One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 116: Dual Face, Divination

The armored giant carefully looked at the people on the boat through his helmet, and his heart skipped a beat.

The people on this boat didn't seem to be good people. She should have boarded a pirate ship.

"That... this... excuse me, you guys continue to do what you need to do, don't worry about me, I'll leave by myself later." Tiks swallowed his saliva and waved to everyone.

"You were breathing in the water just now, right? Are you a merman?" Tiger asked. Mermen and mermen are different from humans. Humans always treat people by appearance, but the offspring of mermen and mermen are all kinds of strange.

For example, two goldfish mermen may give birth to a shark merman. Not only that, their offspring are also of various sizes, ranging from less than one meter to dozens of meters.

Surprisingly, Tix shook her head and nodded: "My mother is a mermaid, but my father is not. I only have half mermaid blood in my body..."

"Is your father human?" Tiger asked. Humans and mermaids are not reproductively isolated, and they can give birth to half-merman cubs.

Tix still shook her head, but she didn't hesitate and told everyone her identity directly:

"My mother is a mermaid, and my father is a giant. When I was a child, my mother told me that I went to a certain sea area decades ago with my father, and came back with my mother..."

Tix didn't wait for others to ask, and Tix had already chattered out everything.

"Giant?" Lili, who was only a few millimeters, poked her head out and muttered to herself.

Moria also found that this guy seemed... a bit talkative.

Moria also became very interested in her identity of half giant and half merman. If she attacks enemy ships on the seabed in the future, it should have a very good effect.

"What did you say your name was, Nautilus?" Moriah suddenly asked with great interest, "Do you have another nickname called Deep Sea Titan?"

Looking at the armored figure, he really looks like it.

"It's Tix! Don't call people names randomly!" Tix shouted, "And what the hell is Deep Sea Titan? It seems quite domineering. It will be mine in the future..."

Tix was about to say something when he heard Aladdin say, "The speed of the sea lion has slowed down, and the seabed lava is coming soon."

After hearing this, a group of people looked at Tix, and Moriah said, "It's the maximum limit to let you get on the ship. Take off your armor and helmet and throw them into the sea, otherwise we will all die here."

Tix shook his head like a rattle: "No, Tix never takes off his helmet!"

Do you know a guy called Bull Warrior?

Moria slapped his head, and it turned out that there were not many normal people in the pirate world.

After Tix finished speaking, she saw a group of people staring at her with unfriendly eyes, and then she waved her hands and retreated.

During the struggle, the giant's armor was also taken off, and then her true image came into view.

Inside was leather pants and a short skirt, which was no different from Lili in giant form, and the difference was not just the size.

Looking at the obvious features, everyone did not expect that this was actually a woman, or more precisely, a girl.

At first glance, it looked like a giant, without the strange appearance of a fishman, but if you look closely, you can still see some fish characteristics.

"嘤嘘嘤~" Tix clenched her fists in front of her eyes and wiped her tears, and tears as big as a human head dripped onto the deck.

Unlike the chatterbox just now, Tix was like a different person after taking off the helmet, just crying, not answering any questions, and showing some fear.

This is definitely a social bull when wearing a helmet, and a social phobia when taking off the helmet.

Lili put the helmet on her again, and Tix stopped crying immediately. Her little mouth seemed to have no gates, and she started to babble.

"Hahaha, it's so funny." Lili laughed out loud. Although she would wear a helmet when fighting, she would never do such funny things.

Seeing the girlish appearance, Moria asked, "How old are you?"

Tix started to talk again: "Forty years old, she will be forty-one in a few days. I just saw that she has grown bigger. Is she a giant? Why is she so big? It's amazing..."

The others were all shocked. There were almost no people over forty years old among them, and the giant fish girl who looked like a minor was so old.

If this is calculated by human age, this is definitely a legal loli.

"This is not very normal in our tribe. Most of our giants can live to three hundred years old, and adults are about sixty years old." Lili looked like she was used to it.

Moria stared at her for a long time. He thought Lili was a young girl in her twenties, but she was twice as old as him among humans.

After Tix threw away her armor and several fishmen who stayed on the ship to take care of Tiger, they finally escaped the large-scale underwater volcanic eruption.

"My armor is gone. If I return to land, people will definitely find out that I am a fishman. Then my situation will be dangerous. I don't care. You compensate me..."

Tix hugged the mast directly and had no intention of leaving directly. Now humans in this world are not very averse to giants, but because they don't know much about the fishmen, they will treat them differently.

