One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 460 The Newcomer Of The Beasts

Chapter 460 The Newcomer of the Beasts

The ghost festival is over, the guests, including Stussy, are leaving, and the Beasts Pirates sideshow has just begun.

Behind the ghost island, there is a large martial arts arena.

The surrounding stands were crowded with warriors of all kinds of beasts, all shouting wildly.

After each ghost festival, Beasts Pirates will hold a big martial arts performance, which is the best opportunity for promotion, and will also determine the status and treatment in the group for the next year.

Just after dawn, the Martial arts arena was divided into sections, each of which had more than a dozen fighters fighting in melee, and blood and death were staged at every moment.

In the northern tower of the arena, Kaido is sitting in the main seat, and beside him are three big kanbans, as well as cadres such as Fei Liubao. There are a total of forty or fifty people.

Most of them are Zoan ability users!

"Master Kaido, I want to challenge Quinn!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

Babanuki, Holdem, Blue Wing.

The three challenged Quinn by name.

According to the normal order of challenges, they should challenge Lili and Gong Si, but the three of them didn't even look at the two women.

Compared with the volley nine sons, the position of the big kanban is more attractive.

"Challenge me?!"

Quinn was stunned for a while, and when he realized what had happened, he was angry and pointed at Babanuki with grief and indignation.

"Babanuki, even you!"

It doesn't matter if others challenge him, Babanuki was his capable confidant before!

Babanuki said calmly: "Master Quinn, everyone in the group speaks for their strength, and challenging you is a natural choice."


Quinn was furious and asked, "Then why don't you challenge Moria and Jhin!"


The three were silent.

They also want to challenge the other two big Kanbans, but they are too strong to be opponents, and they still have self-knowledge.

Jhin and Moria crossed their arms and taunted Quinn unceremoniously.

"Stop yelling, the one at the end of the crane."

"Hehehe, Jhin is right, the one at the end of the crane."

"You two bastards, who is at the end of the crane!"

The three of them quarreled.

Babanuki turned to Kaido and asked, "Master Kaido, please approve."

"Well, no problem, but don't worry."

Kaido complied.

If you want to challenge the big Kanban, you must get his permission. In addition to maintaining the status of the top cadre, it is also to prevent people from being overwhelmed.

Even if they were all members of Hundred Beasts, they would be ruthless in the fight. In the arena below, there have been many casualties.

"Babanuki, and you, first keep your position, and then you are qualified to challenge Quinn!"

Kaido pointed to the arena below, where there are many good players, eyeing the position of Fei Liubao!

Everyone was shocked.

They knew very well that Master Kaido would not be aimless, since he reminded them to be careful, it meant that there must be newcomers who could threaten Fei Liubao!

"Who will it be?"

Everyone stood on the edge of the tower, carefully observing the arena, and soon found many strong people.

One of them turned into a centaur, bouncing around, and easily kicked all the dozen opponents out of the arena!

"It's Speed!"

For Speed, everyone has an impression.

As a young soldier in the regiment, Speed's bow and kick skills are quite good, and he also got a powerful horse and horse fruit.

They remembered that Speed ​​was studying at Baishu College before, but now he appeared in the arena, probably graduating.

"Look, Sasaki is here!"

Speed ​​is not the only key training object.

In another arena, Sasaki was standing on the edge, holding a water polo in his hand.

"Murloc Karate Yabuma!"

The water polo was thrown forward, and instantly turned into dense water droplets covering everyone, as powerful as a bullet!


Amidst the screams, more than a dozen fierce opponents all fell to the ground.

"So strong!"

The real fighters looked dignified, defeating more than a dozen elites with one move, even they were very difficult to do, and the moves they used were very rare.

In addition to the two who just graduated, there are many strong people.

"Sorry, I'm very interested in the location of Fei Liubao."

Beat was playing with two guns, behind him was a fallen soldier.

He was still a supernova back then, and when he entered New World, he was about to show off his skills, but unfortunately he bumped into the boss of Kaido.

It was an unforgettable day!

Afterwards, he went to Baishou Academy with the boss of Kaido, and served as a training partner for the students. It was not until the overlord of Sky Island, Squidward Brother, learned Haki, that his guarding work was successfully completed.

Originally, he thought about setting up his own family, but the treatment of Beasts was so good that his crew members were reluctant to leave, so they stayed.

In order to let the subordinates who follow him live better, status is still needed, and Fei Liubao, who is neither high nor low, is quite good.

"Hmph, no matter what I said back then, I was also a hot supernova, more than enough to serve as the Flying Six Cells!"

Beat raised his hand to poke the cowboy hat, looked at the tower to the north, and showed a provocative smile.

It is also a hard practice to practice as a partner for students. Those students are all like monsters, and many of them are even stronger than him!

Under the urging of his students, he has become stronger several times, and he is still handy against a few reckless people.

"Very arrogant!"

Babanuki and the others stared at Beate coldly. Over the years, it is not uncommon for supernovas to join Beasts, but no one who can defeat them has yet appeared.

However, Beat is not alone in the threat.

"There's trouble, look over there!"

Holdem pointed to an area, and the others looked at it immediately, their eyes became more serious.

"It's him!"

The same supernova, the opponent is ten times more dangerous than Beate, a real threat!

"Strange Monk Urouge!"

When the Golden City opened, Babanuki fought Urouge and defeated Urouge.

But Urouge at that time was just a supernova who had just entered the New World, and he didn't even have Haki.

But now Urouge.

"The uncrowned champion of the Golden City! The king of fighting who has won a thousand games in a row!"

Almost every night, Urouge fought fiercely in the biggest arena in the Golden City, defeating countless powerful players.

Even if you stay on Onijima, you can hear rumors about the other party.

Records don't lie!

In the arena, Urouge looked up at the tower, surrounded by a dozen soldiers behind him, but he didn't notice it.

"Get rid of the strange monk first!"

Facing the rumored fighting champion, it is self-evident to bear the pressure. Only by working together can it be possible to defeat the opponent.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The soldiers rushed towards Urouge with roars, and when the distance got closer, more than a dozen blades slashed at Urouge's back with all their strength!


The blade breaks!

"How can it be!"

The pupils of the warriors constricted, their weapons wrapped around Haki!

What the hell is this guy's body made of!

Urouge didn't turn his head, still looking at the tower.

"Mr. Kaido, according to the original agreement, I came to drink with you!"

(end of this chapter)

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