One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 45: The Kingdom of Flowers, the Treasure of the Eight Treasures Navy

After repeated revisions, the name of the turtle was finally determined.

It was called "Ham".

The turtle's legs were as red as fire, so it was named Ham. Of course, this was what Moria thought.

As for what Horsman was thinking when he named it, you don't have to guess.

Not long after sailing, we arrived at the Kingdom of Flowers.

It was dark and windy at night.

It was a good time to steal.

Moria summoned all the members, including hundreds of zombies and three zombie generals under his command. Even Oz was dispatched for this operation.

In order not to attract attention, all the candles in the castle were extinguished, and they stopped when they were still some distance away from the Kingdom of Flowers.

After all, the Kingdom of Flowers is a famous bandit country, and the violent gang Babao Navy is just one of its subordinates.

There are also ships patrolling around the island, checking the merchant ships coming and going, but after dark, there are not many ships. After all, sailing at night is very dangerous.

"Absalom, have you counted them clearly? How many ships do we have now?" Moriah asked, standing on the outer wall, looking at the ships docked in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship below.

Absalom replied: "Lord Moriah, there are eleven large sailing ships, five medium-sized ships, and eight small ships. These are all left by the previous pirate group, and now all of them have been assigned numberers."

Numberers are zombies injected with shadows by Moriah, and have the ability to think independently.

"Perona is responsible for keeping watch and using ghost clones to guide the ships in the dark." Moriah nodded: "Lafitte, the patrol ships on the sea and the guards at that time will be handed over to you..."

Moriah began to assign tasks so that everyone has something to do.

Perona, Absalom, Lafitte, Robin, Hoseman, Bonis, the brothers Carib Cribb, and Mr. Tanaka, a non-staff member, have all arrived.

Even Sindoli and Hogback, who have no combat power, were brought along.

"Understood!" Everyone understood what they were going to do, and they were looking forward to it.

This operation can be said to be a full-scale operation.

After a short wait, Lafitte returned: "The guards on the patrol boat have been hypnotized by me, and they can act."

The door connecting the inside and outside of the horror three-masted sailboat opened, and the ships in the port also went out in an orderly manner under the guidance of Perona's ghost clone.

The ship passed by the patrol boat without any sign of being intercepted.

People couldn't help but have a strong interest in Lafitte's ability.

On the patrol boat, the Den Den Mushi rang Bulu Bulu, and the patrol personnel picked up the phone neatly.

"Moshi Moshi, how are you guys doing?" The voice on the other end of the phone asked.

"Everything is normal, no suspicious people were found!"

"Well, hard work..."

"Everything is normal..."


A group of Moriah passed under his nose, and his mouth twitched slightly when he heard it.

The Baoyu Ice Bed, located in the northernmost part of the Flower Kingdom, is covered with ice all year round, with icebergs everywhere.

Under the ice here, hundreds of years of treasures of the Babao Navy are piled up. The pillars of the Babao Navy can open the jade ice bed at will and take out the treasures at will.


Since the twelfth pillar, Cone Pepper, turned into a headless dragon, no one can open the jade ice bed freely.

Countless pirates have come here, but most of them returned without success, and more died at the hands of the Babao Navy.

On the ice, a group of people walked on it. Although they were prepared to wear thick clothes, they were still a little cold, not including a guy who brought his own thermal underwear.

She was just like returning home, very happy.

The species of animals is clearer.

There are not many guards on the jade ice bed. After all, this place is not only very secret, but also can only be opened with the unique secret skills of the Babao Navy.

Of course, some special devil fruits are not considered.

When Cone Pepper still had a cone head, he would stroll on the jade ice bed several times a day, but after his head became bald, he felt uncomfortable looking at the jade ice bed.

This is like a eunuch going to a brothel, and he can only watch and worry...

The same is true for green peppers. Without the head, they can't be inserted at all, even if they break their heads, they can't do anything.

The moonlight shines on the ice, reflecting the bright light.

In the end, several people stopped on the ice surface that was shining with golden light.

When Moria and others saw the treasure below through the ice, they were stunned.

Not only Moria, but others have never seen so much money in their lives.

It can't be described as much, it can only be said to be too much.

"This... I didn't expect there to be so many unknown treasures here," Lafitte was also stunned for a moment, and then he also raised a weird smile: "It's worthy of Captain Moria!"

Lafitte now admires Moria even more. Even though he is knowledgeable and well-informed, he has no news about this treasure, but Moria seems to know it well before.

At first, he was puzzled by Moria's practice of driving all the ships over, but at this moment, everything was clear.

There are many things that can be done with these treasures. They can greatly develop the power of the pirate group. Lafitte has already anticipated that he will soon become a cadre under the Four Emperors or even the Pirate King!


Time is precious. Just as Moria was about to give an order, several footsteps were heard in the distance, followed by conversations.

"Ha, I'm so sleepy." One of the people in the distance yawned and said, "I went to inquire about the deputy pillar during the day, and I have to patrol this broken place at night. I feel like I'm going to die if I don't rest..."

Another person said sarcastically, "Tsk tsk tsk, you old ghost, you are still inquiring about the deputy pillar. I don't know who stayed on the flower boat all day."

"Hey! What's the use of looking everywhere? You have to outsmart him, don't you understand? The girls on the flower boat receive so many guests, and they are more informed than you and me."

"Then did you find out?"

"No, with the deputy pillar's skills, he probably met some strong man. Now the leader Qingjiao seems to have planned to come out of the mountain, so we don't have to worry about this."


The few people who were talking looked at Moria and his group in the distance.

They were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted and wanted to leave to report. Now someone is planning to take Baoyu Ice Bed.


"Dust Slashing Speed ​​Blade!"

Bonis directly activated the ability of the Slashing Fruit, and the soles of his shoes instantly turned into skates. With a swishing sound, he quickly slid on the ice.


In the blink of an eye, several figures were killed by him amid howling.

Only the five fingers of Bonis that turned into blades were flowing with bright red blood.

After the obstacles were cleared, Moria directly asked Tanaka to activate the ability of the devil fruit and began to move the treasure piled up like a mountain outward...


The next day.

At dawn, the terrifying three-masted sailboat reflected dazzling golden light, and several figures on the golden mountain fell asleep on it. Because they were too tired, they didn't even have the strength to go back to sleep.

For a moment, they wondered why there were so many treasures. Wouldn't it be better to have less?

At the same time, at the place where the jade ice bed was, when the patrol personnel in charge of the day handed over, they were all dumbfounded.

The jade ice bed they saw every day with golden light changed color, and the azure blue was the color of the ice layer below.

They also found the patrol personnel who had become corpses.

While they were horrified, they could not help but rush to the headquarters of the Babao Navy. This matter was too serious.

The treasures of the jade ice bed that the Babao Navy had guarded for generations were actually emptied!

When contacting the patrol boat responsible for patrolling the northern waters, the same answer came:

"Everything is normal, no suspicious persons were found!"

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