One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 23 The Thief of Moby Sea

Let’s not talk about the roars on the other side that wanted to crush Moria to ashes, but there seemed to be a new discovery on the Moby Sea.

“Look, there are twelve seabirds standing on the mast now. If I shoot one down with a stone, please tell me how many seabirds are on this mast…”

Under the mast, Moria looked at Perona who was listening to the question carefully with a smile, and said while laughing.

“I know, I know, I’ve heard this story! The last one left…” Perona has learned to answer quickly, and feels that this is too simple.

“No… you don’t know… listen to me… how many male and female birds are there on the mast now?”

“This… I…”

After hearing the question, Perona’s little face collapsed instantly, aggrieved.

Moria laughed out loud when he saw her like this.

Lafitte checked the weather on the castle, and laughed when he heard the question. Just as he was about to land from above the castle, he saw a group of seabirds flying towards him at a high speed in the distant sky.

Driven by this, the seabirds on the mast also ran away.

"Zero. There is no bird now, hehehe." Perona covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes curved into crescents.

"You are such a clever little ghost."

"Then... Lord Moria, as a reward, I want to eat candy."

Perona hugged Moria's thigh, acting coquettishly and cutely.

"There are no islands around here, where can I buy candy." Moria stared at Perona, and saw that there was a gap in her mouth when she smiled, and it was clear that she was still in the period of changing teeth. "If you eat more, your teeth will fall out. You have seen some zombies, and you will be like them..."

"Then... I will lick it and not put it in."


Lafitte watched the strange scene, grew wings and landed on the ground, shaking the crutches in his hand.

Adjusting his hat, Lafitte said, "Captain Moria, I guess there must have been a large-scale naval battle nearby, which caused the seabirds to be so strongly stimulated."

"Is that so?" Moria frowned and pondered. Sure enough, he was still an amateur and didn't know as much as a professional navigator. At first, Moria thought that some special weather was coming.

"Since it was a naval battle, it is very likely that the great pirate Hoseman was robbing the passing pirate ship. Why don't we go and have a look?"

Since it is an adventure in the ocean, even if it is not the person you want to find, it is impossible to escape when encountering such a thing. Just pull the ship over.

Lafitte smiled and said, "The captain's order is my choice!"

Moria also smiled. He can't say that he is satisfied with Lafitte's answer, but he can only say that he is super satisfied.

Lafitte was not flattering. The truth of his words is beyond doubt. It can be said that the initial members of the black group are relatively united. They sit on the raft together in the wind and rain and still remain true to their original intentions.

For example, in the original book, the evil king wanted to replace Blackbeard as the captain, and Lafitte responded with a stern warning.

Moria walked to a grave and pulled out the zombie whose upper half had not been buried yet: "Go tell Absalom to turn left and go full speed!"

"Okay, master." The zombie straightened his head and ran away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the other hand, in the southeast corner of the Moby Sea, a large number of shells were lined up in the air. With just one roar, dozens of shells poured down.

When they fell into the island, they instantly caused a huge explosion, and the wooden houses were instantly crushed into powder, accompanied by secondary explosions and fires.

Staying on the sea surface some distance away from the coastline, three warships were distributed in a triangle, and the leading one was much larger than the warships on the two wings.

"Report to Major General Doberman, if we continue like this, it will only increase the casualties of civilians. Why don't we land and capture Hoseman directly?"

A naval commander who had his own sense of justice said to Doberman on the bow. Now the island has almost turned into a sea of ​​fire, with screams everywhere, and some navy officers also looked reluctant.

But Doberman was unmoved. Like Akainu, the hawks in his navy pursued absolute justice.

"The people on this island are secretly helping Hoseman. Maybe they are all in the same group. And don't you know that this is not a member of the World Government?"

Doberman already had a fierce face, and with the hideous scars, it was even more terrifying.

With a roar, the naval commander dared not say a word. In a way, what Doberman said did make sense.

