One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 556: A Disappointed Smile

Chapter 556: A Disappointed Smile

On the southern coast, as soon as the refuge ship with hundreds of civilians sailed into the sea, it encountered fierce artillery fire. The hull was riddled with holes and ignited a raging fire.

The sudden scene not only frightened the refuge ships behind, but also stopped the Buster Call fleet in shock.

The warship from the World government blocked the mouth of the sea, and the smoking muzzle showed the identity of the murderer!

"Hahahaha, don't try to escape!"

Spandain stood on the deck, holding a megaphone bug, laughing and threatening the refuge ship.

"Listen to me, all of you are suffering from platinum-lead disease. As long as you leave this country, you will be the sinners of spreading platinum-lead disease!"

"Also, if there are pirates hidden on your ship, this World Government's action will be completely in vain. To deal with evil, we must eradicate it!"

"Return to Frevance immediately, and not allow a step out of this country!"

The warship's muzzle aimed at the refuge ship again. In the narrow river, once the warship opened fire, there was no room to dodge!


Huge waves exploded in the river, almost hitting the refuge boat!

"This is a warning, if you don't leave."

Spandain grinned sinisterly.

After a brief hesitation, the refuge ship immediately began to turn around, scrambling to escape the gunfire of the warship.

"Run away!"

"Damn Marine!"

"Back to Frevers!"

On the shore not far away, Huang Mu and Yixiao are confronting each other.

Huang Mu's eyes were extremely solemn, and a large number of branches grew on his body, ready to fight with all his strength at any time.

"Smile dude, you'd better calm down, if you want to stop Buster Call as a Marine, then Marine will lose face."

"A face based on sacrifice will only make people feel ashamed!!!"

Smiling and roaring, he pulled out his stick knife, and the surrounding space trembled under the pressure of gravity!

He had never been so angry and desperate when he learned that the refuge ship had been shelled and hundreds of innocent civilians had died, even when he was blinded.

Even the World Government and Marine, which protect peace, kill innocent people so indiscriminately. Does this world still have real justice?

Huang Mu was also within the range of gravity, and it was extremely difficult to even stand upright at this moment, and his perception of Yixiao's strength was once again refreshed in his heart.

This guy is really strong and terrifying!

Huang Mu resisted, and shouted in a cold voice: "This is for the future of the world. Once platinum-lead patients appear outside, it will inevitably cause great panic!"

"What's more, the people of this country not only blatantly killed the royal family, but also harbored pirates!"

"Brother Yixiao, you should be very clear that if you can catch Kaido's daughter, no matter how much sacrifice you make, it will be worth it!"

Can't argue.

Under the instigation of the World government, the contents of the newspapers about platinum and lead disease are all regarded as an incurable infectious disease, which makes the world fear.

Unless the World Government takes the initiative to clarify, the notoriety of platinum lead disease will continue, but how can the World Government slap itself in the face.

If the world government really has this awareness, it will not launch Buster Call and try to destroy everything.

The murder of the royal family by civilians is indeed a crime in the laws promulgated by the World Government, and it is still a very serious crime.

For those countries where the royal family has been overthrown, if the new royal family fails to pay the heavenly gold in time, they will definitely be kicked out of the status of the member countries and regarded as rebels.

Same with the Revolutionary Army!

And the identity of the Dog Dog Pirates.

As Marine, he was obliged to capture the Dog Dog Pirates, but he has not acted. He violated his duty.

"Is the World government a god!"

Yixiao retracted the knife disheartened, full of frustration.

Originally thought that by joining Marine, he would be able to realize his ambitions, especially by destroying the Seven Warlords of the Sea system that he hated so much.

However, facing the world government that turned black and white, and the inhumane Buster Call at this moment, he could do nothing, and even became an accomplice of evil.

"Pirates are protecting civilians, but Marine is holding up a butcher's knife. It's ridiculous and pathetic!"

Although he can't see things, he can still tell the most basic right from wrong.

This is not the justice he wants!

Smiled and turned to leave.

If he wasn't a Marine, he would definitely stop Buster Call, but as long as he was a Marine, he couldn't abandon his position.

"Regardless of the outcome of this incident, the old man will hand in his resignation."


Huang Mu watched him leave with a smile, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he didn't have the confidence to subdue the crazy monster.

"People who are obsessed with ideals are not suitable to survive in this world, brother Yixiao."

In the southern waters, the Buster Call fleet stopped pursuing, but the reason was not that they could not catch up with the Dog Dog Pirates, but because of the orders of their superiors.

From the warship's communication phone bug, Spandain's order came out.

"Return to the coast immediately and bombard Frevans in all directions!"

"Everyone in this country is infected with platinum lead disease, for the sake of justice, it must not be leaked!"

"And as long as the bombardment is launched, the Dog Dog Pirates will definitely come back!"

Speaking of the last one, Spandain sneered in his heart.

Pirates are all selfish. Even if the Dog Dog Pirates have some humanity, they can only escape with their tails between their legs in the face of Buster Call's artillery fire.

Is it possible to come back to die?

He doesn't want Kaido to come to his door!


The Vice Admirals hung up the phone, all of them looked a little unhappy.

They were attacked by the Dog Dog Pirates before, even though they knew that the other party was trying to lure them, they still chose to chase after them.

A large part of the reason is that they don't want to shell Frevans.

Although patients with platinum-lead disease have endangered the stability of the world, few people are willing to bear the heinous crime and psychological pressure of killing hundreds of thousands of innocent and weak people who cannot resist.

But as a soldier, you cannot disobey orders!

"Back to Frevans!"

"Ready to shell!"

"Quick, move fast!"

Under the bewildered gazes of the Dog Dog Pirates, the Buster Call fleet stopped pursuing and turned around!

And burning refuge ships.

Mr.3 was the first to see Marine's intention: "They want to destroy Frevans and completely bury the truth about the platinum-lead disease!"

Thinking about it is the only possibility.

Otherwise, what could be more important than chasing them, their captain is Kaido's daughter!

Mr. 3's face was pale and uncertain. In his opinion, now is the best chance to escape. The safety of the people of Frevans has nothing to do with him.

But he knows his own captain very well. In this case, not only will the captain not run away, but he will even fight back!

"Hey, Captain, please order!"

"Let's go back!"

Yamato's eyes reflected the flames of the refuge ship, he transformed into a white wolf with a "owwow", and jumped off the ship with a mace in his mouth!

"You guys are harassing me, I'm going to kill those bastards!"

She is really angry!

(end of this chapter)

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