One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 115: The armored giant in the deep sea, explorer

The system informed that nothing was brought back, but now there is indeed a Teigu Marching Dead.

Could it be that the Teigu recognized his master before he came to this world?

So far, there is only one explanation.

As for the ability of the Teigu Dead to March Eighth Chamber, Moria has only just understood it.

Anyone killed by the Eight Fangs will become a puppet, and can control up to eight corpse puppets. Moreover, the puppets retain their combat experience during their lifetime, but they cannot retain their Devil Fruit abilities.

In addition, there are certain flaws. The more corpses manipulated during use, the more the user's ability will be reduced.

Looking at the tachi, which was only slightly larger than a fruit knife in Shadow's hand, Moria felt that it couldn't be used in combat at all. He would have to go to the world-famous knife maker to see if there was any way.

The Hyena Pirates were all captured and handed over to a warship sent by the navy. The commander of the warship was Major General Kong Ming.

After Don Jack settled his wife and daughter, he followed Moriah. As for his family, they could only be properly settled after the terrifying three-masted ship sailed around the Western Sea, entered the South China Sea, and then transferred to the Grand Line.

By the time Moria returned to the Shampoo Islands, the coating was almost completed.

Don Jack got acquainted with the other people on the ship, and then went on board to make some noise. After only one day, the pirate ship took on a completely new look.

Not only were some of the original hidden dangers dealt with, but the pirate ship was also modified while strengthening the hull.

After obtaining the upgraded version, air is gradually poured into the coated pirate ship, and the resin film begins to expand, eventually forming a round shape.

"Gulu gulu gulu..."

The hull gradually sank until it completely sank into the sea, getting further and further away from the land.

The surrounding scenery is blue, with some tangled tree roots, and marine life of varying sizes hiding inside.

On the deck, there are some simple delicacies, mainly some snails and shellfish, and some marine life caught locally. It is not a meal now, but it is mainly prepared for Moriya and Tiger to talk.

Baccarat was pouring wine for Moriah, and I have to say, it looked really impressive.

Gurgling, ticking, ticking.

The scene of domineering leakage that had just arisen was instantly broken, and the sound of swallowing saliva and saliva falling to the ground was heard from behind.

Moria turned around with a look of disgust, and then turned back again, as if she didn't recognize her.

"Well... I have a friend who asked me to ask her how it tastes... If you don't mind, my friend also wants to try it..."

Horsman said with a humble look, Moriah thought, that friend is not you, right?

It turned out that there seemed to be a misunderstanding, and Lili crawled out of her apartment, drooling as well: "I also have a friend..."

Moria understood that these two guys were trying to blame each other...

"This salt-grilled fish..." Moriah picked up a grilled fish several meters long that he had almost never eaten, and looked at Tiger with an obvious meaning.

Tiger smiled and shook his head, sucking a piece of oyster meat into his mouth.

"I made you laugh, my subordinates are a little ignorant." Moria just said politely casually, then handed the grilled fish to the two of them, and said angrily: "Take it and eat it, don't embarrass me here. Show your eyes…”


"Er drip, forehead drip, it's all forehead drip..."

"Let me take a bite, just one bite..."

"Why...why did your head get bigger? How come you only had one fish head left after you took one bite..."

Tiger laughed loudly when he saw this scene and said to Moria: "It seems that you have some good-looking subordinates!"

Moria smiled without answering.

"There are many ships going to Fish-Man Island, but few of them can reach their destination. They are usually destroyed by various accidents on the way. If you want to improve your chances of going to Fish-Man Island, it is best to have a sea beast pulling the boat... "Tiger continued:

"Aladdin is already looking for a suitable guy around here. He will probably be back soon."

After all, this is the bottom of the sea. A sailboat cannot sail with the help of wind. The bottom of the sea can only rely on currents, but the currents do not know where the destination is, and there is a certain degree of uncertainty.

"Lord Moria, how far do we have to go to reach Fish-Man Island?" Absalom asked impatiently.

As for what Absalom was thinking, Moria could tell with his toes that it was nothing more than the mermaid on the island.

