"Uh oh!"


The sudden change caught the simple Tiantian off guard.

Facing the Devil Fruit user, Tiantian still had too little combat experience. Even with a mountain of treasure, Bonnie still had to use her own skills.

The moment the strange fruit energy touched Tiantian, it had a strange reaction.

Tiantian's mind was dazed, and her body changed rapidly!

Bonnie landed five meters away, and her body changed back to its original state from a child. She looked at the palm that had just grabbed Tiantian's tui.

Even when the opponent was completely unprepared, Bonnie's fingers still showed signs of petrification.

Tiantian's defensive instinct seemed to be natural. If she had held on for a little longer, I'm afraid it would not be just a simple matter of petrifying her fingers.

"Even so...it's worth it!"

"I wonder what else you, an old monster, can pretend to be."

""Why don't you just show up!"

Bonnie turned around and proudly watched the changing Tiantian.

Facing Tiantian's strength, Bonnie could only seize one chance to attack.

If she failed, the opponent would definitely be on guard later. Seizing the only opportunity to turn the situation around is also the inherent advantage of the Devil Fruit ability user.

Especially the combat method of a Devil Fruit ability user like Bonnie who possesses magical superhuman ability!


"Why would the changes at the age of twenty be... like this!"

"Is she really just a child?

Bonnie was stunned. She didn't expect that her guess was wrong from the beginning. The other party was not an old monster who maintained her appearance!

If mother Hancock is the most beautiful woman in the world in this era, then if the grown-up version of Tiantian is compared with her, even Hancock will be suppressed.

"Is this... growing up?"

"It seems that the liar sister is also a devil fruit user.……"

"It can actually make people grow up, hehe."

Tiantian looked at herself now in a rather strange way, she still spoke with the mindset of a child, but her voice had become the cool and charming voice of a queen.


The moment he fixed his eyes, Tiantian's aura of majesty suddenly released.

Overlord's aura!

Bonnie stood there with her arms trembling, not even having the courage to move away.

"Isn't the liar sister going to run away?"

Tiantian walked forward slowly and elegantly, and raised her eyes lightly. The queen's momentum made Bonnie feel like a blow to her heart!

If you move, you will be killed instantly! If you move, you will be killed instantly!

If you want to live, just stand here obediently!

Bonnie's subconscious mind kept reminding herself not to have any thoughts of resisting stubbornly.


Tiantian clenched her fists, and a powerful air wave made an explosion sound in the air.

"Forget it, my mother said... be gentler with girls."

Tiantian shook her head and loosened her clenched fists.

At the age of twenty, the development of her devil fruit was forcibly transmitted to a terrifying level. Bonnie, who was not far away, was frightened and dared not make any unnecessary movements.


Approaching Bonnie, Tiantian raised her little hand and snapped her fingers.

A large amount of pink Tiantian fruit energy shuttled and condensed, quickly attaching to a point on her fingertips.

"Get out of the way!"

"Be sure to avoid this dangerous attack!"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it... I can't move at all!"

Bonnie's expression was very ugly, sweat dripped down her face, and she stood stiffly in the same place.

"Tiantian is so talented that she will be forgiven no matter what she does."

"Liar sister, am I right?"

""Heart of Stone!"

With a flick of his finger, Bonnie turned into solid stone from head to toe in less than a breath.

"Boom boom boom……"

Not only that, the energy of the Tiantian Fruit penetrated Bonnie's body and swept the area within a radius of three kilometers.

Grass, giant trees, giraffes, flowers, birds, flying insects... everything in sight was petrified by the energy of the Tiantian Fruit.

Such a large-scale energy explosion swept across the entire area, and the less than one-year-old Tiantian could not do it, but the twenty-year-old Tiantian could do it easily with a flick of the finger.


"It seems that I have lost control a little bit."

Tiantian's aloof demeanor disappeared, and the large version of her scratched her head gently, looking at everything in front of her awkwardly.

Tiantian herself did not expect that an attack she had concentrated on after growing up could produce such an attack effect.


"Boom boom boom……"

"What happened over there?"

"Needless to say, this must be the masterpiece of Her Royal Highness the Little Princess!"

"Lady Snake, should we go there immediately?"

"Lady Snake?"

""What are you shouting about? Lady Snake has already caught up with us. Let's catch up!"

The Nine Snake Warriors and Hancock, who were searching five kilometers away, felt the energy burst at the same time.

On this uninhabited island, it was only Tiantian who could cause such a sensation.

Hancock, who was originally a user of the Tiantian fruit, could feel the intensity of the energy burst from five kilometers away.

"It's far better than any battle I've ever had before!"

""Tiantian, what are you doing, you little brat!"

Hancock's anger at Tiantian's sneaking away had gradually faded away.

She was more worried about Tiantian's playfulness than about her encountering a tough opponent.

Thinking of this, Hancock could not help but speed up her pace and continued to rush towards the location of the energy explosion.


PS: Today is a day off so I can stay at home and update more and save more manuscripts. I hope you can support me by giving me some free flowers and evaluation votes, so that the failed author can see the warmth in his heart and be more motivated to update more. Thank you very much!

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