
Smoker fell inside the base gate, coughing into his chest.

In his semi-elemental state, the explosive force of the shells did not cause him serious injuries, but it was still very uncomfortable.

The power of the compressed shells was far greater than the ordinary shells in the pirate world. With just one shot, the heavy door was blown away. Along with dozens of figures, they were thrown far into the base.



"Bang bang bang!"

"Attack him quickly, don't let this iron monster bull get in!"

The deputy general beside Tina saw that the team was damaged, and without asking Smoker for instructions, he took the initiative to concentrate fire on the armored vehicle.





Continuous bullets landed on the armored vehicle's outer shell, leaving no bullet marks, and all were blocked.

""Colonel Smoker, are you okay?"

Dashiqi, who was covered in dust, ran to Smoker anxiously.

Dashiqi had been serving as a sergeant beside Smoker for more than half a year, and this was the first time she saw the naturalist Smoker being injured by a shell.

"Damn it!"

"These brainless idiots!"

"This is not an ordinary weapon vehicle, everyone retreat quickly!"

Smoker shouted, but it was too late


Another compressed bullet flew out of the gun barrel and blasted towards the crowd at high speed.

Smoker reacted without thinking too much. He took off the two seastone ten-handed swords behind him and rushed towards the compressed bullet in a few steps.



The marines saw a flash before their eyes, and a white figure had already rushed in front of them.

Two seastone ten-hands crossed in front of them, and at the intersection was the attacking armed color domineering compressed bullet.

Smoker was pushed five meters away, and then he stabilized the compressed bullet with his own strength and threw it aside.


The compressed bomb that fell on the side of the wall exploded again, blasting the ten-meter-long wall into pieces.



"Everyone, retreat to the base!"

This time, Smoker did not explain too much, and after shouting, he evacuated the scene.




"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Jin Yi was having fun in the armored vehicle. Seeing Smoker leading the way in fleeing, he loaded all the dozen or so compressed bullets in the armored vehicle and started a wave of pursuit.


"Don't hide behind the building, run to the low building behind!"


"Uh ah!"

"My tui!"


"Connect with the Navy Headquarters! Connect with the Navy Headquarters!"

"This is the secret base in Area C outside of Alabasta, and an unidentified intruder has appeared!"

"The other party is trying to snatch the gold from the sky. We need support! We need strong support!"


"Beep Beep……"


After three minutes of continuous bombing, the secret base that the navy had worked so hard to build turned into a beehive.

When all the compressed bombs were fired, the scene temporarily returned to silence.

Except for Smoker who had been stubbornly resisting the shells from beginning to end, the rest of the navy soldiers ran far away and hid.

"Is there a ceasefire? What's going on outside?"

"That iron monster must have come in! Colonel Smoker is still holding on? He is indeed a person with special abilities!"

"The iron monster seems to have… disappeared!"

One person boldly reached out to take a look and said truthfully to his companions.

With a leader, there will be a second one.……

"You're quite strong, not bad."

Inside Norda's base, Jin Yi put away the military armored vehicle, waved away the cannon fodder around him, and looked up at Smoker with a wound on his forehead.

""Who are you?"

Smoker stared at Jin Yi with a ferocious look on his face. The two seastone hands in his hands were compressed and turned into arcs.

"Thump thump thump……"

A series of footsteps sounded from behind the building next to Smoker.


Dashiqi's clothes were torn in many places by the bombing, but she still stood stubbornly beside her boss, holding the sword Shiyu in her hand.

"Colonel Smoker, I have reported the robbery of Tianshangjin to the headquarters, and reinforcements will arrive soon!"

Tashigi reported to Smoker seriously.

"Gold in the sky?"

"So that's how it is... Thank you, elegant girl Tashiki!"

After hearing the news, Jin Yi, who was standing by, quickly realized why the two were here and why the navy would build a base on an unmarked island!

"Could it be that this guy...is not after the gold from the sky?"

Dashiqi was sweating profusely, and then she realized that she had revealed a secret that she shouldn't have revealed in a hurry.

"Don't worry about it, just withdraw, I'll take care of this guy."

Smoker said with a sharp look in his eyes and an unquestionable tone.

Just from the point of knowing how to use the armed color domineering, Tashigi does not pose any threat to Jinyi at all, and even Smoker feels that it is an ominous sign.

The original purpose of coming here was just to collect a devil fruit, and now there is a batch of sky gold for no reason.

The cash and materials collected in the system can be directly exchanged for experience points, which invisibly gives Jinyi a huge help!

More importantly, it is an excellent situation! There is a natural devil fruit to be collected on the scene, and a beautiful young girl without any fruit ability!

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