Chapter 503 Three Shichibukai!

"Blu, blu, blu~~"

The phone bug kept its eyes closed and continued to make the sound of an incoming call until a large hand picked up the microphone on its back.

The phone bug then opened his eyes, his pupils as sharp as the eyes of an eagle.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Kaido, the World government has invited me to become a Shichibukai again."

"You agreed?"

"Not yet. I would like to ask for your opinion, teacher. If you agree, I will probably become an enemy of beasts in the future."

"Traveling around the world, having a Seven Warlords of the Sea identity is indeed a lot more convenient. As for the position, well, I'm looking forward to witnessing your growth."

"Thank you, teacher."


Three days later, the latest issue of the newspaper.

【New Seven Warlords of the Sea! 】

"The World's Greatest Swordsman" Dracule Mihawk!

"Whitebeard II" Edward Weible!

"Blackbeard" Marshall Teach!

Add three Shichibukai at a time, and once again impact the pattern of the world.

Needless to say, Hawkeye, the title of the world's number one swordsman is enough to prove everything, and Weibull, who calls himself "Whitebeard II", also has a brutal reputation.

The only strange man is Blackbeard Teach, but to be selected as Seven Warlords of the Sea by the World government must have something extraordinary!

So far, the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea has been fully completed. If the World government has another war with the Four Emperors, Seven Warlords of the Sea will be a trump card in their hands!

In the college office, Kaido rested his feet on the table, holding the latest newspaper, and drinking coffee leisurely.

"Have you been pushed into a hurry?"

At the same time as the world conscription, three Seven Warlords of the Sea were added at one go, which shows the World government's demand for combat power.

Clearly rushed!

After all, apart from the threat of the Four Emperors, the World government has another big enemy, which is the revolutionary army whose strength is rapidly expanding!

"It's a bit sloppy."

Kaido shook his head slightly, and added three Shichibukai in one breath, which has indeed greatly increased his combat power, but it will inevitably leave future troubles, especially Marine, who prides himself on justice.

Moreover, these three

Hawkeye had greeted him beforehand.

After defeating Redhead, Hawkeye lost his target, and after traveling in New World for two years, he had the idea of ​​leaving.

He was tired of the days of fighting and killing, and now he just wanted to find a quieter place, live a peaceful life, and at the same time be patient and hone his sword skills.

But New World was too noisy, so he wanted to go to the paradise or wander around the world to find a suitable place to live.

But as a wanted pirate, the best way to avoid being disturbed by the outside world is to have an official identity.

Like "Seven Warlords of the Sea".

As for the other two.

"Whitebeard II."

Kaido looked at Weibull's name and almost laughed out loud. He didn't know what expression Whitebeard would have when he heard the news. It must be very exciting.

And Blackbeard Teach!

"Can't hold it anymore?"

The strength of the Beasts Pirates and NEO's righteous sweep have had a great impact on the New World's underground forces.

The weaker the force, the more difficult it is to survive, and even many pirates fled to the paradise at the risk of being hunted down by Marine.

And some ambitious guys started to act one after another.

For example, Crocodile, who had accumulated enough funds and subordinates, directly abandoned Cactus Island, which had been operating for several years, and stayed in New World, only to be crushed to death by beasts.

Blackbeard may also be aware of this.

"And this guy, leave it to NEO."

Kaido picked up the fruit knife and threw out the wanted poster stuck on the wall. The wanted person on it was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Heavenly Yaksha" Doflamingo!

In the Holy Land Fire, thousands of slaves were freed, and nearly half of them chose to join the Revolutionary Army and follow the great hero who saved them.

"Fisher Tiger" and the leader of the Revolutionary Army "Dorag"!

Because of the same philosophy, coupled with Dorag's spare no effort to invite, Tiger, who had nowhere to go, chose to join the Revolutionary Army and became a core cadre.

Under the call of the two heroes, the rescued slaves responded one after another, and a major case was involved by the way.

Slave trade!

The black hand behind it is the Donquixote Family led by Doflamingo!

Since Dressrosa is located in the area ruled by beasts, Dorag did not act without authorization, but sent the collected evidence of the Donquixote Family, hoping that the beasts could help bring down Doflamingo.

The reason is simple. The biggest victims of the slave trade are the people of the non-joining countries, and the non-joining countries are the most important base of the revolutionary army.

Therefore, Doflamingo is an evil being that the Revolutionary Army must defeat!

As far as Kaido is concerned, since the World government respects Seven Warlords of the Sea so much, then get rid of a Shichibukai.

Wow, it must be interesting!


Hive Island, Moby Dick.

The captains gathered together, holding the latest issue of the newspaper, hesitating to speak, holding back their words and wanting to complain.

In the end, everyone's eyes secretly looked at Whitebeard, whose face was darkened, secretly poking and guessing what his father was thinking at the moment.

Whitebeard held the newspaper, his hands trembling with anger, through the news published and the information he had obtained in the past, he quickly thought of the truth of the matter.

"That woman did a good job!"

MISS Barkin!

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility!

This Edward Weibull is most likely a clone bred by Ba Jin, and the cloned body is him!


Whitebeard is furious!

Feeling the strange sight of his sons, he became even more angry!

"This guy is not my son!"

"Father, we understand!"

The captains nodded vigorously, of course they believed in Dad!

Well, quickly change the subject.

"Dad, Teach became a Shichibukai!"

"That kid is really good!"

"It is said that he defeated the Ripper with a bounty of more than 300 million, and took his head in exchange for the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

The captains chatted about Teach, and there was no anger on their faces. Although they were a bit disdainful of Teach's choice to be a government lackey, the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea was also a symbol of strength.

"Ku la la la, Teach is still far behind."

Whitebeard had a smile on his face too.

About a month ago, Teach offered to leave, saying that he wanted to work hard and chase his dreams.

As an old man, of course he supports it.

Unexpectedly, that kid became Seven Warlords of the Sea in an instant.

"Little ones, let's have a party!"

"Oh oh oh!"

In the first half of the sea area, a simple sailboat made of giant logs was on board.

"Thief ha ha ha ha!"

Blackbeard stood at the bow, laughing wildly at the sea with his arms outstretched.

"Next will be the era of Laozi!"

He is willing to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates because he is most likely to get Dark Fruit by Whitebeard's side.

But with the rise of beasts, Whitebeard is on the verge of disappearing.

Even if there is a dark fruit, the Whitebeard pirates may not be able to compete with the beasts, so it is better to pin their hopes on the rest of the sea.

Coincidentally, he got the news of a Devil Fruit. Although it is not as good as Dark Fruit, it is also one of the top abilities in the world.

Before finding the Dark Fruit, you can eat it to improve your strength.

And the identity of Seven Warlords of the Sea can provide him with great convenience!

"Thief ha ha ha! Thief ha ha ha ha!"

(end of this chapter)

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