One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 216 The evil spirit appears, the sword of the sky

In terms of strength, Zhan Guo is far behind Wan Ying.

In terms of sinking an island with one punch, no one else in this world can do it.

Zhan Guo didn't expect that it was because the sky suddenly turned dark that he was not careful for a moment, so Moria caught the opportunity, otherwise he could still hold on for a while in this level of battle.

Moria didn't give him another chance, and directly held the golden Zhan Guo in his hand, and then pinched the target's neck with all his strength.

At this point, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. If you take this opportunity to get rid of the opponent, you may die in the end.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The powerful attack hit Moria's arm. Although there was severe pain on his arm, Moria didn't have any intention of letting go.


Finally, after a stalemate, the Buddha's body could no longer support it. Zhan Guo suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and then returned to human form.

Although he didn't send him away directly, the sudden disappearance of resistance also showed that Zhan Guo had lost the ability to resist.

"Freezing moment!"

"Hell dog!"

When Moria exerted force on his hands, he felt a cold and hot sensation on both sides of his body.

"Crack, crack!"

Under him, the ice climbed up at a very fast speed. In just a moment, it had already exceeded the knee bend, and there was a feeling that it was going to freeze this huge body immediately.

And on his arm, he was directly hit by an extremely hot magma bomb. Although Moria's defense was extremely strong, it still left a mark on it.

"Trample! Trample! Trample!"

A sound of footsteps sounded, and then even Garp jumped directly onto Moria's arm, using all his strength to punch out wildly.

"Fist bone impact!"

The fist wrapped in domineering aura suddenly hit the arm, so that after the attack, a ball of energy light dozens of meters long was formed, with domineering aura raging inside and huge power.

After being attacked, Moria felt a sharp pain, and then his arm went numb. When he regained consciousness, Sengoku had been saved by Garp.

In front of Barrett, several navy officers waved their weapons and tried to rush forward, but the former's top-level armed color was instantly released, and the flowing armed color advanced like a tsunami, directly rushing more than a dozen navy officers away.


The next moment, Barrett's figure disappeared, and the next time he appeared, he appeared in mid-air, punching Garp who was dragging Sengoku.

Although he wanted to fight Garp in an upright manner and didn't want to take advantage of others, he was very angry that the other party was thinking about others while fighting him.


Garp dragged Sengoku and fell from the sky, and there was no way to borrow strength. Barrett's attack was also a real hit.

After a loud bang, dust flew, air waves blocked the view, and two figures fell on the ground of the island.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Marshal Sengoku!"

All the navy, ordinary navy, major generals, vice admirals, and even admirals were horrified at this moment. After all, Sengoku and Garp were the two spiritual pillars of the navy.

If these two were defeated, it would greatly affect the morale of the navy.

Moria turned his head and glanced around, and finally fell on Aokiji and Akainu.

Some of the corpses were frozen at this moment, and the other part was scorched, which left one or two powerful corpses struggling to support, but it could not stop the momentum of the two admirals' attack.


Moria's eyes swept over, and Akainu and Aokiji felt a chill on their backs, attracting hatred.

"Breath of Shadow Dragon!"

Moria's neck swelled up instantly, and then the shadows around gathered in his body, and his mouth opened randomly, and powerful shadow energy shot out directly.

"Leave quickly..."

In front of a warship, Akainu went to one side at a high speed, and his panic and fear made the navy stunned.

The navy who were fighting the zombies didn't even know what happened.

Before Akainu finished speaking, a shock wave like a black python came roaring directly, and some zombie soldiers and navy soldiers didn't even react, and they evaporated directly.


After the dragon's breath shot to a position, it was not immediately ended, but swept in the direction of Akainu's movement.

In the end, Akainu turned over several times in a mess, and then he stopped breathing.

It's not that Moria has exhausted his energy, but that there are living people from the Moonlight Pirates there. It's okay for zombies to die again, but he still cherishes living lives.

Looking at the gully that is several meters deep and has no end, it is almost touching the water surface. There are almost no traces of people left on it, because the raging energy directly turns them into air.

"What a terrifying attack!"

This level of strength is so inhuman!

The seeds of fear gradually took root in the hearts of the navy.

No wonder he was able to defeat Kaido and BIGMOM, two pirate emperors, one after another. His strength is really terrifying.

On the island, Garp helped Sengoku stand up. The latter looked a little weak, while the former only had some blood on his head, but it seemed to be just a superficial wound.

"I'm afraid Whitebeard can't do this. What kind of monster is this!"

Moria stared at Akainu, with no emotion on his face. Now that Sengoku has lost his ability to fight for a short time, he has time to deal with other people.


It is very unrealistic for one person to deal with the two powerful generals Akainu and Aokiji.

Even the Pirate King Roger in his heyday is estimated to be unable to escape.

It seems that he has made some decisions, and Moria's aura has increased greatly.

Then a dazzling golden light shone through his body.

At the same time.

Susanoo, who was dealing with a navy rear admiral, seemed to have received some kind of summons and withdrew directly.

The magatama close to his body lit up slightly, and the dazzling golden light was injected into his body in the next moment.

The rear admiral in front of it was horrified after feeling this breath.

This feeling, the strength improvement is definitely not a little bit!

This is Moria's bottom-line method that he has never used.

The evil spirit appears!

This power is strong, but the side effects are also quite large, so Moria has never used it.

But now.

The battlefield changes rapidly.

A moment of hesitation may lead to a missed opportunity.

I saw Susano bathed in golden light, and his body also changed greatly.

At the same time.

Moria only felt that the vitality in his body was constantly draining away, and his strength was constantly weakening.

But this vitality was not Moria's body, but was devouring countless shadows. In other words, the shadows that Moria temporarily relied on had been completely devoured and could not return to the zombie's body again.

This is the unlocking condition for the hidden skill of Susano, the humanoid imperial weapon, the appearance of the evil spirit!

Ordinary people can use up their vitality three times.

But its power is unique.

In the ultimate form, Susano grasped his palm in the void, and a lightsaber condensed in his hand, sweeping from left to right like a laser beam.

In an instant, everything was destroyed wherever it reached.

One of the three abilities, the strongest attack...

Ame no Murakumo Sword!

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