Chapter 508 Farewell to the past

The cold winds from all over seem to be blowing towards Dressrosa at the same time.

Naval Headquarters, Kizaru Office.

"Report, found NEW Marine!"

"The venue is Sabaody Archipelago!"

"The former Admiral Zephyr has appeared!"

The first half of the sea area is Marine's territory, and even a little bit of trouble can't escape Marine's surveillance, and NEW Marine is so powerful that it's impossible to completely hide.

What's more, NEW Marine didn't want to hide, and appeared in Sabaody Archipelago like a rainbow, obviously the visitor was not good.

Island 1, Population Exchange.

"How many years have passed, nothing has changed here."

Zephyr was wearing triangular sunglasses and a black cloak, standing in front of the population exchange, surrounded by a large number of NEW Marines.

Once a Marine Admiral, he was well aware of the existence of the human exchange, but he was weak and not only did not interfere, but became an accomplice.

It was the nasty interest of the Celestial Dragons that fueled the thriving slave trade!

On the walls on both sides of the gate of the population exchange, there is a round skull smiling face with a slash in the middle of the smiling face.

"The logo of the Don Quixote Pirates!"

Find the wrong target!

At this moment, the store manager of the exchange was ready with fully armed guards, but facing the NEW army and the dense artillery, each of them was so frightened that their legs trembled.

"What are you doing!"

"This is an important property of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo!"

"Now there are a large number of princes and nobles in the exchange, and even the nobles of the world will come to participate in the auction regularly!"

"If you dare to mess around, Master World Government and Doflamingo will definitely not let you go!"

The store manager was so harsh that he could only threaten NEW Marine with the person behind him.

If you want to gain a firm foothold in the chaotic and bustling Sabaody Archipelago, you need not only a boss like Seven Warlords of the Sea, but also a good relationship with government officials.

There is someone behind them!

Zephyr raised the corner of his mouth.

If it was before, he could only pretend not to see because of his position, but now, the shackles that bound him have disappeared.

It's been a long time since I felt so happy!

"There is no innocent person here!"

Zephyr slowly raised his palm, then swung it down forcefully!


"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous artillery fire roared, and the gate of the population exchange was blasted open. At the same time, Ain led an assault team to break into the exchange from behind to free the slaves.

The guests who were auctioning the slaves panicked and rushed out of the gate of the exchange, but what they faced was the muzzle of the black hole!


Gunshots, people fall!

"Except for slaves, don't let anyone go!"

The soldiers slaughtered with cold eyes, just like Governor Zephyr said, there are no innocent people in this exchange!

Damn it all!

Soon, the population exchange turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The store manager clutched the gunshot wound in his abdomen and leaned against the edge of the auction table. This place used to be a stage for him to show his charm, but now it has become his graveyard.

"Lord Doflamingo"

The phone bug was connected, but the store manager was speechless, his throat was blocked by overflowing blood.


The sound tube fell to the ground and continued to transmit the sound of crackling and burning. With a falling roar, the other end returned to silence.

Outside the exchange, NEW Marine retreated in an orderly manner. The battleship had already been coated and ready to dive at any time.

When Marine arrived, only Zephyr was left on Island 1.

"After so many years, Marine still hasn't made any progress. With only this little force, they can't deal with me."

Zephyr looked at Marine who surrounded him, and raised the newly installed huge mechanical arm. This battle was his final farewell to Marine.

After today, there will be no more Marine's Zephyr teacher, replaced by Z!


"The prisoner must not escape until Kizaru Admiral arrives!"

The school officer led the charge. They were the Marine branch stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago. They had to contain Zephyr before the reinforcements from the headquarters arrived.


The mechanical arm let out a dull roar!


Zephyr raised his mechanical arm and swung it towards the charging Marine. With a "boom", a dozen marine soldiers screamed and flew into the sky!


The mechanical arm made another sound, which was a sign of power accumulation!



Every heavy attack wiped out the surrounding area, no matter how many Marines there were, they couldn't touch that man!


However, Marine's support is growing!

"Teacher Zephyr!"

A cloud of smoke rushed rapidly from a distance!

"White Hunter" Smoker!

"Here we come!"

Zephyr smiled, he knew his students would come to see him off!

"Let me see your progress!"

The mechanical arm is raised again, although it is extremely heavy, its power is also extremely amazing, and there is a seastone on the top that restrains the ability user!

There are a lot of abilities in Shichibukai, if you want to deal with them, seastone is the best weapon, and Smoker is also an ability!


Ten hands were chopped on the mechanical arm!

Smoker showed his real body, and instead of using the ability to use the smoking fruit, he launched an attack with physical skills.

When he was in the recruit training camp, Teacher Zephyr emphasized to him that he should not rely too much on his ability. He scoffed at that time, but now he wants Teacher Zephyr to check the results of his practice over the years!

"Clang clang!"

The two people's bodies were staggered, their ten hands collided with the mechanical arm again and again, and they fought for more than a dozen rounds in the blink of an eye.

"That guy is amazing!"

The sailors were pleasantly surprised. This is the first officer who can stop Zephyr's attack. There was an elite team of officers before, but they were vulnerable to Zephyr!

Suddenly, two giants, Vice Admiral, join the fray!

"Oh oh oh!"

Ronse Vice Admiral held a battle ax in both hands, and the giant Vice Admiral with a club on the other side blasted towards Zephyr at the same time!

"Don't get in the way!!!"

Zephyr and Smoker, who were in the middle of a fierce battle, roared and turned their attack directions at the same time, attacking the two giants!

"Crush · Explode!"

The huge mechanical arm was aimed at Ronse, and the ammunition was quickly loaded inside. With a "boom", the fire exploded on Ronse!

Zero distance hit!

On the other side, Smoker spewed out smoke from his feet, and he quickly raised his body. While avoiding the giant's stick, his right fist wrapped around Haki and hit the giant's face!

"White Gale Blast!"

The next moment, the entire arm turned into a blast of smoke, and the powerful explosive force twisted and deformed the giant's punched face!

The two giants, Vice Admiral, fell to the ground with white eyes at the same time!


The earth shook suddenly.

"Defeated the giant Vice Admiral with just one blow!"

The sailors stared blankly!

Zephyr defeated Ronse Vice Admiral in one blow, they can all accept it, but why does Smoker have such a powerful force!

"Hahahaha, you've grown a lot, Smoker!"

Zephyr laughed heartily. As a teacher, he is really happy that the students can make such progress.

"However, it's time for you to leave!"

A dazzling light appeared in the sky!

Zephyr swung his mechanical arm, flying all ten hands away, while his left fist wrapped around Haki, blasting towards the unprepared Smoker.

There is no way to avoid it!

Smoker's eyes were fixed, and his hands were put between his waist and abdomen!

"Iron Body!"


The fist hits hard!

"You're still tender and ruthless."

Zephyr retracted his fist, patted Smoker on the shoulder, and walked away, where someone was waiting for him.


Smoker's vision was dim, and his consciousness was gradually blurred. He wanted to reach out and grab Mr. Zephyr, but he couldn't use any strength.


The whole person fell to the ground.

"Teacher Zephyr, let's go."

(end of this chapter)

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