One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 473 The Fall Of The G-5 Branch

Chapter 473 The Fall of the G-5 Branch

New World, G-5 branch.

Large or small, a dozen or so beast warships surrounded the G-5 branch, and the sea soldiers dared not stand up for the intensive fire bombing.

Babanuki took a loudspeaker bug, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Listen, sailors inside, you have nowhere to go, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"


The waves exploded over the side of the boat!

The response to the beasts was the artillery fire from the G-5 branch!

"Damn pirate, don't underestimate justice!"

"You are nothing but the scum of the sea, and we are the righteous Marines. How could justice yield to evil!"

"Bastard pirate, go home and eat shit!"

"Hahaha, if you don't leave, Laozi will beat you until you cry and call mom, big nose."

Beautiful vocabulary emerges endlessly.

The school officials in the fortress held a loudspeaker phone and scolded each other across the air. Although they were beaten so hard that they didn't dare to show their heads, they were not timid in the slightest.

Because they are soldiers of the G-5 branch!

The worst sailors in the entire Marine are here!

They are aliens in the Marine, and behave more like pirates. Even the Marines of other branches are distasteful to be with them.

Even so, they have their own justice, and they will never surrender to pirates because they are greedy for life and afraid of death!

"Hmph, how ridiculous!"

Babanuki sneered and took out a stack of IOUs.

"Vice Admiral, the head of the G-5 base, in the past two years, you have accompanied Momousagi Vice Admiral to the Golden City for consumption many times, and owed a huge sum of 460 million Baileys."

"Adjutant Yarisch Commodore, you owe 86 million Baileys in the Golden City!"

"Colonel Kadak, owed 69 million Baileys!"

"Rocco Lieutenant Junior Grade."

A piece of IOUs made the faces of the sailors in the fortress change drastically.

They are not good at obeying laws and regulations, but they know how to eat, drink and have fun!

Golden City has driven to the vicinity of the G-5 branch many times. Faced with the temptation of feasting and feasting, and the refreshing feeling of credit, they really couldn't help it.

Basically, all sailors in the base are burdened with arrears, or high arrears.

It shouldn't be their fault, it's mainly because the Golden City is so much fun!

Babanuki dismissed the sarcasm.

"As a Marine, you are addicted to eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and owe a huge amount of debt. Is this your justice?"



The sailors pretended to be calm, and some whistled to hide their panic.

Even Vice Admiral, the chief of the base, shrank his neck guiltily and pretended not to hear, unable to refute!

Except when he went to the Golden City for the first time, he owed a huge sum of 200 million yuan in a daze, and the rest of the arrears were spent while conscious.

Or pay for love.

The tea dolphin burst into tears, Miss Gion is really good at spending money!

"A bunch of cowards!"

Babanuki sneered.

With Marine's salary, I will pay off these arrears all my life, even the interest.

If the IOU is handed over to the government, he will definitely be charged with bad behavior, deprived of his military rank is a light one, and maybe he will be sent to the Enies Lobby for trial, and then imprisoned in Impel down.

After all, there is too much owed!

Babanuki waved the IOU.

"Boss Kaido specifically explained that as long as you give up your resistance, all the debts owed will be canceled and no one will be killed."

"If you resist to the end, these IOUs will be sent to Celestial Dragons. Don't doubt, those world nobles often go to the Golden City to play!"

"Hmph, by then, what awaits you is not as simple as Impel down!"

Celestial Dragons?

The sea soldiers who were able to keep calm just now are really panicking now. They are not new Marines, and they don't know the horror of Celestial Dragons.

If the stain falls into the hands of the Celestial Dragons, the most likely outcome is definitely slavery, which is worse than death!

"Do not make jokes!"

Lieutenant Yarischi held the trumpet: "Do you think we will believe the pirate's promise?"

"You seem to have made a mistake."

It was not Babanuki who answered, but the purple-haired woman who appeared at the top of the fortress, looking down at them with indifferent eyes.

With her appearance, the sky darkened, and rolling black clouds enveloped the entire sea area.


Thunder poured down like rain!

"Silver Lily!"

Until this moment, the soldiers in the base finally recognized each other's identity.

The G-5 branch is located in New World, and the objects of concern are naturally New World pirates, especially the strongest Four Emperors.

Silver Lily, offering a bounty of 600 million Baileys!

The other party was originally the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, but later joined the Beasts Pirates for unknown reasons and became a core cadre, code-named "Concubine Lei"!

Power is the strongest Logia, Thunder Fruit!

In addition, there is another piece of information to be confirmed, Lei Fei is very likely to be the daughter of "Pluton" Silver Rayleigh!


The dense thunderbolts fell and fell on the surroundings, scaring many sailors to hiss and scream.

For Thunder, human beings have a natural awe!

Lily's eyes gleamed with thunder, and the giant brontosaurus formed by the thunder and lightning stayed behind, which was exactly the same shape as Kaido.

"It is because of Kaido-sama's kindness that you can survive until now!"

"Master Kaido still has use for keeping you, so he gave you a chance to surrender, but this is not your bargaining capital."

"If you are stubborn, then destroy it along with this base!"

With the absorption of thunder, the size of the purple thunder dragon is getting bigger and bigger, and the energy it contains is getting more and more terrifying!

The sailors' faces were pale, and they had no doubts about the threat of the other party. The fall of such a huge brontosaurus could destroy the G-5 branch in an instant.

"what to do?"

"Find the Tea Dolphin Vice Admiral!"

"Not good, Vice Admiral was struck by lightning!"

Vice Admiral, the base's top officer, was lying behind them, charred and smoking.

All eyes fell on Commodore Yarisch, who now holds the highest official position.

"I'm in a very upset mood right now, I'll give you three seconds to make a decision."

Lily's eyes were cold.

This time the beasts launched a large-scale war, Kaido-sama personally fought against Eggherd, and Quinn was in charge of the research institute Punk Hazard.

The rest of the islands are decided by lottery.

She drew the next lottery, so she was in a bad mood.

She wants to stay with Lord Kaido, or draw the G-14 branch next to Egherd, not the farthest G-5 branch!



The icy countdown echoes in the fortress!

"Stop, stop, we surrender!"

Commodore Yarisch immediately put down his weapon and raised his hands to surrender. Such a scene stunned many sailors who were about to die.

Although their style is corrupt, but in terms of backbone, they will never lose to anyone!

"team leader!"

"Shut up, put down your weapons!"

Yarisch shouted angrily, fearing that his subordinates would act irrationally.

Even Vice Admiral, a mighty tea dolphin, has fallen. Surviving is the most important thing now.

The headquarters has received the message for help, and it won't be long before the supporting warship will arrive at G-5, and then is the time to fight desperately with all the beasts!

(end of this chapter)

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