One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 217: General dies in battle, Steel Bone is empty

The form of the Teigu's Lightning Stone Fire Susano changed greatly and lurked in the air, and the Amancongyun Sword in his hand glowed brightly.

With just a gentle wave, the ice suddenly cracked open, and the admiral who had been fighting Susano just now disappeared from the world.

After the attack, almost all the navy on the ice was dead and wounded, and deep ravines were left on the thick ice.

The navy were immediately shocked. They didn't expect that the opponent had a back-up plan and was so powerful!

Porusalino, who was at a high altitude and moved to another place, stared at the humanoid creature floating in the air with a look of surprise on his face.

After Susan's transformation, he did not deal with the lower-level navy, but went straight towards the general Aokiji.

That's when.

While everyone else's attention was on Susano, Hell King had already used reincarnation to repair the Six Paths Corpse Puppet.

When Aoki saw Susana floating in the air, he didn't dare to be careless. He saw that half of his body had become elemental.


Cold air emitted from the palm of his hand, and then Aokiji moved, and several icicles shot out from his hand, trying to wrap Susanoo directly in it.

Yata mirror!

Susan raised his hand briefly, and a mirror appeared out of thin air. After the icicles shot into it, they immediately disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

The same attack was reflected from the mirror.

"Reflex attack?" Qingzhi looked solemn, feeling that each of the guys he was fighting was weirder than the last. He had never heard of these moves.

On the battlefield, the vice admirals of the navy headquarters were fighting with the cadres of the Moonlight Pirates. Although the cadres did not have the strength of the general level, they were more than enough to deal with the lieutenant general.

Compared to the Captain of the 16th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the overall leadership of the Moonlight Pirates is stronger.

At this moment, a lieutenant general has been killed by the cadres of the Moonlight Pirates.

Oz, Lafitte, Van Oka, Poison Q, Ur... all have combat power that far exceeds the lieutenant general level. Even the three weirdos, excluding Hogbag and the God Tool, are all above the lieutenant general level.

In addition, coupled with the ability of the Hell King to repair corpses, not only the mid-level and high-level combat forces, but also the ordinary navy below were in a hard fight at this moment. For a moment, the blood almost stained the ice.

And at the same time.

Akainu on the other side has fallen into the most critical situation in his life, because Moria has now regarded him as his opponent.

Even though Moria had been exhausted in the battle with Sengoku, the former still felt a lot of pressure at this moment.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time Moriah punched, lava flew everywhere, causing Akainu to continuously fall backwards.

Moria, who was in the state of Ten Thousand Shadows, exerted a crushing feeling, sweeping all the way. Akainu could only avoid his attacks and look for opportunities.

"Dog bites Guren!"

Seeing the right moment, Akainu shouted loudly, half of the body's lava surged wildly, his arms began to turn into lava, and then he bit towards Moria with a dog's head.


Facing Akainu's attack, Moria's fist could not reach the opponent due to the distance. He slowly pulled out Zangetsu from his waist and made a simple slash.

"Lonely Moon in the Long Night, Infinite!"

This slash cut directly into the red dog-like magma, which instantly changed its form and then collapsed.

Then Moria swung again, and Zangetsu suddenly fell down, hitting Akainu's head directly.

The latter did not dare to be careless, and directly displayed the ultimate armed domineering force and raised his arms to block. In an instant, the blade and the arm collided in the sky, causing ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Damn could this happen..."

Feeling the power of this slash, Akainu felt that his teeth were about to break. Gradually, he felt like a mantis was trying to control his chariot.

That stock.

The force that he couldn't resist came from the shock.

Akainu's eyes were full of reluctance. He was once a swordsman, but after eating rockberry berries, he gave up the way of swordsmanship, but he still had the foundation and knew the energy contained in Moria's slash.

Even if it is much stronger than the slash from the world's best swordsman...

It can be said that it is time for the world's best swordsman to be replaced, but there is no chance to fight.

After only a moment of stalemate, Akainu's figure flew out directly, and there were several slash marks on his arms.

Akainu didn't expect that the strength of the guy in front of him would improve so quickly. Since being defeated by Kaido, his strength has soared as if he had been opened up.

Although he is younger than him now, his strength has far surpassed him, and may even surpass Whitebeard.


