Chapter 539

"We are going to find the fruit of the operation."

Knowing the plan of the Dog Dog Pirates, I smiled and thought about it for a long time, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this plan was feasible.

Only a miracle can save Frevans' tragedy, and the power of Devil Fruit is the greatest miracle.

The biggest difficulty is how to find the fruit of the operation.

Yixiao focused on Mr.3.

There is no doubt that the plan was drawn up by this deep man. Although the whole process is not complicated, it makes full use of Frevans' plight and humanity.

"Candle Demon" Mr.3, he memorized the name.

He took out his phone bug and handed it to Mr.3.

"Because of my duties, I can't leave Frevans, and I'm not good at collecting information, but I will entrust my friends to collect information about the results of the operation. Once I find out, I will inform you as soon as possible."


Mr.3 took the phone bug and thanked him with a serious expression.

This Mr. Vice Admiral is very different from the Marines he met before. Although he cannot see things, he has a clearer view of the situation than anyone else.

Even enemies deserve respect.

At the time of parting, a white belly appeared at the end of the sea, gradually illuminating the coast.

Yixiao stood on the coast, facing the Dog Dog.

Saving Freyfans will not only take a lot of time, but also bear unpredictable risks.

Unknowingly, he entered the country at the risk of contracting platinum-lead disease, then intercepted Marine, and now he is still looking for the results of the surgery.

Most importantly, there is no return.

He asks one last question.

"Miss Guiji, you are a pirate. Even if you save this country, no one will appreciate you. Why do you do this?"

"This one."

Yamato scratched his head in distress: "There are not so many reasons, and I don't need to be thanked by others. I am just doing what I think is right!"

"Correct, huh huh, what a surprising answer."

Raising the corners of his mouth with a smile, "Mu" sent the Dog Dog Pirates into the sea, and only opened his palms when the ship left the range of perception.

There is a dice, and the number on the up side is "6".

This time luck seems to be good.

"Then, I should also do what I think is right."

"I didn't expect that Bailey won from that sinful city would be used. If Brother Jiaji was by his side, he would definitely laugh at him severely."

He also has the ability to do what he can.

A week later, in the middle of the night, the sky in Frevans began to "rain", and packages fell from the sky and fell all over the town.

The package contained food, daily necessities, and the most important medical supplies such as painkillers.

Although the total amount is not much, it still brings a ray of warmth to the mentally numb people, and brings hope and motivation to persevere.

This "rain" will not stop until the platinum-lead disease is completely defeated.

On the other side, Tortu Island.

The island is located in the south of North Blue. Because the residents on the island cannot pay the sky gold and cannot be protected by the Marine, it has gradually become the largest gathering place for pirates in North Blue.


The door of the tavern was pushed open violently, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the three comers clearly, the pirates couldn't help but gasp!

"It's the Dog Dog Pirates!"

In the past two years, the Inu Dog Pirates have become famous because of their high bounties and the defeat of many well-known pirate groups.

The captain "Snow Dog" and the deputy captain "Candle Demon" are supernovas with bounties of over 100 million!

How can such a big man appear in North Blue, how can they not be surprised.

In the corner, Bellamy, who had many scars on her face, stuck out her tongue excitedly, with a cold look in her eyes.

If he can defeat the Dog Dog Pirates, he will be famous all over the world, even surpassing the Don Quixote Pirates!

There is more than one pirate who thinks the same as Bellamy. Fame and wealth can be said to be the biggest pursuit of pirates.

"Battle, defeat rate, 100%."

At the wine table on the other side of the tavern, Hawkins looked at the results of the divination with serious eyes. This was the first time that there was a zero win rate.

This shows that no matter what he does, it is impossible to defeat the Dog Dog Pirates!

Also, what is the other party doing in Pirate Island?

During the observation of the pirates, Yamato came to the bar boldly with a mace in his hand, and slapped the table with his palm, pretending to be fierce.

"Boss, I want a glass of orange juice!"

She is underage and cannot drink.


The tavern owner was stunned for a while. He thought that the other party would drink spirits like vodka, and even add some animal blood to show his bravery, but this is the result?

Bah, how can orange juice be worthy of a supernova with a reward of over 100 million!

Although he complained so much in his heart, the boss poured orange juice honestly and handed it to Yamato.

"thank you boss!"

The little girl happily picked up the orange juice and drank it, regardless of the weird eyes of the surrounding pirates.

"It's too embarrassing!"

Bellamy smashed the table with one punch, her whole face was contorted with anger, she was obviously a famous supernova, but she drank that shameful drink!

"It's Bellamy!"

"That kid is not easy to mess with!"

"Hahaha, there is a good show to watch!"

Bellamy the Mane Dog, a newcomer who has just risen in the past few months, has an extremely cruel personality, and is still a Demon fruit power.

A bounty of 20 million Baileys is offered!

When the pirates saw Bellamy get up, their eyes became excited. Violence and blood are the best appetizers!

However, Bellamy's subordinates were not so excited. Instead, they were full of panic. Although Bellamy was very strong, the opponent was a legendary supernova!

"Bellamy, don't be impulsive."

"Shut up and watch quietly!"

Bellamy scolded with a cold face, licked the corner of her mouth, went to the bar, stood beside Yamato, and tapped on the table.

"Boss, have a glass of the strongest wine!"

"Hold on."

Seeing Bellamy's malicious intentions, the boss frowned and said nothing, he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Just hope it doesn't cause too much damage later.

Drinks were served quickly.

Bellamy didn't drink, but pushed the glass in front of Yamato.

"Please drink."


Yamato sucked the straw in his mouth, looked at Bellamy blankly, then looked down at the spirits in front of him, and shook his head immediately.

"Thanks, I'm underage—"

Before he finished speaking, Bellamy suddenly picked up the wine glass, flung it towards Yamato's head, and grinned.

"This is the drink that pirates should drink!"

He could already imagine the embarrassment of the wine glass being smashed on the opponent's head, and the wine spilling all over his body.

He has used this trick to play with many enemies who are not pleasing to the eye.

However, the imaginary picture did not appear. Instead, he felt a biting cold air, as if his body was going to freeze!


With Yamato as the center, white ice flowers spread to the surroundings, and the wine glasses thrown to the head and the spilled wine were all frozen in mid-air, just like ice sculpture art.

The little girl glared at Bellamy angrily and clenched her little fists!

"Who are you?"

"Finding fault?"

"I'm drinking juice, don't bother me."

Under Bellamy's astonished gaze, the girl's fist hit her chin hard from bottom to top.

L Dragon Fist!


On the ceiling of the tavern, a human-shaped hole appeared.

Yamato withdrew his fist, picked up the juice that had turned into ice cubes, chewed off a piece in one bite, and chewed it in his mouth.

"There are so many weirdos."

Since the bounty has exceeded 100 million, no matter where you go, there will always be some strange hooligans looking for faults, it's really annoying.

Pour any remaining ice cubes into your mouth.

The little girl puffed up her cheeks: "Boss, let's have another serving of fruit, veil, bake, and milk cake!"

"Please wait a moment, I will be ready soon!"

This chapter is supplementary, there are two more chapters tonight

(end of this chapter)

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