One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 502 Backstab From The World Government!

Chapter 502 Backstab from the World government!

On the deck of the warship, Weibull was paralyzed on the ground like rags, his bones were shattered, and there was not a single intact part of his body.

If there is no one to treat him, he will undoubtedly die.

Next to his head, Zephyr exuded a black mist-like icy aura, once again clenched his bloody fist!

Only by crushing the opponent's head can the dead disciple be comforted!


The Black Arm that swung down was caught.

"Enough is enough, Senior Zephyr."

The masked man appears next to Zephyr and holds Zephyr's Black Arm in one hand, preventing him from killing Weible.


"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A series of figures appeared on the deck.

In addition to CP0, there are also generals from the headquarters who came to support!

Sengoku, Crane, Garp.

This place was originally near the headquarters, and when they received the news that the training ship had been attacked, the three rushed over at full speed.

Not just colleagues, they're Zephyr's best friends!

Zephyr didn't say a word, the grasped left arm bulged with blue veins, his strength exploded again, and he punched down forcefully!

CP0 frowned, stamped his right foot on the ground, and vines grew wildly from the ground, entwining Zephyr's fist.

The fist slowly stopped above Weibull's forehead, and it only needs to go down a few centimeters to smash Weibull's head.

But the strength is exhausted.

"Cha la la, Senior Zephyr, execution is not your duty!"

The captain of CP0 snorted coldly, and immediately other CP members stepped forward and forcibly took the unconscious Weibull away.

Sengoku and others watched this scene silently without stopping.

Before they depart, CP0 arrives at Naval Headquarters and informs them that the Weibull matter is in the hands of the World government and Marine is forbidden to intervene.

Intuition told them that CP0 was here to save Weibull.

But they have no right to stop.

When CP0 left with Weibull, the three veterans came to Zephyr's side, looking at Zephyr's lost right arm, their hearts sank in unison.

When they heard the news of the call for help, they couldn't believe that Zephyr's arm would be cut off, because they knew that with Zephyr's strength and combat experience, it was impossible to lose to Weibull, let alone the strongest Black Arm!


Garp urged: "Zephyr, we will return to the headquarters immediately. With the medical level of the headquarters, we will definitely be able to connect your arm."


Zephyr looked up at the sky, the raindrops fell on his face, and quickly fell down, washing the Bloodline on his body.

He raised the remaining broken arm, and tears rolled down his face.

"This is the punishment I deserve."

He can't even protect the students, what's the use of this Black Arm!


Garp was rather impatient, and just wanted to persuade him, but he was stopped by the crane.

"Tsuru, you?"

"Be quiet."

Crane frowned and shook his head.

Garp shut his mouth, not because of Crane's words, but because he saw Zephyr's tearful face.

Zephyr walked slowly, came to the side of the tragic recruit's body, knelt down in a pool of blood, and burst into tears.

"They're still teenagers."

As the general Instructor of Marine, many of his students died in the fight with pirates. Every time he hears the news, he feels very sad.

But those students have become official sailors, they died for justice, and they are his proud disciples.

But this time all the dead were children, and the youngest were only twelve or thirteen years old, and they were still looking forward to the future.


The man's cries echoed across the sea.


Days passed by.

The attack on the Marine training ship seemed to be deliberately suppressed, without causing any fluctuations.

Except for the person involved and the top Marines, the Marines of the other headquarters didn't even know about it. Every time a general meets Zephyr, he will be shocked.

Former Marine Admiral Zephyr lost his arm, no small matter!

However, they were soon ordered not to discuss the matter.

The recruits also returned to Naval Headquarters and stayed in the training camp for training. After Mr. Zephyr handled the funeral of his dead companion, he never showed up. No one knew where he went.

Enies Lobby.

As one of the three core institutions of the world government, the most important duty of Enies Lobby is to try prisoners.

As long as anyone is taken to Enies Lobby, he must have been identified as a criminal, and there has never been a verdict of innocence in the 800-year history.

The innermost part of the Enies Lobby, the Tower of Justice.

This is the most important administrative place of Enies Lobby, including the presiding judge Baskerville, who works in the judicial tower on weekdays.

In the office, the presiding judge held his forehead with a headache.

"Mr. Zephyr, I really haven't received the trial notice about the pirate Weibull. I also forwarded your application to it, but there has been no reply so far."

"Judge, there must be something wrong here!"

Zephyr scowled.

Weibull is a criminal with a high reward. According to the normal process, he will be sent to the Enies Lobby for trial first, and then sent to the sixth floor of Impel down.

Coupled with Weibull's attack on the training ship, the crime is even more unforgivable!

However, he waited in Enies Lobby for more than half a month, and he did not wait for the news of the trial, and there was even no news of Weibull's trial at all.

For this reason, he specially wrote a letter, requesting the World government to send Weibull to Enies Lobby for trial. Regardless of the military rank or the identity of the party involved, he is qualified to request such a request.

But the letter was lost.

I came to the presiding judge's office more than a dozen times, reminding me every day, but I didn't get an accurate answer. I either asked him to wait patiently, or didn't respond directly.

The presiding judge sighed helplessly, and persuaded: "Mr. Zephyr, why don't you go to Impel down to have a look. If you really catch a serious criminal, you may be directly locked up in Impel down."

For the heinous criminals, it is indeed possible to be directly imprisoned in Impel down, or tried in courts on other islands, bypassing the trial process at Enies Lobby.

Zephyr was silent for a long time before nodding.


Go Impel down!

Half a day later, Impel went down to the fourth basement level, Crimson Hell.

Hannyabal led the way, and soon stopped at the door of an office: "Mr. Zephyr, this is the office of the director of diarrhea, ah, I really want to be the director!"


Zephyr nodded slightly, pushed the door open and entered.

However, the Administrator is not in the office.

Hannyabal rubbed his hands, showing a sinister smile: "Magellan, that bastard diarrhea director must be squatting in the toilet, do you want me to show you?"


After waiting for a full hour, Magellan finally returned clutching his stomach.

Compared with Hannyabal, Magellan is undoubtedly much more reliable. After knowing what happened, he immediately sent people to investigate the list of recent prisoners.

However, no Weibull.

Magellan's attitude is very sincere: "Mr. Zephyr, the imprisoning of a pirate with a bounty of more than 200 million is a very serious matter. As the administrator, I will definitely hear the news, but unfortunately, among the new prisoners in the past month , indeed without Weibull."

If it were other generals, he probably wouldn't even bother, and at most let Hannyabal come forward, but Zephyr was different.

The other party is not only the former Admiral of Marine, but also the general Instructor of Marine now. His prestige in Marine is no less than that of Sengoku and Garp.

Zephyr's eyes were shrouded in haze, and the uneasiness in his heart was getting bigger and bigger!

From the very beginning, CP0 intervened, which meant that this matter was unusual!

"Take me to Impel downlv6!"

"This is against the rules!"

"Please, Commissioner Magellan!"


Magellan stared at Zephyr, before nodding slowly.

"This is not an example!"

Two hours later, Zephyr walked out of the Impel down gate and stood on the shore, looking at the sea for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Weibull is not at lv6.

"Blu, blu, blu~~"

Just then, the phone bug rang.

It's Sengoku's phone number.


"Zephyr, return to the headquarters immediately!"

"problem occurs!"

"Edward Weible became Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

The phone bug fell to the ground.

(end of this chapter)

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