"Hmm? Old monster?"

"Ah! Old monster!"

"" Swish!"

Tiantian scratched her head and repeated the sentence to herself. After she reacted, she dodged and squatted under the stone statue.

After waiting for two seconds, Tiantianchanchan raised her little head, looked forward, and said fearfully:"Where is the old monster...?"

Bonnie was stunned at first, then veins bulged on her forehead, and she clenched her fists and shouted:"How dare you play tricks on me!"


A thin figure flashed behind Tiantian and rushed to her swiftly.



Tiantian moved sideways two meters to avoid Bonnie's flying kick.

As she stood up, she kept looking around, and said angrily on her face:"So you were lying to me! Mom said that liars are also bad guys!"


"You old monster are not going to show up, are you?"

"I have my own way to make you show up!"

Bonnie looked furious, but actually she maintained a calm thinking ability.

Judging from Tiantian's attack just now, she obviously also possessed the ability of a devil fruit. It seemed that as long as she was contaminated by the pink air wave, she would turn into stone.

Bonnie was still unsure about how to effectively prevent petrification, so she could only temporarily avoid Tiantian's attack.

Bonnie put the food on her body aside temporarily to reduce the burden on her body, and said to herself in a deep voice:"Fortunately, pink energy can only be emitted with fists, otherwise it would be troublesome." As soon as the voice fell, Tiantian's next move made Bonnie completely dumbfounded.

"Sweet energy... the arrow of the captive!"

Little Sweetie lightly drew a line between her lips, and a pink heart-shaped energy ball that was bigger than her appeared in front of her.


She quickly pulled her hand back, and the surging sweet energy produced waves of energy in the air, which sounded quite impressive.

"This old monster……"

Bonnie suddenly felt overwhelmed and turned from rushing forward to hiding behind.

"Can't even Boss Bonnie handle it?"

"Are we ready to run away?"

"What will happen to everyone who has turned into stone?"

The only surviving brother behind him stood there stupidly, not realizing that it was time to escape.

"Are you an idiot? Can't you see that the old monster is about to launch a range attack?"

"Run! Run as fast as you can!"

Bonnie shouted


Bonnie's shouting was far slower than Tiantian's arrows. When Tiantian let go, hundreds of pink arrows flew over like a flood.

Bonnie, who had been on guard in advance, dodged most of the intensive attacks and nimbly shuttled between the arrows without being hit.

"Boss Bonnie, help!"



The only surviving brother ran two steps away, but was still hit by an arrow and turned into a stone statue, with his legs spread apart and frozen in place.

"Oh? The liar sister is very fast."

"The bad guys won't be so lucky!"

Tiantian did not continue to attack, but stood there with great interest, watching Bonnie's hastily dodging figure in the pink arrow array.

"Can fight in close combat... can attack from a distance... will turn into stone if touched……"

"What the hell is this fruit ability!"

"I can't guess it at all!"

Bonnie seemed to be a little out of control after her partner got hit again, and she roared loudly.

After landing 20 meters away, Bonnie turned around and looked at the messy ground.

In addition to the creatures that would turn into stones when encountering the pink arrows, there were small pieces of petrification on the grass where the arrows fell.

Bonnie and Tiantian stared at each other at such a distance. Tiantian blinked her big eyes and stared at Bonnie, as if waiting for her to make the first move.


Save your life and leave here?

The adventure of the Grand Line has just begun. If you let an old monster defeat you at the beginning, there will be no adventure experience afterwards.


Bonnie took a half step back with her left foot.



As soon as there was a little movement, Tiantian, who was 20 meters away, reacted.

The awe-inspiring aura seemed to lock onto the area where Bonnie was. At this distance, Bonnie had no doubt that as long as she retreated, Tiantian would attack without hesitation.

"Can’t get away... This damn old monster is so imposing and scary!"

"In this case, we can only... take a gamble!"

Bonnie slowly raised her hands, and colorless and transparent energy quietly condensed in her palms.

Although she didn't have the mature use of the devil fruit ability that Tiantian could use for both long-range and short-range combat, Bonnie was at least a person with the ability of the devil fruit, so she could still fight!

With Bonnie's current limit of fruit ability development and her judgment of Tiantian as an"old monster", she made a battle plan that she thought was most likely to win.


After making up her mind, Bonnie no longer backed down, but instead faced the challenge and rushed towards Tiantian.

"Hee hee hee!"

"The liar sister is coming over here!"

Tiantian rushed to meet her with great interest.



Two figures, one big and one small, rose into the air at the same time.

Compared with long-range attacks, Tiantian prefers close combat, which is inseparable from her naughty and erratic personality.

"Sweet energy... aromatic kick!"

There was a clear gap between the two in terms of the speed of their attacks.

Bonnie had just started to swing her fist when a sweet kick came rushing in front of her.

"Exactly the same thing I thought!"

"Age degeneration!"


Without coming into contact with Tiantian, Bonnie used her fruit ability in advance, shrinking rapidly in mid-air.���In a flash, she turned into a little girl who was the same height as Tiantian!



Tiantian kicked in the air in surprise, but Bonnie dodged it nimbly.

Bonnie, who was prepared in advance, continued to charge forward, and her little hand firmly grasped Tiantian's other leg.

"Idiot old monster! Show yourself!"

"Twenty years older!"


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