One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 538 Kneeling With A Smile

Chapter 538 Kneeling with a smile

In the border area of ​​Frevans, several warships were docked in the river, and their guns were aimed at Frevans.

At the deck mast, Yixiao holds the phone bug leading to Naval Headquarters and conveys the truth he has found to Sengoku.

The crimes of the Frévans royal family, and the fact that platinum-lead disease is not contagious!

After a long silence, Sengoku responded indifferently.

"Smile, block Frevans, and forbid anyone to leave until all the platinum-lead patients are dead."


Smile and breath stagnation!

This order was exactly the same as the order he had given before leaving the headquarters, but at that time he did not know the truth about the platinum-lead disease.

The anger immediately ignited!


"Smile, platinum-lead disease cannot be cured. If platinum-lead patients are allowed to escape, it will only cause greater panic in the world."

Sengoku's tone was calm, but his fists under the table were full of veins. As the Marine Marshal, he knew the truth about platinum-lead disease.

But for the sake of face, the World government has already decided to cover up this truth, and platinum-lead disease is indeed an incurable disease.

It is an unalterable reality that Frevans is about to perish.

Facing reality and the orders from above, he could only choose to sacrifice the people of Frevans to minimize the impact and loss caused by the platinum-lead disease.

Unable to accept it with a smile, he scolded angrily: "The lives of millions of people are at stake. Shouldn't the erroneous information about platinum-lead disease in the report be corrected at this moment, and then unite with neighboring countries to work together to rescue Frevans?"

"Smile, pay attention to your position!"

Sengoku slapped the table angrily. He also wanted to save Frevans, but he couldn't do it. Unless the World government convenes the world's top famous doctors, there is a possibility of curing platinum lead disease!

Marine, you have no right to do that!


He closed his mouth with a smile.

He gets it.

The World government must have been involved in this matter, so he tried his best to cover up the facts, just like his goal of joining Marine.

The evil Seven Warlords of the Sea system, as well as the entertainment city, Golden City, that rampant in various sea areas and wantonly amass wealth.

How many crimes are hidden in the World government, which symbolizes order!

As time passed, Frevans regained his composure.

Under the call of the army captain, the wounded and sick kingdom army was formed again.

Even though they might fall down at any time, the soldiers still endured the pain and patrolled step by step to contain the violence and prevent someone from suicidally fleeing Frevans.

They are the last guarantee of order!

Doctors and nurses also returned to the hospital, doing everything possible to help patients, while recording enough clinical data to provide samples for the commando team led by Dr. Trafalgar Dan.

It was spring, and miners and farmers also began to take care of the abandoned farmland, plant seeds and irrigate, and prepare for a protracted war.

There is also a temporary new government, which is responsible for recycling resources, distributing supplies, and taking care of orphans and the elderly who have lost their families.

Everything gradually became orderly, but behind the seemingly calm, the larger and larger cemetery faithfully recorded the tragedy of Frevans.

No one knows how long they can hold on, and they don't even see a little hope in their hearts, but they have no choice but to persevere.


The patrolling soldier fell to the ground, his eyes looked at the bright sky, and he slowly closed, with a relieved smile on his lips.

The other soldiers looked numb, and silently put their dead companions on the wooden cart that was about to be piled up, ready to be transported to the cemetery for burial together.

In the nearby shop, the woman who lost her entire family put the only bag of bread left in the house at the door, and then put a rope around her neck.

Similar situations happen every day.

Home of Trafalgar Law.


Luo looked at his sister who was unconscious and convulsed, and bit his lip to hold back the tears.

His condition is relatively mild, and he can persist for two or three years, but his sister's condition is the most serious, and he can't even get out of bed.

Even with the father and his care, the younger sister can persist for a year at most, but it is basically impossible to find a cure for platinum-lead disease within a year.

He is also a doctor!

Frevans was blocked, and the hospital was seriously short of medical supplies. Even though there were countless patient samples, there were not enough resources for trial and error.

Hope can only be pinned on outsiders!

As night fell, the Dog Dog came to the border line, and then it would enter the defense lines of neighboring countries and Marine.

Yamato stood on the lookout on the mast, one hand tugging at the rope, his body leaning outward.

"Turn on the flying device!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The running Dog Dog slowly left the water surface, and there were multiple suspension and flame propulsion devices consistent with the battle suits on the bottom of the ship, as well as a wind-jet power device.

In less than ten minutes, the dog crossed the joint defense line and fell into the sea, ready to leave at any time.

However, at some point, there was an extra visitor on the deck.


When he saw the visitor clearly, Mr. 3's blood pressure was immediately full, and he had the urge to run away, but in order to maintain the mysterious image of the deputy captain, he had to bite the bullet and receive the guest.

"What a rare visitor, a smile Vice Admiral!"

Mr.3 pushed the lens, and said confidently: "You dare to invade our ship alone, are you here to die?"

"I didn't come to fight."

Shaking his head slowly with a smile, he looked at Yamato on the observation deck, then closed his eyes and looked squarely at the most dangerous figure in the Dog Dog Pirates.

"Candle Demon" Mr.3, the bounty is 221 million Baileys!

According to intelligence, this insidious and cunning man is the think tank of the Dog Dog Pirates. All action plans are made by him, and his wisdom is second to none in the pirate world.

Ask him something, that's right.

He asked with a deep smile, "When I was fighting with your captain, she said she wanted to save the country. I want to know how you can cure platinum-lead disease."

"It's ridiculous. You are the ones who blocked Frevans and tried to destroy this country. Why should I tell you murderers the method?"

Mr.3 sneered, he was full of anger for the dirty practices of the World government, and the captain was behind him, so why not be afraid!

A smile was silent.

Marine is indeed a sinner in this matter, and even now he is still playing the role of a murderer, and there is no excuse for it.

But he can't change the status quo.

On the contrary, the pirates in front of them, in order to save the country, risked their extinction and did not hesitate to confront them head-on.

Who is the party of justice?

"clang clang~~"

The stick knife fell to the ground.

Yixiao knelt down, put his hands and forehead on the ground: "For the evil deeds of Marine this time, I only apologize to you on behalf of myself!"


Mr.3 froze in place, and the others were also dumbfounded.

After all, the other party is also Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, and he kneels down to apologize to the pirates. This kind of thing is unheard of.

Is it sincere, or is it a conspiracy?

Mr.3 took a deep breath, and looked more serious than ever: "Smile, Vice Admiral, what is your purpose?"

"I just want to do my part to save this country!"

He raised his head with a smile, conveying the most sincere thoughts in his heart.

He didn't know how to save people, force would only make the situation worse, looking around, the only hope was the pirate in front of him.

His intuition told him that these pirates knew what to do, so he came to him, even if it was only a little bit useful, he hoped to help.

"Tell him, third brother."

Yamato jumped down from the observation deck, grinning.

"Uncle Marine is a good man!"

(end of this chapter)

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