Chapter 504 NEW Marine and NEO

Naval Headquarters, Instructor's office.

Holding the latest issue of the newspaper, Zephyr stared at the headline that the World government had appointed Shichibukai, and stood there motionless.

"Zephyr. Alas."

Seeing Zephyr's absent-minded appearance, Sengoku could feel Zephyr's mood, but at this moment he could only sigh and turn away, leaving Zephyr alone.


The door closed softly.

Time passed little by little.

The sun sets in the west and rises in the east.

After a whole day and night, the door of the room finally opened, and the recruits who had been waiting outside the door in the morning immediately surrounded him.

When they saw Zephyr's appearance, they were obviously taken aback.

"Teacher Zephyr, you"

"I'm fine, I'm worrying you."

Zephyr put on triangular sunglasses, and his short purple hair stood on end. At the same time, he took off the Marine cape and uniform, and only wore a pair of trousers, leaving his strong upper body naked.

It is completely different from the image of the kind teacher before.

A fierce aura rushed over!

"Ain, Binz"

Zephyr rolls the rolls one by one and says goodbye to the students one by one.

"I'm afraid I'm leaving."

"Teacher Zephyr, I will follow wherever you go!" Ain said eagerly.

"And I!"

"I want to follow Teacher Zephyr too!"

"Too much deceit!"

The recruits expressed their opinions one after another, without exception, burning with anger.

It happened for several days, and they all knew that Weibull became Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The murderer who killed his companions has transformed into a cooperative ally who cannot be hunted down. How can they not be disappointed and angry!

Zephyr looked at the students with a twitch of his mouth.

His students are just like him.

There is anger in the eyes!

This is very good, if you are indifferent even if your companion is killed in front of your eyes, what right do you have to call yourself righteous!

"Wait for me on the boat!"

"Yes! Teacher Zephyr!"

A moment later, the marshal's office.

Sengoku took Zephyr's resignation letter, looked at the other party's eyes full of anger, and couldn't say a word to persuade him to stay.

"We are sorry for this incident."

"These words should be said to the dead soldiers."

Zephyr shook his head, turned and left without any hesitation, he was completely disappointed by Marine's incompetence.

Outside the room, Aokiji leaned his back against the wall, holding a bottle of JEREZ sherry in his hand, and when Zephyr came out, he threw the wine over.

"Teacher Zephyr, practice the gift."

"You boy."

Zephyr took the drink, grinning.

Half an hour later, the recruit training ship left Naval Headquarters.

Ain and Binz stood behind Zephyr, their eyes were a little dazed. Although they made up their minds to follow Teacher Zephyr, they didn't know how to go in the future.

"Mr. Zephyr, where are we going?"

"Fight the pirates!"

Zephyr turned around, looked at Ain and Binz, and the recruit who followed him, and announced loudly.

"The World government is not trustworthy, and the Marine is weak and incompetent!"

"So from now on, we will build a new MarineNENEW with only one purpose, to destroy all pirates!"

"I will be the governor of NEW Marine!"

The recruits were excited. What they worried most was that there was no direction for the future, but after hearing Teacher Zephyr's declaration, all worries disappeared.


The recruits shouted NEW loudly, and their morale was high!

Ain hesitated to speak, the other recruits probably have never heard of NEO, but she is more concerned about intelligence work and knows that there is a NEO in New World.

And NEW and NEO have the same meaning, both are "new", so NEW looks like imitating each other.

The girl couldn't help lowering her voice and asked: "Teacher Zephyr, is the name of our organization repeated?"

"New World is NEO Sea Patrol, and we are NEW Marine. Although the prefixes are similar, the nature is completely different!"

Zephyr spoke calmly.

After thinking about it all night, he made the decision to break away from the current Marine and create a new Marine. The name of the organization is NEW.

However, New World also has a NEO!

Although I don't understand why Kaido's idea of ​​naming coincides with him, but he is absolutely unwilling to give up the name of the organization NEW.

This is what he thought hard!

In addition, the World government blocked the information of New World, so the pirates in the first half of the sea area and the four seas did not know about NEO.

Therefore, in the first half of the sea and the four seas, the NEW Marine led by him will not be misunderstood as the NEO maritime patrol team of New World.

His NEW Marine is the real teacher of justice!

New World, NEO headquarters!

"Slave trade!"

In the combat conference room, the generals frowned as they looked at the criminal evidence collected by the intelligence department.

According to NEO's rules, even if Doflamingo is Seven Warlords of the Sea, he can't go directly to arrest him.

The reward for Doflamingo is Marine, not NEO, so NEO cannot measure criminals by Marine's standards.

Only those who have committed a definite crime in New World, or have evidence of a crime detected by NEO, can formally carry out arrest work.

Never spare a criminal, and never wrong a good man.

This is the purpose of NEO!

Because some of the pirates offered by the government are pure adventurers, and they are only defined as pirates because they go to sea.

These people are not caught by NEO.

But if there are adventurers destroying houses, eating overlord meals, disturbing public order, etc.


And Doflamingo happens to be a pirate who is good at disguising, at least in the years when he became the King of Dressrosa, there has been no negative news on the surface.

There must be evidence for the arrest!

As for the criminal evidence sent by the intelligence department, although it looks shocking, it is basically one-sided and needs to be confirmed.

Momousagi raised his head, glanced around, and his eyes fell on Dole: "Dole, go to Dressrosa, remember to investigate secretly, and report to the headquarters immediately once the information is confirmed to be true!"


Dole responded.

At present, NEO has sufficient troops, but there is a serious shortage of high-level generals, especially the tentative twelve Vice Admiral positions, which are basically vacant.

Not enough manpower!

As for the other Admiral Marco, there is nothing wrong with letting him fight, but Marco is a complete layman when it comes to assigning work and other matters.

"Why am I so stupid!"

Looking at the thick work file on the desktop, Momousagi felt like crying, she just wanted three times the salary, so she could be chic every day.

As a result, I'm so annoying!

"Damn Kaido for giving me all the work!"

Momousagi gritted her teeth, annoyed at her stupid decision to stay.

I thought that the personality of a pirate would create a loose piece of NEO, so that she could happily fish and be lazy all day long while earning a high salary.

Well, get surveillance work done by the way!

As a result, there are three or two cats and cats in the organization, and all the work has to be decided by her. It is possible to leave work until 9 pm every night, and it is open all year round.

Who will save her!

(end of this chapter)

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