."

In Tianyun Pavilion!

Looking at everything familiar around him, Charlotte was full of emotion. The days of practicing here almost occupied one-third of his time.

As soon as he came here, he felt an inexplicable sense of peace.

Charlotte shook his head. Everything that should be done has been prepared. The rest can only depend on himself.

No one can guarantee 100% success in the awakening of the devil fruit, especially since he is the first animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit awakener in the Heberfil family.

The Heberfil family has rich experience in the awakening of devil fruits, so he has made sufficient preparations in this regard.

It's just that there is really no relevant record of the fantasy beast species. What will happen in this process?

Indeed, no one can predict it.

After completely concentrating his mind, Charlotte finally adjusted his state an hour later.

Then he walked into the room that had been prepared for a long time.

Charlotte's eyes were deep and focused.

Charlotte in the middle of the room began to try to awaken the animal devil fruit.

In an instant, a terrible neighing sound sounded, like the whisper of a god.

At the same time, his body began to change crazily, and his whole body exuded inexplicable terrifying pressure.

The whole body seemed to be out of control, shaking extremely violently.

It was even visible to the naked eye that Charlotte's body was undergoing strange and inexplicable changes.

Horrifying, the horror is indescribable.

This drastic change became the most terrifying load on his body. Fortunately, after years of training, his physical strength was incredibly strong and terrifyingly tenacious.

That kind of almost out-of-control change is very terrifying every time it tests the body.

Charlotte felt an extremely strong crisis.

Yes, a near-fatal crisis.

There seemed to be some kind of strong will reviving in his heart, competing with his own will for control of his body.

Scientists from Xihai once discovered that humans will lose 21 grams after death, and this weight is speculated to be the weight of the soul.

The Hiberfield family has also done in-depth research on this and determined that it is the weight of the human soul.

And because of the Silberfeller family's research on the awakening of Devil Fruit and the soul hypothesis.

The human soul resides in the heart, and only the very special Devil Fruit power can lead to a slightly different King of Souls, Brook.

Of course, there are also special individuals among them, such as the famous Blackbeard in the future. His body structure is [opposite sex] and can also be called [alien].

Completely different from the body structure of ordinary people.

But this is an extremely rare existence, and can even be said to be unique.

Now he is awakening, and the place where his will is awakened is the heart, trying to occupy it and control his body.

It was enough to show that there was no problem with that theory and it also made him realize how extraordinary that evil guy Blackbeard was.

Soon, thick beads of sweat continued to appear on Charlotte's forehead.

Extremely strong pressure, mixed with a terrifying and powerful will, like a real ancient god resurrecting...

This was his first time to personally experience the awakening of animal devil fruits, which were all rare species of phantom beasts.

That violent transformation exuded tragic energy, and an almost desperate will oppressed his will.

There is no doubt that the awakening of the phantom beast species is beyond imagination.

People who are weak-willed and unstable will be immediately defeated by the will contained in the animal-type Devil Fruit and lose their independent personality.

Complete loss of everything.

This is an invisible confrontation between "Heaven and Man", coming from the most primitive battle of body and will.

This kind of awakening has no way for external forces to interfere, and it can only rely entirely on oneself to fight tenaciously.

The vast will that burst out was like an unsurpassable peak, and he clearly felt his own insignificance.

The unstoppable will makes people unable to help but despair.

This despair will make people sink into it and cut off everything, which indicates that the vitality of life is getting weaker and weaker.

"Are you going to fail?"

Charlotte only felt an unprecedented drowsiness in her spirit, and a deep sleepiness swept over her.

The vitality of his life is like that of a dying old man.

His originally strong and healthy body quickly became thinner, his appearance became haggard, and his face looked ashen.

The originally surging vitality was now so weak that he might not be able to sleep at any time.

At this moment, everything in his life appeared in front of his eyes like a horse.

The Silberfeller family was founded on a backward island called Lati...

Since the Battle of Edvor, the legendary road to world fame has begun...

He is known as the world's greatest swordsman and becomes one of the four emperors of the new world. He is a well-deserved strong man in the world...

As time goes by, he also becomes a legendary pirate...

After countless hardships, he defeated many legendary figures, including the golden lion Shiji, the aloof red Redfield, and the navy marshal Cyborg Kong... becoming the unique terminator of the old era...

The founder of the ideal land, the great leader of the will of Silberfeller, the first generation of the extremely evil family, the unique legendary head of the family, the strongest man in the world...

Along the way... I have experienced too many unforgettable things.

"No...I don't want to!"

Charlotte roared in a low voice, her almost withered body trembled violently, and her will crazily revived.

"I can't fall down yet, I still have many regrets that I haven't finished yet..."

He can't leave Hancock and Lina behind. His children haven't grown up yet. Countless people from the Hibernian tribe need him. The final battle has not yet been completed...

