One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 233 Sandia's Guerrillas

Chapter 233 Sandia's guerrillas

"I'll pay for everyone's drinks and food tonight!"

"Ooooh! That's great!"

The guests who were still treating each other with cold eyes just now were extremely enthusiastic about Kaido in an instant. Nothing makes them happier than buying a drink!

Urouge drank a large glass of clam wine, feeling extremely refreshed: "Mr. Kaido, here is the best shell wine in Sky Island, and the best girl!"

"Well, it's really good."

Kaido looked at the swarming girls, dressed in a very simple style, just wrapping his body with fabric, which was very exotic.

The wine is also very special, the taste is soft like cotton candy, and the taste is very different from the wine on the ground.

After a few glasses of wine, Urouge's eyes became more enthusiastic. He didn't expect that the unreasonably strong Qinghai people in front of him had the same preferences as him.

Wine, and women!

"By the way, Mr. Kaido, what are you looking for in Sky Island?"

"Come find this thing!"

Kaido took out a piece of gold with a smile and put it on the table. The golden light immediately attracted the attention of the girl accompanying the wine.

"It's gold! So beautiful!"

The eyes of the girls are shining, and the longing in their hearts cannot be stopped.

Sky Island has no land resources and cannot produce gold, but occasionally ships from Qinghai will bring a small amount of gold products.

Rare things are precious, and gold is also an extremely precious treasure on Sky Island, not to mention that gold itself is extremely beautiful.

"I see!"

Urouge suddenly realized that many pirates from Qinghai are looking for treasure, and it seems that Mr. Kaido is no exception.

Unfortunately, Sky Island has no gold.

Urouge regretted: "Mr. Kaido, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Sky Island doesn't have what you want."

"Well, that's not necessarily the case."

Kaido shakes his wine glass, waiting until Enel captures Sky Island and the gold buried in Shandora will not be discovered.

There, it is still the land of gold.


Kaido narrowed his eyes: "Do you know a Sky Island called Birka?"

Birka is the hometown of Enel, where Thunder Fruit is likely to be located. Compared with gold, Thunder Fruit is more valuable!


Urouge thought about it for a long time, then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Sky Island is as large as the ground, and the island cloud extends to the four seas. Due to the difficulty of communication, it is only known to everyone unless it is an important place such as the sanctuary.

"Let me help you ask!"

Urouge walked to the bar and came back after chatting with the boss for a while.

"The boss has never heard of Birka, it is probably a small island, but please rest assured, I have already informed the boss to collect information on Birka, one month is enough."


Kaido nodded in satisfaction, whether it was looking for Birka and Thunder, or the text of the road sign, it would take a lot of time.

So it will be more efficient to ask the local snake to help you gather information, and if necessary, he doesn't mind ruling Sky Island!

"let me go!"

While the two were drinking happily, the tavern suddenly became lively.

The wild woman with her hands bound and decorated with feathers and a straw skirt was pushed onto the stage by tavern thugs.

"Hey, it's guerrillas!"

Urouge looked in surprise, as if surprised that a guerrilla appeared here, but seeing that it was a woman, it was not surprising.

It should have been bought by the boss.

"what happened?"

Kaido is a little concerned, his memory of Sky Island is not clear, except for Shandora, other areas are basically unknown.

"Guerrillas are soldiers of Sandia, and those guys are very difficult!"

Urouge simply explained that he didn't know the origin of Sandia. He only knew that a long time ago, the Sandia people started a war with the priests who guarded the sanctuary.

Because the Shandians are elusive and often attack the priests, they are called guerrillas by the people of Sky Island over time.

"Female guerrillas are very rare, the boss is making a lot of money!"

There is longing in Urouge's eyes. Female guerrillas are a combination of strength and beauty. Conquering them is very fulfilling. Unfortunately, women who can become guerrillas are extremely rare.

"It turned out to be Sandia."

Kaido nodded slowly, saying that he had no memory of the guerrillas, but when it came to Sandia, it was hard to forget.

Although the strength is not very good, the will of the Sandia people is really moving. The four hundred years of war is enough to explain everything.

These guerrillas are worth cultivating!

Kaido got up and walked to the stage. Under the vigilant eyes of everyone, he looked down at the female guerrilla and asked in a calm voice, "What's your name?"


The woman's eyes were full of resentment, but when she saw Kaido's calm gaze, the anger calmed down involuntarily.

The monster in front of him was different from other people. In the eyes of the other party, there was no hatred or discrimination against the Sandia.

"Wasabi, my name is Wasabi!"


Kaido nodded slightly, grabbed the cloud chain binding wasabi, and squeezed it casually, the cloud chain made by Tiebei instantly deformed and twisted.

This scene made the owner of the tavern and the bartenders angry.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"


Answering them is Conqueror's Haki!

Kaido's eyes were fixed, and an invisible will shock swept the tavern!

The boss, the thugs, the wine girl, and the audience who were enjoying watching the play all lost consciousness except Urouge and Wasabi in the blink of an eye.

Urouge was dumbfounded, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and asked: "Mr. Kaido, what did you do just now?"

"Haki, you don't even understand."

Kaido smiled and waved his hands. Haki is a bit troublesome to explain. When you go to New World, you will naturally understand the meaning of Haki.

"Pack up the wine and get out of here!"

After a while, the storage room of the tavern was emptied by the two, and the not-so-large boat was filled with drinks and food, and quickly sailed into the sea of ​​clouds.

Urouge's face turned black. Although he is known as a monk who broke the precepts, he just drinks, eats meat and plays with women. Although he behaves indiscriminately, it is all normal activities.

And just now, he robbed women and supplies from the tavern, if the temple finds out, he will definitely be expelled!

The problem is that if you get on a pirate ship, you can't get off!

Urouge had a bitter face: "Mr. Kaido, where are we going?"

"Go to Sandia!"

Kaido is in high spirits, and the people of Sky Island don't know him, and they don't know Beasts Pirates, and the experience of getting along is pretty good.

And he wants gold, and he wants to gather a group of subordinates as spokespersons to help find the text of Thunder and Road Signs, Sandia is very suitable.

The natives of Shandora have endured 400 years of exclusion and oppression. If they can light the lamp of Shandora, they will definitely return to their hearts.

In contrast, although the priests headed by "God" Gan Fore are more powerful, it takes more time and energy to make them loyal.

But he couldn't stay on Sky Island all the time, and he didn't want to invest so much energy. Maybe those priests would betray him immediately as soon as he left.

Which side to choose is clear at a glance.

"Hey, wasabi, lead the way!"

(end of this chapter)

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