One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 507 Persimmon Looking For A Soft Pinch

Chapter 507 Persimmon looking for a soft pinch

NEO Headquarters, Admiral Office.

Momousagi flicked through the information on Dressrosa, as well as the related task list, her pretty brows furrowed more and more.

"Who is Dole Rear Admiral?"

In the dispatched personnel information, there is a person she does not know, it is the headquarters Rear Admiral, but if there is such a Rear Admiral, it is impossible for her to forget it.

After all, NEO's high-end combat power is quite scarce at present. However, there is no memory related to Dole Rear Admiral in her mind.


Not only Dole, but also the spy team going to Dressrosa, and several strange names, which are not normal no matter how you look at it.


The knock on the door sounded in due course.

The herald appeared at the door, followed by a boy.

"Momousagi Admiral, people brought!"

"Let him in."

Momousagi looked happy, looked up at the indifferent young man, and raised his eyebrows.

It's a handsome guy!

"Rob Lucci, No. 1 in the top ten seats in the Hundred Academy, right?"

"it's me."

Lu Qi nodded slightly. Although he was still a half-year-old boy, his body exuded a rather fierce and powerful aura.

Momousagi squinted his eyes, and took out Lu Qi's recommendation letter, as well as relevant information, the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

A genius who has mastered the six styles!

Full marks in all college subjects!

Graduation early with first place grades!

Looking at the college resume, there are basically no shortcomings, and it is recommended by Principal Kaido, so it is definitely possible to reuse it!

Handed over all the information about Dressrosa.

"Look at these materials!"


Lu Qi took the information and read it carefully without missing a single detail. It took him a long time to close the information.

Momousagi looks forward to asking: "What do you think about the missing Dole and others?"

"It's the power of Devil Fruit!"

Lu Qi calmly made a judgment.

Can make a person's existence completely disappear from memory, except for Devil Fruit, there will be no second possibility.

As for recording errors, that is even more impossible.

Although NEO was established not long ago, it is also a formal military organization. How could it be possible to record a few unknown names for the staffing of secret missions.

Momousagi nodded in satisfaction.

"I think so too."

Except for the strange ability users, it is difficult to explain this strange situation.

"Rob Lucci, I need you to go to Dressrosa to find Dole Rear Admiral, and continue the mission of searching for evidence against the Donquixote Family!"


Lu Qi nodded expressionlessly.

Even if he didn't say it, he knew that this mission was extremely dangerous, and he might even disappear inexplicably and be forgotten.

But as long as it is a task, he will definitely complete it perfectly.


On the other side, Naval Headquarters.

In the conference room, the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

The reason is very simple. Recently, a new military organization appeared in the first half of the sea area, hunting a large number of pirates with thunderous means, which greatly disturbed the order of the sea.

"NEW Marine!"

The world government has issued a death order, and Marine must drive NEW Marine out of the first half of the sea within three months.

But no Marine generals are willing to accept this task, because the leader of NEW Marine is their former teacher.


Sengoku's fists were clenched, and water dripped from his face somberly.

He and Zephyr are close friends, and he is absolutely unwilling to fight against him, but this incident has been out of control, and even from Marine's standpoint, the existence of NEW Marine cannot be tolerated.

And Marine is in enough trouble right now!

"Kuzan, Sakazuki, Polusalino!"

Sengoku looked at San Admiral, and then glanced at Garp cryptically, that nose-picking bastard who obviously didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Then there are only three Kuzan generals who can deal with Zephyr.

Kuzan remained silent.

Sakazuki also rarely spoke.

NEW Marine's radical strategy, in Akainu's opinion, is exactly what Marine lacks today, otherwise it would not be forced to give up New World.

The pressure came to Kizaru.

"Leave it to the old man!"

Polusalino had no choice but to stand up. The two colleagues didn't want to be villains, so he had to come forward. Who made him the most difficult to deal with Teacher Zephyr back then.

The combat strategy was quickly determined.

NEW Marine has a strong momentum, but it is still in its infancy and its strength is limited. As long as Marine dispatches enough combat power, it will be enough to defeat it!

The battle meeting is over.

In less than half an hour, NEW Marine received information from Naval Headquarters, including the dispatched troops and specific attack routes!


Zephyr stood on the deck, looking in the direction of Naval Headquarters, clutching the sleeve of his missing arm with his left hand.

With his current strength, it is very difficult to defeat Polusalino. If he is surrounded by Marine, then NEW Marine is likely to be destroyed.

Fortunately, there are still some students who miss the friendship between teachers and students, so that he has enough time to prepare, although the original intention of the students is to hope that he will take refuge in New World.


"Teacher Zephyr."

Ain held the collected information.

"Crocodile, the sand crocodile, currently in Alabasta, is said to have entered into friendly cooperation with the royal Nafirutali family."

A photo of Crocodile smiling and shaking hands with King Cobra was handed to Zephyr, along with the relevant newspaper.

According to the news, Crocodile discovered several mineral deposits, so he paid a lot of money to buy mining rights in several desert areas in Alabasta, and signed cooperation projects such as providing jobs.

Tomorrow's star!

Zephyr was silent for a long time, the target of NEW Marine's hunting was evil pirates, and Crocodile's reputation among the people was very good, and he looked like an industrialist.

It can be called a star of tomorrow.

Hunting Crocodile may cause Alabasta to become the enemy of NEW, which is very detrimental to the development of NEW.


"Hawkeye Mihawk, there is intelligence that the other party is living in seclusion on Krajgana Island, and there is no news that he has harmed civilians so far."


"Haixia Jinbei, known for his benevolence and righteousness."


"The tyrant Bartholemew Kuma, who seems to be involved in the secret experiment of the World government, his whereabouts are highly classified."

The sole purpose of NEW Marine is to hunt evil pirates, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea is undoubtedly the primary goal.

Especially Whitebeard II Weible!

Zephyr's eyes burned.

In addition to the hatred for pirates, there is also anger towards the World government.

Since the World government betrayed justice for the Seven Warlords of the Sea and let the criminals go unpunished, then he will use his own way to enforce justice!

However, the seven Seven Warlords of the Sea are either well-known, or have no evil deeds, or cannot be found.

It was embarrassing for him.

Zephyr knew very well that with the current powerful combat power of Naval Headquarters, he could only hunt one Seven Warlords of the Sea at most, and he would be discovered by Marine and cornered.

Therefore, choosing a target is extremely important.

"Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo, intelligence said he was secretly engaged in the slave trade, and controlled multiple exchanges in the Sabaody Archipelago, and now serves as the king of Dressrosa."

"That's him!"

(end of this chapter)

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