The unprecedented will to survive burned crazily, and streaks of white clouds began to appear above his body.

The scene is quite strange!

Waves of electric light appeared in Boni's palm, spreading to his body, and his body began to twitch.

In a moment, the white smoke clouds continued to spread, gathered into clouds, and spread towards the outside world.




Charlotte's heart made a dull crashing sound like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. Each sound shook the void and rushed into the distance.

At this time, the dark clouds from the outside world suddenly began to shroud, and invisible fluctuations began to spread to the surroundings.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"What's that sound?"


Many family cadres exclaimed, and some shocking changes seemed to have occurred in Tianyun Pavilion.

Hancock and Lina's eyes were full of endless worry. The awakening of the fantasy beast species was a bit beyond everyone's imagination.

"Charlotte, will you be okay?"

Hancock held Lina's hand tightly, and was extremely nervous.

Lina pretended to be calm and said, "It will be okay, it will definitely be okay."

Such an awakening movement was really shocking and unheard of.


Deafening thunder erupted in the sky, and bursts of black lightning continued to burst out, becoming more and more terrifying.

The terrifying momentum was extremely amazing.

In the anxious and surprised eyes of countless people, Charlotte's body appeared in the sky at some point, just floating high in it.

A white cloud ribbon appeared around her body, as if she had a strange life, emitting a strange halo like a god.

That's right, that is the unique sign of the awakening of the animal-type devil fruit ability user-flame cloud.

But why is it white smoke instead of black flames?

It's incredible!

In the sky, Charlotte's figure directly transformed into a human-beast form.

His whole body was shrouded in oppressive white flames, like a god, standing between heaven and earth.

With the beating of the heart, the dancing of the flames, the spread of the brilliance, the invisible pressure poured down, and the mighty power of God penetrated the universe.

The whole holy mountain was full of flowers and vitality in an instant, as if it had come to the kingdom of spring...

The amazing vision lifted everyone's spirits.

"This is... success!"

Not long after, Charlotte opened his tightly closed eyes, and his sharp eyes flashed.


Charlotte spoke, his voice rolling like thunder, but the voice was mixed with unspeakable feelings.

That voice has strong emotions, which can influence people's moods.

Charlotte did not notice any abnormality, but felt that his body was stronger than ever before.

The unique white flame cloud form after the awakening of the animal system is so handsome.


Thunder exploded in the sky, and a silver lightning bolt as thick as a dragon struck down from the sky.

Charlotte's eyes were calm, and he raised his hand and grabbed the thunder with his bare hands, turning it into a spear of thunder.

Everyone was stunned to see what was happening in the sky. This... was a miracle!

Charlotte felt the power of thunder in his hand and smiled slightly.

As the [God of Spring], when he was fully awakened, everything in spring was under his control.

"Spring Thunder" was just a weapon in his hand, and he was very obedient.

He threw it into the sky and easily penetrated the dark clouds.

Charlotte raised his hand again, and the sky was gloomy and the rolling dark clouds seemed to be summoned.

Endless dark clouds gathered madly towards Charlotte's palm, forming a small storm ball.

The sky cleared up directly, and everything just now was like a dream. At first, he could only make the environment become the basic operation of spring, but now he can wave his hand to change the world, and use the power of the world to be a perverted ability.

This is the terrifying power he can master after awakening.

Now accompanied by the awakening of the power of the mythical beast species.

He can not only control natural elements, but also have certain superhuman abilities, and at the same time have the power of the animal-type devil fruit.

The strongest version of the son, the animal-type mythical beast species devil fruit, has the power of nature, superhuman, and animal, which is beyond imagination.

Of course, the two powers of nature and superhuman are only partially possessed.

His strength has been amazingly blessed and improved.

Slowly descending from the sky.

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone couldn't help but speak. The strong performance of the mythical beast species after awakening was really shocking.

It's really like a god.

"It's good to succeed."

Hancock spoke excitedly, regardless of anyone's eyes, hugged Charlotte, and felt the familiar feeling. At this moment, she finally relaxed.

Charlotte gently patted Hancock's back and comforted her.

For Lina, Charlotte also took the other's hand and held her in her arms. She couldn't be disrespectful.

Seeing Charlotte's appearance and the current situation, everyone retreated tacitly.

Charlotte felt the alluring scent emanating from the two people and smiled happily.

This time he successfully awakened, and he was the first person in the Heberfil family to awaken the animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit ability.

It will play a huge role in the awakening of other fantasy beast devil fruit ability users in the family in the future.

Just like Sammy's awakening, it has the same milestone significance.

"I was really scared to death."

Lina finally took off her forced calmness and spoke softly.

"It's okay, it's all okay."

Charlotte put away his thoughts and spoke.

"Promise us that you won't do this again in the future."

Lina pleaded in a tone, and Charlotte's heart trembled when he looked at the two people's tender eyes.

"Okay, I promise you."

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