One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 24 Who is the prey?


There was an explosion and flames shot into the sky.

It turned out that there were several explosions coming from a warship. In the end, like a domino effect, the explosions continued to echo until the cabin was filled with holes and a large amount of seawater was poured into it and it sank.

"Reporting to Rear Admiral Dauberman, the No. 2 warship suffered an unknown attack, causing the ammunition depot to catch fire and cause an explosion." A navy man hurriedly ran over to report.

Dauberman didn't look very good. He thought it would be easy to capture Horsman, but he didn't expect that he would have such a headache.

As long as he needs to catch another pirate of this level, the headquarters should probably issue a transfer order and promote him to the rank of lieutenant general. The people in his faction have already communicated with him about this matter.

"Well, I understand, let's go down." Dauberman said, remembering another thing, and added: "Tell me, load the shells quickly and bombard with all your strength. No matter how strong Horsman is, he is just a Just people!”

However, the marine did not leave and continued to ask: "That's it... Rear Admiral Dauberman, don't you need to move the ship over to rescue the people who fell into the water?"

"Ask the people on the deck to throw the rope down, and come up if you can. Those in the water should grab the floating objects first, and then fish them out after the battle is over..."

While speaking, Dauberman slowly landed on the edge of the ship, watching what looked like meteors falling on the warships on both sides, his pupils contracting.

At this moment, one of the things shot towards Dauberman's location.


The saber on Dauberman's waist was instantly unsheathed, and his eyes narrowed to lock onto the approaching object. The blade of the sword was tilted, and in an instant it flew out and exploded in the air.

During this process, Dauberman also saw clearly what caused the explosion. From the appearance, it was just an ordinary steel ball...

I never thought it could have such great power.

He has never seen such a trick before...

Somewhat strange!

And what shocked him was that he was targeted by the opponent as soon as he showed his head. If he hadn't borrowed the telescope, it could only be said that the opponent was extremely talented in aiming and his eyesight was also extremely terrifying.

Seeing Dauberman's serious expression, the navy man did not dare to say anything more about the wounded in the water.

The terrifying barque.

Perona had used the Lingling Fruit to explore the place where the incident occurred. At this moment, the ship was heading towards that place because the prey was found there.

on board.

Moria summoned everyone to divide the work and prepare for landing on the island.

The sound of gunfire gradually died down.

"Is it over yet?" Moria listened carefully, and the sound of cannons in the distance could be heard.

"Captain Moria, if you want to get there quickly, I can help." Lafitte said as a pair of white wings rose behind him and then flew in the air.

"Hee hee hee! The cooked duck can't just fly. Let's go and take a look first." Moriah then remembered that Lafitte also has the ability to fly. Although Robin can also fly, it can fly very close and carry a heavy load. not enough.

Not far away, the navy stopped bombarding and began landing.

Of the three naval warships, only one flagship remained, and without Dauberman's protection, none would have remained.

At this moment, it has entered into a close hand-to-hand combat.

"Run now, rush!"

"She has almost no strength, don't give her a chance to breathe!"

Groups of sailors rushed forward without fear of death, surrounding a tall figure on three levels inside and three outside, but most of them would fly backwards.

Among the crowd, Horsman's hands were covered with blood donations, and he was holding a chain in his hand and waving the bolas in his hand. Arcs of electricity flashed from time to time on the bolas.

The blood does not belong to the enemy, but is caused by her ejecting the marbles. Although the power is huge, the long-term firing will also cause the body to be unable to bear it.

Dauberman looked at the figure that was much taller than himself and was amazed. He didn't expect that the great pirate Horsman was actually a woman, no, let's just say it was a female orc.

The reason why he did not let his men shoot and shell her was because Dauberman wanted to capture her alive, not just for the prize money, but because she thought that people would like this tall and energetic female fur dragon.

Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Dauberman had no intention of taking action directly. He wanted to find the right moment and kill it with one blow.

And in the brief fight just now, he knew that if he fought with the purpose of capturing alive, he would probably lose the outcome.

After looking at the civilians not far away, Dauberman winked at his adjutant. The adjutant instantly understood and quietly leaned over.

"The great pirate Horsman, you have been surrounded, don't make any unnecessary struggles, and you will suffer less when the time comes!"

The Navy not only engaged in physical attacks, but also psychological ones.

"Think about your family, think about your friends, think about your love..."