Moria thought that this was the best, so that he could get a good-looking tool man for free.

In this way, they arrived at Fish-Man Island together with Tix, the salvage man they met along the way.

Ten thousand meters under the sea is not that far away, and it only takes two hours for ordinary people to walk.

If it weren't for the volcanic eruption, Moria and his group would have arrived there in an hour. After the detour, it would have taken more than two hours.

With the murloc hero Tiger and a group of murlocs present, he did not experience any attacks by sea beasts along the way, nor did he encounter any murlocs who hated humans.

The coated ship successfully arrived at Fish-Man Island without any hindrance.

Southeast of Fishman Island, Coral Hill has a bustling port where many human ships dock.

"Brother Tiger is back. I wonder what adventure story he will bring back this time."

"Brother Tiger seems to have a bandage on his body? Is he injured?"

"Um...who is that person next to Brother Tiger? He looks familiar..."

The ship docked at the shore, and the port was already crowded with people. Most of them were fishmen who admired Tiger on Fishman Street.

As for the residents of the island, Jinbei and Aaron, they probably haven't been notified yet.

Tiger, wearing a big cloak, was waiting for Moria and others to disembark, while waving to the fishmen who greeted him below.

"Jinbei Aaron, take our friends to visit the island first. I have something to do and I want to meet King Neptune and Princess Otohime first..."

Tiger ordered to Jinbei and Aaron: "Especially Aaron, don't let me know that you neglected the guests..."

Aaron stared at Moria and others, and then assured Tiger: "Don't worry, big brother, even if I can't stand human beings anymore, after all, they can be regarded as our benefactors."

Tiger was carrying a shoulder bag and nodded. After bidding farewell to Moriah, he took two steps and added: "Also, if you are ready for the banquet, let's start it. You don't have to wait for me!"

With such a big movement, the residents of the surrounding Coral Hills also gathered around, whispering to each other.

Absalom looked at the figures in the crowd, and couldn't help but feel the blood surge, so much that nosebleeds slowly flowed out.

"Beautiful...beautiful mermaid, is this paradise? I love Fishman Island, I love mermaids! Hahaha!"

Moriah put his hand on his forehead, and Absalom gave him a sense of déjà vu as Sanji, but still restrained.

"Hey hey hey, there are 70 million female mermaids and 10 million male mermaids..." Caribu calculated while his eyes rolled.

Although his voice was very low, Moria still heard him.


There was a big bump on his head. Moria said to this future fishmonger: "Don't just think about it all day long. Don't cause trouble for me. Spend more time developing your fruit abilities."

Caribu smiled obscenely, touched his head, and then taught his stupid brother a while.

"Where are you going? Is it a cultural center, a square, a shopping mall..." Jinbei stepped forward and asked.

"How long will the banquet last?" Horsman asked.

"I guess we have just started preparations now, it should take a while." The chef of the Sun Pirates replied.

"Let's eat something to fill our stomach first." Horsman touched his stomach. He didn't enjoy the food along the way. He just arrived on the island and could taste the island's special delicacies.


"I agree."

"I feel that you can only have strength when you are full, so I agreed to eat first."


Moria stared at the two people who were singing together. The two people were talking to themselves, just like there were many people who wanted to eat.

Jinbei stared at Moriah, seeming to be asking about his decision.

Moria looked at the others and had no other opinions, so he said: "Then let's find a place to eat first..."

After hearing Moria's reply, Jinbei looked at Aaron and said, "Aaron, didn't your sister Charlie open a cafe in Coral Hill some time ago? Why not go there!"

Aaron didn't seem very happy when it came to Charlie. He snorted coldly and led everyone towards Coral Hill.

At this moment, Coral Hill, Mermaid Cafe.

Most of the customers in the shop are human pirates who were lucky enough to have arrived on Fish-Man Island not long ago, and these people are also the main customers of the cafe.

"What about Whitebeard, Kaido, and the Shichibukai? When I arrive in the new world, it will be our Giant Pincer Pirates who will be on the headlines of the newspapers next moment!"

In the coffee shop, a group of drunken pirates were still a little dizzy, and the captain even started to blow some beer.

The people under their command all praised him, but the pirates at other tables didn't say anything to refute because they didn't want to cause trouble.

"Hehehehe, big mermaid, come here and pour me some wine! Hiccup-" The captain of the Giant Pincer Pirates stared at the big blue mermaid not far away who was serving people drinks, and then he shouted.

