"Enemy, enemy attack!"

"Colonel Smoker, it's an enemy attack!"

Several soldiers reported to Smoker while picking up the Den Den Mushi connected to the sentry post and handed it to Smoker.

"What the hell…what happened? An outsider who broke in by mistake, or a real enemy attack?"

Smoker picked up the Den Den Mushi and asked immediately.

On an unmarked desert island, sometimes there will be travelers and pirates passing by, which are all conceivable problems.

Generally in this case, the marines in charge of the sentry will send a signal to the newcomers and expel the passers-by in the name of the navy.

When such a thing happens, all alarms in the base will not be sounded.

No matter where the navy organization is, the alarm is the clarion call for battle, and the sentry will not make such a judgment unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Colonel Smoker, there is an unidentified vehicle ahead, heading towards us at high speed!"

"We have sent a warning signal to them, but they ignored our signal!"

The sentry replied nervously.


I just took over Tina's affairs, and now so many troubles have come. Smoker squeezed the microphone heavily in annoyance and said in a deep voice:"Level 2 combat readiness, three groups of people come out with me."

"Level 2 combat readiness!"

"Level 2 combat readiness!"

"Level 2 combat readiness!"


In a short time, the news of the battle spread to every corner of the base.

Except for the marines on duty to guard the gates of the three storage warehouses, 150 of the nearly 500 marines who stayed in the base packed their equipment and followed Smoker out of the gate of the base.


"Bang bang!"

"Bang bang!"

"I'm really not used to using this big thing, and I don't know how effective it is?"

The dull but even speed of the sound hitting the ground made Jin Yi feel irritated.

Cool military armored vehicle!

The house-destroying weapon that Jin Yi got when his eldest daughter was born!

After landing on the island and finding that there was a naval base ahead, Jin Yi had a plan in his mind.

The appearance of a naval base in such a secret place is definitely not as simple as training soldiers. There must be secrets that he doesn't know about.

Before the identity of the enemy ahead was clear, Jin Yi simply changed to an armored vehicle and greeted the sailors he met.

"It’s so big! It’s almost like a small house!"

"What kind of iron monster is this? How did it appear on this island?"

"There are no ships nearby. Could it be the special combat ability of the ability user?"

The marines lined up neatly and raised their guns.

Smoker, who came from the headquarters, had seen similar equipment vehicles in the research of Dr. Weird. However, there have been no new breakthroughs in the research in recent years, and high-tech combat items such as armored vehicles have not been officially put into use.

"Get out of the way!"

Smoker stepped forward from the crowd, blowing out a stream of smoke from the cigar in his mouth, even covering his body.

"Colonel Smoker! The enemy is a bit strange, should we surround them and test them first?"

Dashiqi advised rationally.

"Do you think I can't handle it alone?"

Smoker's fierce eyes fell on Tashigi.

Every time he decided something, no one could stop him.


Smoker's smoking speed obviously did not increase, but the expansion range of the white smoke was getting larger and larger.

"Oh!! I remember now, Colonel Smoker is a user of the Nature Fruit ability!"

"Nature type? Could it be that Boss Tina is going to ask him for help? I really feel sorry for that intruder."

It was the first time that the Marines saw a Nature type ability user take action, and they were all alert, fearing that they would miss any exciting scenes.

"I thought it was some person with special abilities, but it turned out to be this guy!"

"Regardless of strength, it is still a natural devil fruit!"

Inside the armored vehicle, Jin Yi saw white smoke rising through the front mirror and immediately recognized Smoker's identity.




Jin Yi adjusted the buttons on the console, loaded three compressed bullets with improved power, and controlled the gun barrel to slowly aim at Smoker's front.


A sharp cannon shot out, a flame flashed at the muzzle of the long gun barrel, and a black compressed bullet blasted out.

""Huh? You dare to aim at this side? What an impolite bastard... White net!"

Smoker jumped into the air without a care.

As the white figure jumped, a cloud of white smoke condensed into a thick net, protecting the more than 100 soldiers behind him.

"Colonel Smoker's body has grown longer! Awesome!"

"Ordinary attacks are useless against users of natural fruit abilities!"

"This kind of shells is not enough to tickle the natural ability users."

As if they had seen the result, all the marines stood in their positions with ease.


"How is that possible?"

When the compressed bullet touched the white net, the strong impact force made the calm Smoker turn pale. His figure quickly recovered to its original state in front of everyone's eyes, and was compressed and brought to the back.

"Ugh! It's Armament Haki, no good... Get out of the way!"

Smoker shouted to the Marines behind him with a heavy face while flying in the air.


"Uh ah!"




The energy released by the compressed bombs caused a strong explosion at the gate.

The marines were unable to react in time and were trapped by Smoker's misjudgment, resulting in the loss of seventy to eighty people!

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