The white beard here is not in a state of old age.

It would have been better if the opponent had not been allowed to join the Shichibukai and Moria had been dealt with earlier.

At that time, the opponent's strength and power were far less perverted than they are now.

Not caring what Akainu thought, Moriah didn't speak, and took a step forward. His figure suddenly expanded. While sheathing the sword, he closed the fingers of his right hand into a fist, and did the same with his left hand.

boom! boom! boom!

He punched several times in succession and greeted Akainu directly.

Akainu was immediately horrified, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

boom! boom! boom!

Akainu waved his arms to block, blocking the fierce attack from Moria while retreating continuously.

However, after just a moment, Akainu's arms became extremely uncoordinated.

My head could keep up, but my arms were numb from the beating, and I couldn't react at all.

In an instant, Akainu's chest and abdomen were hit hard by fists, and the area that was hit seemed to be dented.


Akainu suddenly vomited blood, his face turned pale, and he was sent flying dozens of meters away, smashed into the ice, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.


Everyone in the navy immediately felt something bad when they saw Akainu being beaten away. If the general was killed, it would definitely affect the morale of the military.

"The captain defeated Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, so what does the Navy Headquarters' highest combat power mean?"

"Come on, kill all these damn marines!"

Seeing Akainu being punched away by Moriah, the morale of the Moonlight Pirates was immediately boosted.


A blazing flame fell from the sky, and suddenly it became a sea of ​​​​fire below, and the navy was instantly killed and injured.

One after another, the screams drew everyone's attention, and everyone looked around, only to see a guy holding a wine gourd sitting on a bubble in the sky.

“Tuen tun tun tun tun!”

When everyone saw his appearance clearly, some people's expressions suddenly changed: "It's "Big Barrel" Basque Choate. He was originally one of the most ferocious pirates on the sea, but he disappeared a few years ago!"

"I didn't expect that this guy would also join the Moonlight Pirates!"

These low-level navy officers were talking to each other, but they didn't know some secrets that only the upper levels knew.

In the infinite hell, all the criminals imprisoned have been erased from history, and their deeds have been covered up by the government. They are even deliberately concealed in newspapers, which means that most people don't know about it at all.

"So what if I didn't join the Moonlight Pirates? There is only one thing I have to do with the navy, and that is to burn them all! Hiccup——"

Choate stared at the navy below, burped, and his expression became sinister.

Suddenly, wherever the bubble passed, there was a burning mess.


Some of the navies in front who did not rest immediately bumped into a huge object, and saw a giant of more than 100 meters scratching his buttocks and turning around.

When he saw Shi Haijun, he immediately reached out to grab him and threw the navy away instantly.

At the same time, this situation happened everywhere. Not only clone soldiers joined the battlefield, but also Caesar's weapons of mass destruction came in handy, and poisonous mist suddenly filled the ice.

Although ordinary people are afraid of them, zombies don't need to breathe at all and will only become stronger.

Compared with others who solve it so easily, of course there are also cases that are quite a headache to deal with.

Lafitte has now entered a half-animal posture, with his white wings fluttering behind his back.

Although it has wings, this is not a simple bird.


Bird fruit, phantom beast species, siren form.

A siren is a creature with the head of a human and the body of a bird. It is a legendary creature that can confuse people's hearts.

But at this moment, his ability has no effect on the person in front of him.

The person in front of him is Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Crane.

Together with Garp Sengoku, it is an important pillar of the navy.

There was a trace of sweat on Lafitte's forehead at this moment. This guy's abilities were really tricky.

As long as anything is close to it, it will lose its original shape and become as soft as a piece of cloth. Even a bullet will be like a leaf and fall in the wind.

"Grandma He, leave this to me!" At this time, a strong man with a cigar in his mouth and a smile on his face approached He.

This person is none other than one of the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Huo Shaoshan.

But He shook his head: "You are no match for him, let me do it!"

"Bru buru buru!"

At this moment, the phone bug in He's arms suddenly rang...

On the other side, on the island, Warring States took a long breath, and he had recovered some strength in the past half day.

"Garp, leave this guy to me for now. Go deal with Moonlight Moria. Sakaski can't hold on any longer."

