One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 555 Shelling The Evacuation Ship

Chapter 555 Shelling the Evacuation Ship

North Blue, Frevers.

With successful operations one after another, Luo's efficiency is getting higher and higher, and hundreds of people get rid of the torture of platinum-lead disease every day.

The whole kingdom is immersed in the joy of being reborn, and has no idea that disaster is coming, and they have no way to escape.

In the early morning, the sky was bright, and the people of Frevans, who were still in their dreams, were awakened by the huge roar and tremor.

"what happened?"


There were more than a dozen roars in a row, and the flames outside the window shot up into the sky!

Ten large warships sailed out of the thick fog in the southern waters of Frevans, and the frontmost warship had already fired first.

As the most advanced warship in Marine, the artillery and ammunition it carries are far more powerful than ordinary warships. A single shell can knock down a tall building!

The carpet bombing by ten warships only takes half an hour to destroy an island. It is a truly destructive attack, and not even a complete lawn will be left.

"Quick! Reload!"

"Adjust the angle!"

"The target of this Buster Call is all members of the Dog Dog Pirates. In the name of justice, they must not be let go!"

The attack just now was just a round of test firing. After all the warships adjusted the trajectory of the artillery fire, the real artillery fire will wash the ground!

The shells woke not only Frevans, but also the Marines stationed there.

Suppressing his anxiety and anger with a smile, he took the phone and shouted: "Marshal Sengoku, please stop Buster Call immediately, the people of Frevans are innocent!"

"Smile, the Buster Call has been launched, and it is impossible to stop it until the target is completely wiped out. What you should do now is stay away from Frevans!"

Sengoku responded grimly.

Buster Call represents the highest will of the world government, as long as it is activated, it will never stop unless the highest power speaks out!

"All for justice!"

With a smile, his breath suddenly stagnated, and he roared furiously: "What kind of justice is there to aim artillery fire at unarmed civilians!"


There was a long silence.

"Half an hour before the shelling."

With a sound of "Kacha", the phone bug was interrupted.

With a smile, he slowly put down the phone bug, and turned to face his subordinates.

"Set sail immediately, enter Frevans, and assist the people to evacuate!"


The sailors responded loudly, and there was no voice of opposition.

They have been stationed in Frevans for more than half a year, and they have already learned the truth about platinum-lead disease. Every time when Yixiao sneaks in supplies, many sailors also do their part.

This is their justice!


It's only half an hour, so don't miss a minute.

Inside Frevans, the alarm sounded non-stop.

"Everyone go to the port to take refuge immediately!"

The sound of the radio kept repeating, and the role of order was once again reflected.

Under the guidance of the temporary city hall, the ignorant people went to the port in an orderly manner, although they were in a panic.

Because of the platinum-lead disease, most of the people have become less afraid of life and death, and the sharply reduced population has also made the fleeing team less crowded.

In the port outside the palace, thanks to the efforts of the city hall and the patrol team, ships of all sizes crowded the river, including many fishing boats.

As soon as a ship was full, it headed for the south coast, but Buster Call's warship was there, but they had no other choice.

Other routes are not only far away, but neighboring countries have also blocked the river.

Only Smile Vice Admiral, stationed on the south coast, responded to the city hall's call for help and said it would assist in the rescue.

The Dog Dog Pirates also started to act. The Dog Dog sailed towards the southern coast at full speed. When it entered the sea, instead of escaping, it rushed towards the Buster Call fleet.

On the edge of the deck, Mr.3 looked at the approaching Buster Call fleet with a telescope, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Captain, the Marine should be coming for us. As long as we leave Freyfans, they have no reason to bomb this country."

"I see!"

Yamato's heartbeat can't help but speed up at this moment.

She had heard of the horror of Buster Call, if she didn't escape as soon as possible, unless she was as powerful as her father, she would face endless artillery fire, and there would only be one end.

Die under fire or run out of energy and get caught!

But now, she can't just run away!

"Little ones, are you ready?"

"Captain, everything is ready!"

Mr.3, Hong Ling, Bei Bo, Xia Qi and Pei Jin

All in place!

Yamato grinned and pointed his mace at the Buster Call fleet!

"Let them see how powerful we are!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

On the other side, Marine also found the dog that was approaching, although it was strange how the other party broke through Yixiao's blockade, but now is not the time to think about it.

"Report, found Dog Dog Pirates!"

"It has been confirmed that the main members, including Gui Ji and Candle Demon, are on board!"

"The opponent is approaching quickly!"

The Vice Admirals got the news at the first time and also saw the Dog Dog approaching. Even though they were used to seeing strong winds and waves, they couldn't help being stunned.

Ghost Ji would not naively think that with a small and medium-sized ship, she could fight against Marine's strongest fleet, right?

"Ready to shoot—"


The warship closest to the Dog Dog suddenly exploded on the side, billowing with thick smoke!

It's shelling!

Dog Dog Pirates strike first!

The Vice Admirals were furious. Before they could do anything, the enemy fired at them first!

"Wah ha ha ha, fire!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The artillery fire from both sides continued to bombard!

Bepo is at the helm, Yamato and Mr.3 are defending, Hong Ling and Pei Jin are the gunners and attacking!

"Melting Carving Candle Armor!"

A candle as hard as steel wraps the Canine like armor, and a honeycomb structure is used inside to increase resistance. Even if a gap is blown out by a shell, it can be replenished quickly.

After all this was done, Mr.3 yelled at the rudder: "Bepo, move to the right immediately, and you must not be surrounded!"


Beppo desperately turned the rudder to the right, and at the same time activated the wind jet redirecting device on the side of the ship, and the ship immediately made a big turn to the right, accelerating out of the Marine's shelling range.

The Dog Dog is Quinn's masterpiece. Its power far exceeds that of ordinary warships, and it also has functions such as external power wheels, suspension devices, and acceleration devices.

Keeping a distance from the Buster Call fleet and diverting the opponent's target from Frevans to themselves is the purpose of the Dog Dog Pirates.

When the fleet pursued the Inugou and the refuge ship appeared at the port, Yamato finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Marine's reaction was as expected by the third brother.

The plan was a success.

"Bepo, run at full speed!"

"Understood, Captain!"

The next step is to compete with the Marine fleet for speed and get rid of Marine!

At this moment, at the port, a flash of fire came into view.

Yamato's smile froze, and Mr. 3 also showed shock on his face, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

"how come!"

Evacuation ships are shelled!

Not only that, but the pursuing Buster Call fleet stopped, seemed to have abandoned them, and was turning back to Freyfans!

(end of this chapter)

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