"Stop, stop, what's this mess, where did you work before?"

"I... used to be in the Kingdom Guard..."

"I stress again, I'm not a pirate!" Horsman's mouth twitched as he listened to the Navy's shouting, "And the Navy, I remember I've never offended you, right?"

"You have hijacked three noble slave ships and several ships transporting supplies and valuables!" someone in the crowd explained.

"We are all human beings. There are so many of them that I can't use them all. What's wrong with me using them?" Horsman didn't think he had done anything wrong.

"You are using strong words! Just surrender and capture him!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of bullets being loaded was heard all the time, followed by a threatening voice not far away.

"Big pirate Hoseman, take a look here. If you don't think about yourself, you should think about them, right?"

Following the voice, I saw a group of navy officers gathered in a circle, pointing their guns at ordinary people.

Maybe they just meant to threaten, and didn't really want to hurt innocent civilians.

"Despicable navy! If the world is governed by you, it will be the sadness of the world!"

Hoseman's sharp teeth were clattering. She underestimated these guys who thought they were righteous.

This was a marine who saw the gap when Hoseman was talking, and swung a knife to chop it directly, wanting to take the first credit.

But Hoseman's ears moved, as if there were eyes behind him, and he kicked him dozens of meters away in an instant, more fiercely than before, because she was extremely angry at the moment.

Female Tyrannosaurus! Female tigress! Violent woman!

These are the words that the navy can associate with. The explosive power of this kick is really too strong!

"Okay, put your guns down, I won't resist any more." As if he had made a decision, Horsman said, "But I still have some requests..."

"Then tell me what they are first." Doberman's messenger said.

"First, you must swear not to attack them. Secondly, I heard that your navy has offered me a reward of 31 million. If I let you arrest me now, I hope you will give them half of the reward."

"Okay, I agree!" The messenger agreed without thinking.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Seeing Horsman put down the meteor hammer, the surrounding navy instantly launched a capture net, making him lose the ability to resist.

"I will repay you for your kindness in my next life." Horsman forced himself to be calm, squeezed out a smile, and his long tail drooped down. At this moment, his mood was as low as his tail.

At this moment, she already knew her fate. It was good to be imprisoned. It was very likely that she would be directly executed or become a plaything of the nobles!

Most of the people on the island also looked reluctant. The young people were okay because they were born with Horseman as their patron saint, and they thought it was natural.

But some elderly people had experienced the dark moments without Horseman, and only those who had experienced hard times knew what this meant.

"Is there really no way?" An old man trembled and walked forward, regardless of the danger, and knelt down in front of a navy with a plop.

He didn't know which navy was the superior, but he knew that everyone should be able to hear the voice:

"You are all human beings, and you are also kind-hearted. Can't you be flexible? Do you know what it means to take Lily away? You only protect those rich people, so don't you allow anyone to protect us poor people?"

The scene returned to silence, and some people in the navy were touched by this sentence, but no one dared to say anything, after all, Major General Doberman was not so easy to talk to.

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, the old man shook his head and no longer had any expectations. He said, "31 million, give us some time, we should be able to collect it. Can we pay for it ourselves?"

"Sir, can you convey my words to your superior?" The old man wanted to grab a navy and ask him, but he was kicked away and fell to the ground.

"Promise me that you won't do anything to them!" Hoseman was like a lion with angry fur, although she was not a lion's fur.

"Yes, I promised," the messenger smiled proudly, and then teased: "But ask, how many people here are willing to listen to me?"


There was a burst of laughter from the navy.

Doberman stood there expressionlessly and said nothing.


Hoseman struggled violently but couldn't break free from the restraints. His palms were clenched so tightly that his claws pierced his palms.

"31 million? That's a lot, isn't it? But this is the money you robbed, and now it's confiscated, everyone go in and search!" A navy general ordered.

Then a group of navy officers dispersed.

"You robbers, that's all the money we have worked so hard to save over the years!"

"You can't take it away... I'll fight you..."

"Take it back..." Doberman was about to give the order to take Horseman back, but suddenly his voice stopped, and he turned around and looked at the horizon.

"Hehehe! From a distance, I thought it was a pirate group robbing the house. Now it seems that my eyesight is not good, and I overestimated you."

A figure shuttled at high speed and approached quickly!

His voice was high and low as he moved, erratic:

"You want to eat people, but you want to hide and be sneaky. You are worthy of it, navy!"

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