Before Moria could speak, Tiger had already told him: "It's almost one-tenth of the way, and we're still far from reaching Fish-Man Island..."

Some people couldn't help but look forward to it. The pirate ship went deeper and deeper, until the light gradually faded.

Under the seabed of the Shampoo Islands, at the same time, a medium-sized ship was suspended in the sea. There were several ropes and an extremely thick iron chain tied to the mast of the ship.

There is a sunken ship in the trench below the ship. It can be vaguely seen from the flag above that it is a pirate ship.

Vaguely, a whistle sounded from near the sunken ship, and then the people on the ship pulled hard on the ropes and chains, bit by bit, which seemed extremely laborious.

This ship does not belong to the navy or pirates, but to a group of explorers formed in pursuit of wealth.

To put it bluntly, they are a group of salvagers, salvaging treasures from sunken ships on the seabed.

Ten minutes later, figures wrapped in resin films fell onto the boat, and a tall figure finally climbed onto the boat.

The figure is more than ten meters tall, covered with steel armor without coating, and holding something like an iron hook in his hand.


After the figure landed on the boat, the water inside the armor was instantly controlled, and a few small fish even fell out of it.

"Boss Tix, how was the harvest?" the first mate stepped forward and asked.

The steel giant named Tix had a deep voice: "I just found a few gold coins, either because this pirate group is too poor or they were salvaged by others."

Others on the ship said: "I heard that the legendary ghost ship Flying Dutchman has appeared again recently. Every ship that encounters it will sink to the bottom of the sea and all the treasures on the ship will be looted. Could it be..."

As he was talking, some timid people looked at the dark environment around them, a little frightened.

Before the crew member could finish what he said, the first mate interrupted directly: "These are just tricks to deceive children. The Flying Dutchman ghost ship doesn't exist at all. I just have random thoughts all day long."

After listening to the first mate's reprimanding words, the crew member also lowered his head.

"When I was a kid, I heard my mother mention the Flying Dutchman. I guess this ship is real, but it's probably not as evil as the rumors say."

Tix waved his hand, and then continued: "I have activated my ability just now, and I know that there is a sunken ship not far away, which is much bigger than this pirate ship. There should be a lot of good things in it. thing."

Hearing what the captain said, the other salvagers immediately cheered. They believed in the accuracy of the former's words and admired him even more.

Not far from the salvage team, Moria and others were looking at the environment on the seabed and secretly marveling.

Many creatures are not seen at all on the sea.

"This fish is really big. It's so big that it can't even be stewed in dad's pot." Lili sighed, suddenly thinking of her father who couldn't take the boat to Fish-Man Island with her.

"I'll catch it right now and use it as an ingredient for my next meal." Another guy with a similar odor said.


Bang bang!

The next moment, two big bumps appeared on both of their heads, and Moriah said angrily:

"Do you want to break the membrane of such a big fish? When the fish is not eaten, you will enter the fish's belly."

"This kind of fish is not edible. They contain a deadly neurotoxin."

Tiger was also explaining on the side. While he was talking, a larger sea creature swallowed the fish, but the next moment, the former's belly turned up and was poisoned to death.

Horsman and Lili suddenly showed expressions as if they were shouting from world-famous paintings.

In the deep sea, a streak passed by not far away, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the people on the boat.

But the imagined attack did not appear. Directly above the huge figure, there was a figure, which was Aladdin of the Sun Pirates.

After approaching the pirate ship, Aladdin entered the pirate ship through the outer membrane, and then said to Tiger:

"Brother Tiger, the sea beast has been found. It expressed its willingness to take us to Fish-Man Island, but after the mission is completed, we must eat a delicious meal of kelp."

Tiger nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and then the fishmen began to tie the rope to the sea beast whose upper body was an elephant and the lower body was a fish.

The sailing speed of the pirate ship suddenly increased by several levels.

They hadn't run very far, and everyone on the boat just felt stuffy and hot.

There seemed to be flames burning in the distance, red and spreading rapidly, and thick smoke was billowing from below the pirate ship.

