One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 445 Yamato Vs Green Pepper

Chapter 445 Yamato VS Green Pepper

After waiting for a long time, the Eight Treasures Navy finally arrived.

Unlike in the martial arts hall before, this time the Eight Treasures Navy is fully armed, as if it is an attitude to deal with war.

When they found Kaido and his group resting, they immediately rushed forward and surrounded them, raising their guns.


Load and load!

"Ha ho ho ho ho!"

The leader, Qingjiao, walked out of the crowd, his eyes were wide open, and his face was like a ghost.

He hurried back to the martial arts gym, only to see that all his children were injured.

How can you not be angry!

The identity of the enemy has been ascertained, it is the Four Emperors Kaido from New World, who is far above the Eight Treasures Navy in terms of strength and prestige.

But things cannot end so easily.

The other party actually went to the Ice Continent to try for his treasure!

It is tolerable, what is unbearable!


Qingjiao clasped his hands together angrily, and his white beard moved without wind.

Even if he dies here today, he still has to maintain the dignity of the Eight Treasures Navy, so let's ask for an explanation!

"Kaido, the Eight Treasures Navy has no enmity with the Beasts Pirates, but you have come all the way from New World to kick the gym, what is your intention!"


Kaido smiled.

"I was invited to the Kingdom of Flowers. I happened to be very interested in the various schools of the Kingdom of Flowers, so I followed the traditions of the Kingdom of Flowers. Is there a problem?"


Green Pepper suppressed his anger.

The Country of Flowers is also known as the Country of Kung Fu. There are countless schools of martial arts. Even ordinary people learn a few kung fu in their spare time.

There are many genres, and no one is convinced. The culture of kicking the hall was born, and it is deeply recognized by the warriors of the country of flowers, and ordinary people also like it very much.

He wasn't angry because of the kick.

If you are not good at learning, you can only blame yourself!

"It's true that there is nothing wrong with kicking the hall, but with your reputation and strength, don't you feel ashamed to take action against a group of little dolls!"

"Using the big to bully the small? Uh, Qingjiao, you seem to have misunderstood something, I didn't make a move."

Kaido was amused and pointed at his daughter who was sitting at the table eating dessert.

"It's her who kicked the pavilion!"


Qingjiao looked at the young Yamato along the line of sight, and froze in place, his face flushed immediately.

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

How could a mere hairy girl defeat hundreds of warriors from the Eight Treasures Navy!

Wait, Kaido can't be this stupid.

Did he read it wrong, Kaido is not referring to the little girl?

Qingjiao moved his eyes and passed over Yamato. When he saw Mr. 3 sitting opposite Yamato and drinking tea calmly, his heart shivered!

Surrounded by hundreds of people from the Eight Treasures Navy, you can still drink tea without changing your face. This kind of demeanor is rare!

And, so elegant!

Whether it's the slightly raised corners of the mouth, the look in the eyes that everything is under control, or the elegant and noble behavior, it all shows that the other party is not simple.

Breath of the strong!

it's him!

Qingjiao's eyes were fixed, and he strode towards the candle tea table with big strides. His thick arms were bulging with veins like small snakes, which could explode at any time!

Seeing Qingjiao approaching, Yamato immediately stood up, hands on hips and laughed.

"Wahhahaha, that's right, the one who kicked the gym is me!"


The green pepper fell on the ice, causing a burst of exclamation.


"It's okay, slippery feet!"

Qingjiao got up with a blushing complexion.

After so many years of walking in the rivers and lakes, I actually lost my sight!

He coughed lightly, and asked in a low voice to his son next to him uncertainly: "Cai Mao, is she the one who kicked the gym?"

"It's her!"

Cai Mao touched his bandaged forehead, and reminded with lingering fear: "Master, she is very powerful, so don't be careless!"

"You bastard, to be frightened by a hairy girl is really embarrassing to the Eight Treasures Navy!"

Qingjiao reprimanded her son angrily, and then looked at the little girl who was shaking her fist, feeling a little embarrassed.

He came here to find a place, but if he made a move on such a young girl, if it got out, there would be no place to put his face.

"Wow ha ha ha, bald grandpa!"

Yamato excitedly punched the air to warm up, and couldn't wait to say: "My lord father said, as long as you defeat you, you can take away the plaque of Hachoucho Hall!"


It's not enough to beat up his subordinates, but also to take off his family's plaque!

Yamato continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Grandpa Bald, after he defeats you, can the treasure here be taken away?"

She is not very interested in treasures, but she has been by her father's side all the time, and she has learned a little from his father's methods.

Putting treasures under the ice is a waste, and only by spending them can their value be reflected.

Wait, she thought of a great idea to spend money!


Qingjiao's eyes were bloodshot, and his last sanity was gone.

Not only wanting his family's plaque, but also taking away treasures that are more important than his life. There are such evil people in the world!

Although he can't open the ice now, seeing the treasures under the ice every day is also the supreme happiness, but this remaining happiness will be taken away.


Qingjiao pointed his head at Yamato, and charged angrily: "Mao girl, with the hatred of being robbed of the treasure, I will smash you to pieces!"

"Hey, don't bump into this side suddenly!"

Yamato was anxious, Hong Ling and Mr. 3 were behind him, if he got out of the way, the two of them would definitely be affected.

The green pepper didn't care, and ran faster!

"Hahahahaha, it's too late to regret!"

"Bastard old man!"

The little girl was furious, she grabbed the iron rod wrapped around lightning and went up to meet it!

"Eight Punch Fist Wutou!"

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

The iron rod collided with the weapon head, and there was a "boom", and a large number of black lightning spread around!


The eight-treasure sailors waiting in full force were foaming at the mouth and lost consciousness. In a blink of an eye, more than half of them fell to the ground!

"Conqueror's Shock!"

The soldiers who could still stand were covered in cold sweat, and they were beyond shocked.

"This girl actually has one too!"

Only one Conqueror's owner can be born in a million people, which represents indisputable strength!

"Hahohohoho, little girl, is this your hole card!"

Qingjiao held the iron bar, laughed and stretched her legs, and moved forward.

"It's too tender!"


Yamato's body moved backwards, and his power was obviously at a disadvantage.

She is too young, and her body is still a long way from the peak. She is enough to deal with ordinary opponents, but she is not enough to face veteran strongmen such as Qingjiao.


Heels touched the dining table!

Hong Ling looked at Yamato's back and was terrified.

"Brother 3, are we really not going to get out of the way?"

"No, the captain won't lose, we just need to wait quietly."

Mr.3 picked up the teacup and calmly told the truth.

Having been at the academy for several years, he knows better than anyone how good Yamato is, and this difficulty is nothing.

She is Kaido's daughter!

"Thank you, 3!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yamato smiled happily.

The next moment, the little girl's teeth gradually became sharper, and white hair grew on her body!

The power is pouring in continuously!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The little girl roared furiously, and the iron rod sent out circles of Haki shocks!

"Eight Chong Fist · Blade Impact!"


The leader, Qingjiao, was blown away!

(end of this chapter)

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