While shouting, he also whispered to his companions on the side: "I looked carefully just now. It's really top quality. Her skin is white and beautiful. She exposed so much. It feels like she is tempting us. If this is the price on land, , such a big mermaid should be able to sell for at least 200 million berries.”

Seeing that the large mermaid didn't seem to pay attention to them, the other one said somewhat displeasedly: "Come over here quickly, didn't you hear our captain calling you?"

At this moment, Charlie is younger than in the original work, and she does not have the habit of carrying a pipe with her to smoke.

The Fishman Cafe has just opened, and she is not only the owner but also a waiter here.

"Sorry, guest, there is no wine pouring service here."

Compared to her brother Aaron, Xia Li does not hate humans, but she still dislikes some unreasonable guys.

"Do you know who I am? We are the famous Iron Clamp Pirates in the South China Sea. Have you heard of Iron Clamp Marob?" The person speaking was Iron Clamp Marob. He has the character of an ordinary pirate and is very arrogant. :

"I might as well tell you that it only took us a year and a half to arrive here from the entrance to the Grand Line!"

After revealing his identity like this, people around him began to whisper.

"It's Iron Pincer Ma Luobu from the South China Sea. I heard that the bounty is 76 million, but I didn't expect to meet him here!"

"Now is not the time to fight with them. Let's leave after we finish eating..."

Unexpectedly, Xia Li didn't give them any face at all, and didn't even look at them again: "It is our rule not to pour wine for guests, so please cooperate!"


The pirates slapped the table and stood up, some even picked up weapons, and they seemed to be looking for trouble.

"Jingle Bell!"

Several figures walked in from outside. As soon as Aaron entered the door, he rushed directly towards the arrogant and domineering Iron Clamp Pirates.

After just a few sprints, he had already knocked the others to the ground, but he did not eliminate Iron Pincer Malobu. After all, he also had a bounty of 70 million, so he still had some strength.

Moria and others took a seat in a corner of the coffee shop while everyone's attention was on Aaron and Iron Clamp Marobu.

"Brother Aaron!" Charlie called out when she saw the person coming, but Aaron did not respond.

"Crack, click, click!"

Aaron's sharp teeth bit into the Malobu iron pliers, but they did not completely bite them into pieces, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

Aaron, who had a relatively low bounty, was actually able to fight with the iron pincer Malobu for a while.

"Ugly human, what do you want to do to my sister?" Aaron gritted his teeth.

"Sister? That beautiful mermaid is your sister? Why do you look nothing alike?"

Ma Luobu didn't show any difficulty when facing Aaron: "You actually injured my subordinates, why did you ask me to sail? Go to hell, you ugly guy!"

After a moment of stalemate, Ma Luobu took out his hand from the iron pliers, and then hit Aaron hard in the abdomen.

Hearing a roar, Aaron was caught off guard and was instantly knocked out, then fell onto the wall of the cafe.

Marobu put the iron pliers on his arm again. It was really surprising that this thing could be taken off at any time.

"Brother Aaron!" Charlie's pupils suddenly shrank, and she hurried over to help Aaron up.

Iron Pincer Malob approached the brother and sister. Jinbe stood up and was about to take action when a voice came from behind:

"That's enough. While I'm in a good mood, take your people and get out of here!"

Hearing this, Iron Pincer Ma Luo Bu became even more angry. This was really too arrogant.

"Who do you think you are? We are from Nanhai..."

Immediately afterwards, Iron Clamp Ma Luobu raised his head and stared at those sharp eyes, and his voice slowly dropped: "We are the little clamps of Nanhai... That King Shichibukai-sama, I didn't know you were here, If I knew it was you, I would definitely..."

"get out!"


Without saying a word, Iron Pincer Malobu left with his people in despair.

What they just said about punching Whitebeard and stepping on the Shichibukai was just drunken bragging. If they hadn't seen Moria in person for a long time, they would have believed it themselves.

Charlie helped Aaron up and looked at Moriah up and down.

Moria also looked up and down at the five-meter-tall mermaid, especially the area where blue and white alternated, and thought secretly.

He is thinking about one thing now. In the original work, Luffy once asked if mermaids can poop...

But there was one thing I didn't ask.

This makes him very curious about one thing now...

The fisherman caught a mermaid, but after thinking about it he let her go. What was the reason?

A. The fisherman is kind-hearted, 1..., C. Too big to carry D. The mermaid is too ugly

After thinking for a long time, Moriah finally made up his mind and asked Charlie:

"I heard that you are a fortune teller and your predictions are 100% accurate?"

More updates tomorrow

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