Chapter 474

In less than half a day, the news of the fall of the G-5 branch was sent back to Naval Headquarters. Not long after, the G-14 branch also lost contact!

The situation is precarious.

Meanwhile, the fleet led by Marshal Marine Kong is still on its way at full speed, and it will take at least several hours to reach Aigherd.

In the meeting room of the warship, three Marine veterans sat at the table.

Chief Staff Officer He sighed: "Kaido has planned it for a long time!"


Sora kept a cold face and didn't reply.

He knew what Crane meant, and the Beasts Pirates wouldn't have been so arrogant if Marine hadn't distributed their main force across the seas.

It is his strategy of peace in the world that gave Kaido a chance to grow and develop, and now it is causing Marine to fall into crisis.

Crane sighed, disappointed in his heart.

One wrong step, every step is lost.

Kong is about to be promoted to the commander-in-chief of the entire army, leaving the Marine system. It is understandable to think about his own future, but he underestimates the threat of the Four Emperors.

It is Marine who bears the consequences!

In the G-5 and G-14 branches, I don’t know how many sailors will die in the artillery fire of the beasts. The remaining sailors can only pray for the support from the non-existent headquarters to come sooner.

Tsuru was upset and looked at Sengoku.

"Sengoku, I don't understand something."

"Don't understand what?"

Sengoku's heart sank, Crane was much smarter than him, and he wouldn't aim at nothing.

He frowned, and instinctively told her that something terrible was about to happen, but no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure out which link went wrong.

"Why did Kaido do it now?"

That's her question.

Marine has been focusing on the four seas for more than a year. For such a long time, if Kaido intends to attack Marine, it is enough to start several wars.

So, why wait until now?


Sengoku and Sora frowned, unable to think of anything special.

"Maybe it's a coincidence?"

"It can't be a coincidence!"

He slowly shook his head: "After Roger's death, the Beasts Pirates rose rapidly, relying not only on force!"

Sengoku and Sora nodded slowly.

It's not as simple as force, the action of Beasts Pirates is not to fight for territory, but to build an empire!

Normal pirates don't spend their minds on managing their territory, but Beast not only manages their own territory in an orderly manner, but also extends their hands to all sea areas through trade and other means.

Because of this, the Beasts Pirates became the strongest Four Emperors pirate group in less than ten years, and their overall strength was even more terrifying than the Whitebeard pirate group.

As the captain, Kaido is definitely not as simple as a reckless man!

"Kaido is very shrewd, and the war against Marine is definitely not a rash action, so the timing of the war must have a special purpose."

"That's right!"

Sengoku's heart beat faster.

What Crane said was correct, such a large-scale war action must have been planned for a long time, so the time of the war must have a deep meaning.

That is profitable!

The three fell into deep thought.

Beasts Pirates are out in force, and basically all the cards are played, so what factors will have a favorable impact on Beasts.

I can't figure it out!

Crane hesitated for a moment, and doubted: "Do you think it is possible that Kaido deliberately lured us out, and then attacked the headquarters, and even the Holy Land Mariejois!"

There is a word called Tiaohulishan!

This is the greatest possibility that Crane can think of.

Vegapunk is the most important wealth of the World government, if it is taken away by Kaido, it will definitely trigger an all-out war.

There's no way Kaido didn't know this!

From the standpoint of the pirates, there is no reason to head-on with the World government. The best result is that both sides will suffer.


Sengoku and Sora paled.

Kaido has no reason to attack the Holy Land, even if he and his aunt had made a scene in the Holy Land before, they were only outside the Holy Land and did not dare to do too much.

As for Naval Headquarters, there is no treasure to rob, even if it is destroyed, it will not bring much benefit to Kaido, at most it will add some prestige.

The fame of the Four Emperors has long been overflowing.

"I'm just guessing, too."

Crane shook his head.

In terms of emotion and reason, she doesn't think Kaido will attack the headquarters and the holy land, but just finds a reasonable motive for Kaido to go to war now.

"When you meet Kaido, you'll know why!"

New World, G-14 branch!

"We surrender!"

Under the leadership of Rear Admiral, the 1,000 sailors of the G-14 branch put down their weapons and surrendered without any resistance.

There was a war between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. After the war, the G-14 branch sailors became hostages.

Originally, they had a chance to survive, but in order to capture Kaido, the headquarters Marine not only abandoned them, but also opened fire on the enemy ship they were on.

All G-14 sailors will never forget this incident!

The headquarters betrayed them!

So now, they give up resistance and surrender to the Beasts Pirates!

But there's still a Marine fighting!

G-14 Base Chief, Momousagi Vice Admiral!


Momousagi was gasping for breath, the hand holding the famous sword Kimpira was trembling, her opponent was a man with black wings!

"King of Flame", Jhin!

Jhin took the burning Yan Mo and walked towards Momousagi step by step.

"Surrender, you have no chance."

"How will you know if you don't try!"

Momousagi gritted her teeth, in a dilemma.

After a short fight, she knew that she was no match for Jhin, and all the G-14 sailors surrendered.

She was left to fight alone.

When her physical strength is exhausted, she will be slaughtered!

As for support?

Impossible to have support!

She and the tea dolphin are very clear that Marine doesn't have that many troops.

Even if Sengoku Admiral is dispatched, it will not give priority to supporting the G-14 branch. Compared with other important research islands, the lives of 1,000 sailors in the branch are the cheapest.

The situation of being abandoned by the headquarters has already happened once, so Dole Rear Admiral and the others will surrender decisively!

Jin's gaze gradually turned cold, and the flames wrapped around Yan Mo rose instantly, and transformed into deadly black flames!

"I don't want to kill you if I can."

Boss Kaido has ordered that try not to kill the sailors of the branch. These guys are likely to become members of the Beasts in the future, and no matter how bad they are, they can be exchanged for ransom.

Momousagi's eyes fell on Heiyan, and he felt a palpitation just by looking at it. If he was touched by Heiyan, it might not be as simple as a burn.

After a long silence, she asked a question.

"Does what you just said count?"


Jhin was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant.

"It's an IOU!"

Momousagi pretended to be calm: "Just now you said that as long as you surrender, the money owed will be written off, so it should still count?"


Jhin silently put away the black flame.

Since the woman asked so, it meant that she was ready to surrender.

"Wait a moment."

He turned around to greet his subordinates, and quickly got Momousagi's IOU. When he saw the series of zeros on it, he couldn't help but catch his breath!

After a long time without a response, Momousagi was rather anxious.

The Golden City is an independent country recognized by the World Government and is protected by the laws of the World Government, so the debts it owes absolutely cannot be repaid.

The problem is that she owes more and more, unknowingly breaking through the 1 billion Bailey mark, and she can't afford to sell herself!

If surrender can clear the debt, no matter how you think about it, it will be a good deal.

No matter how powerful the Beasts Pirates are, it is impossible to eliminate Marine, and Marine has nothing to do with Beasts, so the most likely outcome of this war is an anticlimactic end.

Surrender is a safe choice.

As long as the war is over, the World government or Marine will inevitably spend money to redeem themselves, just enough to clear the huge debts.

Kill two birds with one stone.

What's more, she has fought hard, but she can't beat it, and even if she can defeat Jhin, there is still an army of beasts outside.

You can't die here in vain!

Momousagi put Kimpiro away, emphasizing with his hands on his hips.

"Hey, keep your word!"


Jhin hesitated for a moment, looking at the large numbers on the IOU, his eyes twitched, wondering how this woman owed so much money.

With a bang, the flame ignited and burned the IOU to ashes.

(end of this chapter)

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