Warring States suddenly said to Garp.

" are you injured?" Garp looked at Warring States, worried.

"I won't be dead for a while!"

Before he finished speaking, when he saw that Garp was hesitant to speak and had no intention of leaving, Warring States immediately said: "Go quickly, it's still early for this guy to kill me!"

After saying this, Warring States' body suddenly shone with golden light and turned into a giant Buddha.

Upon hearing this, Garp left the battle and headed into the distance. Barrett was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Sengoku.

"Now, your opponent is me!" Warring States' voice was like a bell, and he pushed out with a palm, followed by a shock wave.

"Okay, in that case I will help you."

"Medium bullet" form!

Barrett jumped back, dodging Sengoku's attack, and then activated the ability of the Fusion Fruit. In a moment, a Gundam-like Fusion Man appeared in front of him.

"go to hell…"

Moriah punched Akainu and sent him flying backwards. The opponent temporarily lost his fighting ability. He raised his foot and stepped out. His body suddenly shrank and he rushed over again, very fast, like a ghost.

Shadow Sparrow Flash!


Akainu who was in the pit was picked up before he could react, and then he was thrown heavily to the ground.

Moria's domineering energy gathered on his feet, and he suddenly stepped down on Akainu's body.

Realizing the danger, Akainu instinctively rolled over, narrowly escaping the attack.

"Big fire-breathing!"

When Moriah landed, Akainu stretched out his arms and shot out countless magma bombs randomly. Each of them was so powerful that it could destroy a pirate ship in an instant.

The falling dots were enough to melt the ice.

Ice and fire intersected, and a crackling sound suddenly sounded. The steam also covered Moriah's figure. Only a figure could be vaguely seen being swallowed by the magma bomb and then turned into a pool of liquid.


Akainu felt that all this seemed too easy and unreal.


"Are you stupid? You think you can solve me with such an attack!"

The voice in my ear sounded, and Akainu's figure flew backwards and finally hit a warship on the ice.

After a series of attacks, Akainu felt that his body was churning and his internal organs were about to be shattered.

He had to lean on the ship to take a breath. Now he had difficulty standing up.

Moriah's figure followed closely.

But Akainu said with a strange expression: "It's too late for you to leave now, they will be here soon!"

"They?" Moria was about to ask something when a burning sensation came from the front.

"Hell Dog!"

Akainu's arms stretched out instantly, and the speed was very fast, as if he was really a dog running at full speed.


The smell of burnt hair spread everywhere. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, but despite this, half of Moria's face was also roasted red.

"You are looking for death!" Moria stepped out instantly, and blood immediately appeared at the corners of Akainu's mouth.

His mouth was also full of blood. When he opened his mouth, his white teeth were also covered with blood: "It's a pity that he didn't hit the head..."


Just when Moria was about to get rid of Akainu, a figure suddenly rushed out.

It was Garp.

Facing Garp's help, Moria immediately punched out.


Fists collided.

Garp's Armament Haki, the top of the sea, is even slightly stronger than Moria at the moment, but in terms of strength and destructive power, even Whitebeard may not be able to match Moria.

Only Qianying can crack an island with one punch, not to mention Wanying!

The raging energy instantly defeated Garp, blasted Garp's power, and blasted Garp's whole body backwards.

Even Garp couldn't get any advantage under Moria's hands in the Wanying state.

"It's time to go, Sakaski."

After Moria punched Garp back, he turned his head and looked at Akainu, his face full of indifference, without a trace of pity.

"You dare..."

In Garp's angry shout.

Under the gaze of countless people or horrified.

Moria stepped down without a trace of hesitation.

In this battle, the highest-ranking generals who died on the Navy side were refreshed.

Admiral Akainu, one of the highest combat forces of the Navy Headquarters.

Died in battle!

This matter has only been spread in a small area for the time being, but it is only a matter of time before it spreads.

After hearing this news, the Navy suffered an unprecedented blow.

At the same time when this happened, countless black shadows appeared at the end of the ice on the other side of the island, and they were getting closer and closer.

When the Navy saw the people coming, their morale was immediately boosted.

Standing at the front of the team was the current commander-in-chief of the World Government!

Kong Gang!

And behind him was...

The World Government reinforcements!

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