One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 444 The Human Body Is Amazing

Chapter 444 The human body is amazing

"Mr. Kaido is a teacher?"

Looking at the father and daughter who were fighting fiercely, as well as the completely changed glacier landscape affected by the battle, Hong Ling's brain went into a state of shutdown.

Hey, no matter how you look at it, it's not a guide to practice!

"Brother 3, Yamato is vomiting blood!"

"It's just a small injury."

"Brother 3, Yamato was sent flying, even the iceberg was smashed in half!"

"It's just a small injury."

"Brother 3, Yamato's body seems a little twisted?"

"Small injury. Hiss, Chef Hongling, please do me a favor."

When the battle was over, Yamato was unconscious, his body was like a rag, dragging his overturned right leg, sniffing the smell of food, and soon came to the side of Mr.3 and Hongling.

The two had already prepared, and the table made of candles was full of food.


Yamato picked up a large piece of bone-in meat, raised his head and opened his bloody mouth, and threw the meat directly into his mouth.


Throat trembled, and he swallowed it without spit out the bones.

The next moment, the little girl grabbed the big piece of meat again and stuffed it into her mouth, eating faster and faster, like a cooking machine.

A large table full of food disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Chef Hongling, continue cooking!"

"Ah, oh oh!"

Hong Ling has been dumbfounded for a long time, this is the first time she has met such an edible human being!

This is a huge challenge!

Betting on the dignity of the chef, she must fill the stomachs of diners!

"Hey, hey, I brought the ingredients."

Kaido appeared from the direction of the coast, dragging a 100-meter-long sea beast in his hand.

Every time students are given special training, they must do a good job of postoperative recovery. Sea animal meat is the best supplement, which is large and full.

Hong Ling's eyes lit up when he saw the sea beast meat.

"There is no big pot to cook it, well, let's string it up and make it into a whole roast!"

Soon, the sea beast was placed on the grill.

Standing by the grill, Hong Ling took a deep breath and clenched her hands into fists!

"Our family's school is Lie Bengquan, the essence of which is to blast power into the enemy's body to detonate and destroy from the inside out!"


The girl let out a loud cry, and her fists were embedded in the sea beast's flesh. Although nothing could be seen on the surface, the internal tendons ruptured one by one under the burst of strength!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The girl's fists are like phantoms, continuously blasting into the sea beast's flesh!

When the skin of the entire sea beast was hammered, the girl stopped trembling with her arms, and the skin was steaming like a boiled lobster.

"Strength is complete!"

Hongling calls this step "strengthening", just like making meatballs, the beaten meat will taste stronger.

"The next step is to light the fire!"

The girl skillfully handled the ingredients, and soon the fragrance filled the air.


Mr. 3 was dumbfounded. Cooking such a big sea beast in one go is not only as simple as cooking, but also requires sufficient strength.

"Hee hee, this is my martial arts cuisine. In the country of flowers, if you are not good at a few skills, even a chef will be laughed at!"

With her hands behind her back, Hong Ling urged with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, you should be hungry too!"

"I'm really hungry."

Half an hour later, only the bones remained of the huge sea beast barbecue.

Hongling secretly took a look at Kaido, originally thought that Yamato's food intake was unmatched by anyone, but unexpectedly her father was even braver, and 2/3 of the sea beast's meat was eaten by him.

As expected of father and daughter!

Kaido looked over with a smile in his eyes.

"Your cooking is very good."

"Um, thank you."

Hong Ling shrinks her neck guiltily, and turns her gaze to Yamato, with unstoppable worry in her eyes.

Eat too much!

The little girl was full of food and drink, sleeping soundly with her stomach several times bigger than her body, and occasionally grinding her teeth and talking in sleep.


Hong Ling rubbed her eyes.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feels that Yamato's belly is much smaller than before.

"No, it's not an illusion!"

Yamato's stomach full of food was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to the size of a normal person, and the scars all over his body disappeared without a trace.

Fully restored!

"What is the structure of this guy's body!"

Hong Ling gaped in shock.

After following her grandpa for so many years, she has never seen a human being with such terrible resilience, such a serious injury, who can recover from such a serious injury by eating.

"Well, well."

Yamato smacked his mouth, opened his eyes suddenly and sat up, touching himself.

The body is very light, no pain.

"Wow ha ha ha, it's resurrected!"

The little girl jumped up, jumping up and down happily.

After playing for a while, Yamato ran to Hongling with a pitiful look on his face.

"Hongling, I'm hungry."


Didn't you just eat your fill?

Hong Ling shook her head and smiled, and picked up the big spoon.

"Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat that round meat!"

"Yuanyuan, oh, braised lion head."

"What! Is that the head of a lion!"

"Not a lion's head, just a metaphor!"

This time, Yamato's appetite returned to normal. Although he ate a lot, he could barely be regarded as a normal human being.

After filling his stomach, Yamato followed Hong Ling, expecting an invitation: "Hong Ling, you will be the cook on my boat!"

"Are you the captain?"

Hong Ling was very surprised.

Yamato is indeed terrifyingly strong, but it is too early to be a captain at such a young age.

"I am the captain of the Dog Dog Pirates!"

Yamato patted his chest: "Don't worry, I will risk my life to protect you!"

"Thank you, Yamato, but I don't plan to go to sea for now."

Hong Ling shook her head slightly, tactfully refusing.

"My grandfather and I have just returned to the Kingdom of Flowers, and we haven't really settled down yet. Before that, I can't leave my grandfather alone."

Sooner or later, she will go to sea to learn more cooking knowledge and find more delicious ingredients, but the time is not yet.

"That's it."

Yamato was a little bit disappointed, but quickly pulled himself together.

"As long as you help grandpa settle down, you can be my partner, right?"

"That's true, but"

Hongling smiled wryly, how could it be so easy to peacefully integrate into the Kingdom of Flowers.

Yamato didn't think too much, and was full of energy: "After the fight, we'll go find your grandpa and help him settle down!"


Hong Ling sighed helplessly, the girl probably didn't understand what she meant.

"All right!"

Just like visiting grandpa.

After struggling for a while, Hong Ling couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and came to Kaido alone, with a light in her eyes.

"Mr. Kaido, I heard Yamato mention the glowing cuisine before, does it really exist?"

"Well, of course it exists!"

Kaido didn't change his face, even if it didn't exist, he would let it exist.

Hong Ling was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Kaido, why does the prepared food glow? Will it be more delicious?"

"I don't know if it will be more delicious, as for why it glows."

Kaido looked far away, as if recalling the past.

"I remember that cook told me so."

"When handling ingredients, be grateful for them and listen to their voices."

"In the process of cooking, you should also integrate your emotions such as gratitude and happiness into the ingredients, give new meanings to the ingredients, and pass these beautiful emotions to the diners through the ingredients."

"This is the food that shines!"

(end of this chapter)

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