Chapter 234

Cloud Shinobi Village, the habitat of the Sandiya people.

The village is hidden in the interlayer between two island clouds. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it leads to the Baibai Sea below, which is very suitable as a stronghold.

"Wasabi got caught!"

In the tent, the younger generation of soldiers from Sandia gathered together, many of whom were wounded.

"Damn Gamfur, we've been ambushed by him!"

A week ago, they once again launched an attack on the Island of the Gods, trying to regain their hometown and light the lamp of Shandora.

However, "God" Gan Fore predicted this action, assembled a large number of priests, and defeated them in one fell swoop.

Many comrades were killed on the spot, and some were captured. Wasabi was one of them. Because Wasabi was one of the few female fighters, the guerrillas were even more angry.

The consequences of being captured by the enemy are self-evident.

The most important thing now is to rescue the captured companions!

"Captain Webb, what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Weber, who was the descendant of the great warrior Calgara, the strongest Shandia warrior today, and the husband of Wasabi!

He is qualified to lead them!

Wei Bo held a spear, and his eyes were as terrifying as a ghost: "Replenish Bei's energy, and gather at the entrance of the village in an hour!"

"God" must pay the price!

When the guerrillas left to fight, a group of children came to the tent, each with a weapon in his hand.

Wei Bo frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Wappa, what are you doing?"

"Father, we will protect the village!"

The leading little boy, Wappa, holds a smaller spear and exudes the unique wildness of Sandia warriors. Given time, he will definitely become a powerful warrior.

"Please be sure to bring Mom back!"


Wei Bo was silent, he raised his spear and left the tent for a long time, his back to his son before he left, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"of course!"

Although Wappa is young, he is already a qualified Sandian warrior. Sooner or later, Wappa will light the lamp of Shandora like him!

One hour later, Cloud Shinobi Village entrance.

Twenty guerrillas are fully armed. This time they are going to raid Angel Island and rescue their companions who were imprisoned there!

"Set off!"

Wearing special combat boots equipped with xiangbei, guerrillas move quickly on the Sky's Path made by yunbei like skating.

When everyone penetrated the island cloud and came to the uppermost sea of ​​clouds, they all stopped and their expressions changed suddenly.

All around are priests.

Cloud Shinobi Village has been discovered by the enemy!

"Weber, I'm here to negotiate."

"God" Gan Fore walked out from the crowd, with several Sandia fighters pressing behind him, except for Wasabi, all the other captured fighters were there.

"The war between us has lasted for nearly four hundred years. It will not benefit both parties if it continues. Therefore, I want to talk to you about the issue of coexistence."


Wei Bo's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and his anger was completely ignited.

"What have you done to Sandia for generations, you want to pretend you don't know? Now you want to talk about coexistence! If you really want to coexist, then give us back the island of gods!"

"That is impossible."

Ganfur's eyes sank. They did plunder the homeland of Sandia, but now the island of gods has become a sanctuary in the sky, and it is an existence that the people of Sky Island can never give up.

"It's disgusting!"

Weber laughed back angrily, and the "god" of Sky Island shouted to coexist, but firmly occupied their hometown, refusing to let go at all.

"Kill these hypocritical bastards!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The battle broke out in an instant, how could four hundred years of hatred be eliminated in a few words, not to mention that it was impossible for both sides to give up the island of gods.

"Hey, hey, it's so lively!"

A floating cloud in the distance, above which Kaido sits watching the battle.

Wasabi beside her was very anxious, but she didn't have air combat equipment, so she couldn't even get away from the floating clouds under her feet.

Urouge was a little ready to move, and he applied for the battle with his fists clenched: "Mr. Kaido, are you going to stop them?"

"No hurry, let them fight for a while."

Kaido waved his hand.

Revenge for revenge, revenge for resentment.

It's not flattering to stand in the way of someone else's vengeance, and when one of them dies, the war will naturally end.

Kaido looked far away, as if he was not looking at the battlefield, but the distant scenery. After a long time, he suddenly asked.

"Urouge, normal sailing, how to get to Sky Island from Qinghai? How to go to Qinghai from Sky Island?"

"There is a cloud road leading to Qinghai at the top of the west sky, from where you can go to and from Sky Island. In addition, you can also use some special tools to go to Sky Island."

Urouge answered truthfully that there is only one regular route to Sky Island, and the entrance is on a certain route of the Grand Line.

Other methods will be accompanied by great risks, such as leaving Sky Island, you can use a hot air balloon octopus, and the probability of failure is very high.

Kaido nodded slightly, he already knew what Urouge said, but it was not the answer he wanted.

The area of ​​Sky Island is huge, covering all sea areas.

If a route can be opened on Sky Island, then the ships of Beasts Pirates will not need to pass through the dangerous The fish men island route when they go to the four seas.

Moreover, the beast fleet will not only greatly improve its mobility, but also cannot be monitored by the enemy. It can even rush from New World to Naval Headquarters Marineford within a day.

This point is very important.

But it is not easy to open up routes.

"This thing."

Kaido took out a cloud shell, and after pressing it, a large number of floating clouds were ejected from the mouth of the shell, which can be used for trampling.

The channel leading to Qinghai from the top of the west sky is composed of floating clouds.

However, for some reason, as long as Yunbei leaves Sky Island, it will lose its function, and the clouds it ejects will become normal clouds.

"Let Quinn do the research!"

Kaido quickly made up his mind that Quinn is also an excellent scientist, and with a ready-made route as a reference, he can finally figure out some black technology.

After all, in this world, even Coke can be an energy source.

The battle ended quickly. There were only 20 Sandia warriors, and it was impossible to be several times the opponent of the priests. The leader captain was also defeated by Ganfur himself.

To be the "god" of Sky Island, there is no doubt about his strength.

Webb was seriously injured lying on the cloud, covered in bruises.

"Go ahead, kill me!"

"I will not kill you."

Gamfur sighed and signaled the priest to let go of the guerrillas.

"Wei Bo, I hope from the bottom of my heart that we can live in peace. Let's talk after you figure it out!"

Ganfur shook his head, ignored the angrily cursing guerrillas, and turned away with the priests.

He wanted the four hundred years of war to truly come to an end.

Such a benevolent behavior made the priests admire and surprised Kaido who was waiting in the distance.

"Hmm, is this the God of Sky Island?"

"It turned out to be a bitch!"

(end of this chapter)

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