"Tell them to adjust the direction of the ship and attack with the cannons on the side of the ship!"

Feeling that the three gun barrels on the bow were not enough, Doberman actually wanted to increase the firepower and carry out a new round of fire suppression.

It is undeniable that although Doberman's approach was a bit extreme, it could also minimize the casualties of the navy.

In a depression on the island, countless people hid inside. Seeing the navy warship turn around, the tall figure in the lead was not excited but solemn.

Having experienced many battles, she knew that this was not to turn around and leave, but to carry out a more powerful running bomb attack.

"Have the people who went out come back? What happened? Are there any ships that can go out to sea?"

Horseman was anxious at this moment. Seeing the villagers around her fall one after another, she really couldn't bear it in her heart and planned to lead the navy away by herself.

At this time, a short figure ran in from outside with a hunched body. It was also a coincidence that three running bombs were about to fall here.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hosman locked the target and grabbed a few stones from the side of the pit. He threw the stones through the shells and exploded in the sky with a roar.

The air waves rolled, and Horsman protected everyone behind him. His five-meter figure was still somewhat useful.

Horsman asked the man who had just come in: "How is it? Is there a ship that can leave the harbor?"

But I saw the short figure with a sad face: "There is not a single ship. The ships were sunk by warships as soon as possible. Even ordinary boats are not left."

Hearing this, Horsman's face was also not pretty. Looking at the expectant eyes of all the villagers, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Folks, you don't despise my identity and raised me up. This kindness can only be repaid in the next life." Hosman looked at some old faces with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Only by handing me over to the navy will they stop attacking here, and you will have hope of survival!"

There were whispers from the people below, but in the end they didn't listen to her.

An old man walked out shakily on crutches. He was the one who picked up Hausman as a child at the beach more than thirty years ago and brought him back to the village to raise him.

"Girl, without you, we might have died at the hands of pirates over the years. Since we had you, we have eaten food that we can't even name, and lived a life of worry-free food and clothing..."

The old man took a breath and continued: "But if this island does not have you, then it will really be our death..."

"Not only can the food problem on the island not be solved, but the pirates dare not appear here. That is because they are afraid of the great pirate Horsman. Once the news of your arrest spreads, we will definitely die at the hands of the pirates." , even if there are no pirates, they will be targeted by slave traders from all over the world..."

The old man's voice was not loud, but amid the roar of artillery fire, it reached everyone's ears.

People began to agree.

"The old village chief is right!"

"If we die, let's all die together!"

"We can't afford the heavenly gold. If the world government doesn't protect us, won't it even leave us the last hope?"


Seeing the villagers' choice, Hosman's eyes flashed with determination. He stood up and looked directly at the warships on the sea with his tall body.

She wants to fight to protect these folks!

Several big men moved a box of things from a distance, and finally placed it in front of Horsman, panting and sweating profusely.

"Boss Horsman, this is your weapon, we have brought it to you!" someone said.

Horsman nodded, the sun shining on her wheat-colored skin, and her single eye staring closely at the dark barrel.

Opening the lid of the box, Horsman grabbed a handful of the contents.

It turned out to be a box full of bullets, made of an unknown metal.

Electric flowers flashed between the beast's palms, the two ears on its head moved, and its long silver hair fluttered in the wind.

The lower abdomen is exposed, not only some eight-pack abs, but also the pectoralis major muscles are very prominent.

The great pirate Horsman is not only a female, but also not a human race. He seems to be a rare race, a fur race!

I wonder if someone who imagined him as a foot-picking man would be shocked if he saw the real person...


With a flick of his finger, a steel ball burst out with thunder and lightning.

In an instant.

The steel ball accurately shot into a cannon barrel, causing a huge explosion. The power of the explosion was several times stronger than the power of the cannonball.

This is the origin of the name "Cannon King", because she is a walking cannon stand!

It can also be said to be a humanoid self-propelled cannon!

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