One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 459 Vegapunk's Argument

Chapter 459 Vegapunk's Argument

"Should I also plant spies?"

Kaido rubbed his chin, thinking about the possibility of planting spies.

The good-looking Pirate World has become Infernal Affairs abruptly. If you don't train a few spies, you will be embarrassed to say hello to people when you go out.

Speaking of which, there are countless spies of hostile forces in our regiment, and there are too many people, which will inevitably give the enemy an opportunity.

"Hmm, interesting."

Kaido laughed.

Stussy revealed her identity, presumably to gain his trust. Anyway, the woman has an unclear relationship with him, and she can barely be regarded as a close person.

He felt the sincerity of Vegapunk this time.

Leaving other things aside, he really trusted Stussy a lot, and the possibility of a woman backstabbing him in the future will be greatly reduced, and she can even be used by him.

Kaido raised his legs happily.

"Vegapunk sent you here for Ohara's legacy, right?"


Stussy nodded and said, "The doctor can't leave Egghead."

"I see."

Kaido can understand that it is impossible for the World government to let Vegapunk run around, let alone let Vegapunk go to the territory of beasts.

When he was in the Golden City before, Kizaru had conveyed Vegapunk's willingness to seek knowledge, and later urged him through the loan shark king Du Feld.

But he is very busy and has not kept the appointment.

It seems that Vegapunk was waiting anxiously, and he might have mistakenly thought that he was unwilling to go to the appointment. In order to gain his trust, he even "sent" Stussy to him.

"Stussy, I'm confused."

Kaido propped his chin with his hands and asked, "Why is Vegapunk so obsessed with Ohara's knowledge?"


Stussy thought back to her meeting with the doctor not long ago, and the doctor had anticipated all the questions Kaido might ask and gave the answers.

"There is a reason why the Doctor chose to establish his new institute in Egghead, New World."

"200 years ago, a gigantic iron giant attacked the holy place of Mariejois. No one knows where it came from or why it attacked."

"After the incident subsided, the World government ordered the destruction of the Iron Giant, but the scientists who were eager for knowledge hid it, and the location was Egghead."

"The doctor studied the Iron Giant, and the conclusion he came to shocked him. The Iron Giant is a technological achievement from eight hundred years ago!"

"Even with the knowledge of a doctor, it is impossible to thoroughly study the technology contained in the Iron Giant, and the only place that can give the answer is Ohara!"

Ohara is a world-famous archaeological holy land and the place with the most knowledge in the world, even ancient texts can be interpreted.

That's where the knowledge of ancient technology is most likely to be hidden, which is why Vegapunk is obsessed with Ohara's legacy.

"I see."

Kaido nodded slightly.

As a scientist, the desire for knowledge of the new system is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he does not know how eager Vegapunk is.

But understand.

However, understanding is not enough.

Kaido shook his head: "Ohara's legacy is an incomparably precious resource of knowledge, which now fills the library of Baeksho Academy and cannot be given to Egghard."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Stussy took out a special phone bug, which seemed to be modified, and the shell was all mechanical.

"This phone bug is the doctor's eye, just let it read all the books, and then let it go!"


Kaido frowned.

Vegapunk couldn't leave, so special messaging tools were made, which did solve the problem without worrying about being discovered by the government.

But in doing so, how to get enough benefits from Vegapunk.

You can't give it away for nothing.

"Stussy, what can I get?"

"A Vegapunk!"

Stussy's eyes flickered, no one could refuse this reward!

"What's the meaning???"

Kaido froze for a moment, with question marks all over his head.

What does one mean?

Is Vegapunk calculated on a case-by-case basis?

Impossible, Quinn and Guy didn't tell him about it.

Stussy explained: "The ability user of the doctor who ate the brain fruit, as the amount of knowledge increases, his head will continue to grow, and now he is as tall as a giant, and his movements are very troublesome."


The image of a super big-headed doll automatically appeared in Kaido's mind, and he didn't know how to complain.

An ability with such a large side effect is quite rare.

Stussy continued: "So the doctor intends to cut off the head, store it in Egghead, and use part of the brain tissue to create a clone."


Kaido slow~slow~slow~slow~ nods.

Incomprehensible, but greatly shocked.

He can understand cloning, but slicing the head to create a clone is really outrageous and cannot be more outrageous.

In comparison, Quinn's physical transformation and Guy's Smile are simply weak!

"Okay, the contract is reached!"

Pacifist, Seraph, Replica of Dragon Fruit

Originally, he had a lot of treasures he wanted, but compared to Vegapunk's avatar, the value of these treasures is a hair on Jiu Niu's body, what a fart!

Kaido took the mechanical phone bug with a smile on his face: "I can arrange this now, so when will the clone of Vegapunk be delivered?"

"Not in the short term."

Stussy shook his head and explained softly: "After the doctor's rigorous calculations, the success rate of head separation surgery is only 98%. In order to ensure 100% success, the doctor needs more ancient knowledge."


Kaido's smile faded away.

It turned out that I wanted to pay on credit!

Stussy added: "Also, the doctor has been closely monitored. Even if a clone is created, you need to go to Egghead to take it out yourself."


Kaido sneered.

Not only do you have to get on the bus first, but you also have to go to the other party's home to make up for the fare.

The risk of going to Egghead is not low, it is a key protection target of the World government!

He now seriously doubts whether Vegapunk is trying to deceive him, and then come to catch a turtle in the urn, and then work with him to study a new blood drawing project.

After pondering for a long time, Kaido nodded slowly.

"I agree."

If Vegapunk really dares to play him, then he will sink Egghead into the sea!

Stussy breathed a sigh of relief.

To others, Ohara's legacy may be nothing more than books, but to Dr. Vegapunk, it is more important than anything.

I can't sleep well!

"Wait me a moment."

Kaido got up to leave, and returned quickly, placing a boxy alloy on the table.

"Stussy, pass this thing on to Vegapunk, I'm sure he'll love it."

"This is?"

Stussy picked up the alloy cube and instinctively noticed something strange.

As a perfect clone created by Vegapunk, she has been exposed to scientific knowledge since she was a child, and she can also be regarded as a scientist.

She had never seen this kind of alloy!

Kaido raised the corner of his mouth and didn't answer.

As long as this thing is used in industry, it will be discovered by the World Government sooner or later. Just like seastone, it cannot be hidden.

It is better to take it out directly and sell it at a high price a little bit.

Gotta prepare a bride price for Vegapunk!

(end of this chapter)

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