"No, Captain, it's a volcanic eruption on the bottom of the sea!" Lafitte stood on the side of the ship and looked up at the scene in the distance, then looked under the ship, and suddenly said with a solemn expression.

Tiger also had a solemn look on his face: "Is the submarine volcano erupting? The road ahead cannot be taken. We need to leave here quickly. We can only take a detour to Fish-Man Island."

There was no need for the fish people to remind them. The sea beast pulling the boat, sensing the danger, immediately changed its direction and quickly left this dangerous area.

Also in the direction where the sea beast is going, some distance away,

At this moment, the deck of the salvage ship was sparkling, with rusty boxes on it, containing various gold and silver jewelry, some crowns, canes, diamonds, etc.

This time they salvaged a kingdom transport ship carrying many treasures, and there was no sign that the ship had been visited by anyone else.

"Haha, we are rich. If these things are distributed when the captain comes back, everyone should be able to get a valuable treasure, right?"

The people on the salvage boat were all very happy. This is what they do in their profession. Most of the time they return without success, so their captain can always determine the location of the sunken ship.

This greatly increases the chance of obtaining treasure.

"Why hasn't Captain Tix come back yet?" the first mate asked to the other salvage team members who were transporting the treasure.

"The captain said there were some other rooms that were not searched, so he asked us to bring our things back first." Someone replied, "I'll go over there and see if the captain needs any help..."


Before he could finish his words, not far away, flames were already rising into the sky, and the ground was like red-hot iron, and it was spreading rapidly.

"This is...a volcanic eruption..." The first mate's expression changed drastically.

Some people on the boat also showed panic for a moment. They also knew the danger of this natural disaster.

"Hurry up and pull the captain up..." Someone shouted in a hurry.

However, no matter how people pulled, the towing chain remained motionless.

Everyone was panicked at this time, so much so that sweat broke out on their foreheads in the deep sea: "No, the chain seems to be stuck in the trench!"

"Don't worry about it, cut the chain quickly!" The first mate commanded with a serious face.


"There is no time now. If we wait here, we will all die here!"

Hearing what the first mate said, the people on the salvage ship seemed to have made up their minds, raised the sharp weapon in their hands, and cut the chain.

Then the human propeller started, and the salvage ship disappeared at a very fast speed.

Although the harvest was rich this time, many of them were not happy at all, because they knew that they would lose more this time.

Seeing the group of people in despair, the first mate tried to comfort them: "Don't worry, Captain Tix will be fine. Let me tell you a secret. I once accidentally discovered the captain's appearance under the armor. In fact, she is not human!"


On the other hand, the sea beast was pulling the Moonlight Pirates and the fishmen's ship all the way, and the red ground behind was also chasing them.

When they were about to pass a trench, a figure suddenly emerged in the trench.

"Where are the people? That's... Oh my god, it's a volcanic eruption!"

Tix just wondered why the ship parked here disappeared, and then she saw the seabed magma sweeping in at a very fast speed.

She was about to take off the armor that was in the way and prepare to run away. At this time, she didn't need to guard against attacks from other marine creatures. After all, facing a volcanic eruption, other creatures would only think about escaping.

When she was about to take off her helmet, she saw a pirate ship coming towards her, not far from where she was.

"Hmm?" Without thinking, Tix swung the chain in her hand. The next moment, the other end of the chain was hooked on the ship accurately, and her figure was pulled in at a high speed.


On the pirate ship, Moria and others felt a strong vibration, and the whole ship shook. Then they saw something like an anchor being thrown up and hooked on the mast.

Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, a huge figure whizzed through the resin membrane and landed on the deck.

He was covered in armor, and his face could not be seen. His voice seemed to be affected by the helmet, and it was impossible to judge anything.

"Hey, hello, I am an explorer named Tix. I saw your ship for various reasons, so I came up."

Tix greeted very familiarly.

Everyone on the ship was a little surprised.

Moria looked up and down at the mysterious visitor in front of him.

So tall, is he a giant? But he breathed in the sea without any protective measures. Is he a fishman?

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