One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 46: Encountering Capone Becky on the Road

On the azure sea, the terrifying three-masted sailing ship was sailing at a constant speed.


Someone in the treasure pile took the lead, and the others rubbed their sleepy eyes and slowly woke up.

When I saw the scene clearly, I was no longer sleepy.

There was gold everywhere, and various ornaments of unknown materials. In short, they were very precious. These were the treasures that the Eight Treasures Navy had robbed from other pirates and countries.

Moria opened his eyes. At dawn, the dimensional fragments had reached the synthesis requirements, so he had asked Shadow to go to the other world to hang up.

And the place to hang up this time was...

Kill! Red Eyes!

I don't know what I will bring back. I didn't think much about it. My thoughts returned to reality. Moria looked at the gold, silver and jewelry in front of him. Even though he was knowledgeable, he only felt that there were too many things.

If it were to be replaced by Berry, it would be at least hundreds of billions.

At this moment.

People have woken up, and most people look at Moria, the captain, with expectation, waiting for his next instructions.

The fun of pirates is not in burning, killing and looting, but in finding treasures. How to distribute the treasures after finding them has become a difficult problem.

Moria looked at nearly ten cadres, as well as the subordinates of the Caribou brothers, the zombie general, the numberer...

Driven by their cheerful appearance, Moria was also sincerely happy, so he said generously: "Cadres can first choose what they want at will, and what they can take is yours... Hogbag, Xinduoli, you can also choose."

"Master is mighty!"

"We two brothers are willing to follow you forever! Hehehehe!"


Other cadres are also more reserved, and they are silent about making a fortune. Only Caribou, who is a bit of a social bull, talks more.

Feeling that Caribou is about to come over, Moria quickly hid aside: "Don't come over, and don't be too happy too early. You can only use your hands, don't let me find you stuffing it into your stomach!"

"Hehehehe! Of course, of course." Caribou smiled embarrassedly.

Moriah saw Mr. Tanaka who was a little overwhelmed. After all, he was not a cadre under Moriah, and he had not received any special requests from the former.

"Tanaka, you should also choose what you want. This operation is also thanks to your ability." Moriah patted Tanaka's shoulder, "Besides, I need you to do something for me. It won't work without money. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing..."

As if thinking of something, Moriah waved to the zombie general Feng Zhiwulang.

Feng Zhiwulang approached with a long sword in his hand and saluted Moriah: "Lord Moriah, what do you want?"

Moriah pointed to the sea in the distance and said concisely: "Swing the sword!"

"Moon Step!"

Feng Zhiwulang, who was injected with Bastiu's shadow and transformed by Hogbag, performed the Moon Step in the Six Styles, stepped a distance in the air and landed on the shore, and quickly swung the sword.


Amid the sound of breaking through the air, a sharp slash instantly cut through the sea surface, leaving deep gullies on it.

The sword was sheathed, and the sea water gathered.

Satisfied with the performance of Kaze no Jigoro, Moria asked Tanaka: "How do you feel?"

Mr. Tanaka woke up from his daze: "Very strong! If I guess correctly, he should be one of the stronger ones under the adults, right?"

Then, when he saw Moria's reaction, Mr. Tanaka admitted that he had never seen the world.

It didn't seem to be what he thought.

I thought Moria was just showing him the high-end combat power in his hand, but Moria said: "It's good if you like it. He will be responsible for your safety in the future. In addition, I will select some numberers and ghosts for you to take with you."

"This..." Mr. Tanaka didn't believe his ears when he heard this. Such a strong guy was just used as a bodyguard for him?

It's no wonder that Mr. Tanaka reacted so strongly. After all, he was just an ordinary businessman before this, and flying slashes were too far away for him.

Mr. Tanaka asked uncertainly: "That... Sir, is it too wasteful to use it to be responsible for my safety?"

"Remember, you are my important subordinate, I will not allow you to make any mistakes." Moria said seriously.

It is very unwise to treat subordinates with harsh means, just like Mr. Tanaka was moved by Moria's words.

A figure like Moria actually cares so much about him, a small figure. Mr. Tanaka can't wait to rush back to Beihai to work for Moria.

"Thank you, sir..."

When the cadres and others finished their selection, only a part of the treasure in the gem ice bed was missing.

Moria looked at the two women not far away, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

It was outrageous enough that Robin grew more than ten hands at once, and what about the moving hill that could not be seen at a glance?

After the cadres were selected, ordinary subordinates certainly could not have the same treatment as the cadres.

For example, Moria directly distributed about 30 million berries to each of the fat guys under Carib Crib.

This money is enough for ordinary people to spend for a lifetime, and they can still live comfortably.

Although they envied the treatment of the cadres, they were also very satisfied with such rewards, which was far beyond their expectations.

"Lord Moria, aren't you going to pick something?" Perona took a few cute decorations and walked to Moria and asked.

Aren't all the things you picked mine? Moria wanted to say that.

But the words turned into: "These things called treasures have no value in my eyes. My treasures are you..."

Everyone: "..."

This image suddenly became taller...

A certain hill suddenly felt like a clown.

What if he pretended to be a clown?


Gris Island, this is a well-known food island. When the food festival is held, even people from other seas come.

But now is not the time for the festival, so the number of people is relatively small.

In the center of Gris Island, there is an extremely high and luxurious hotel. Although it is not as good as the one in the first entertainment city in the post-world, it is also rare in the world.

The door of the hotel opened, and more than a dozen figures walked in, and the waiter whispered a welcome.

"Bring out the best food here first... woo..."

A fur tribe member poked her head out and was about to ask for food to be served, but a big hand pinched her cheeks and pushed her back.

"Ladies first, Robin and Perona, you guys have some." Moria said while subduing a certain animal.

"Am I not?" Hosman was dissatisfied.

"Do you remember now?"


Everyone sat down. Hosman was a little unhappy at first, but when the food was served, it was immediately diluted.

How to relieve the worry? Only dry food!

"Giant squid fried rice, another serving!"

"Braised steak, another serving!"


Not far away, a figure with his back to Moria's group began to have veins on his forehead. He put the beef on the fork back on the plate, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said coldly:


"That... Godfather, do you need me..." A man in black standing behind him asked hurriedly, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The man called the Godfather was wearing a scarf, a straight-striped suit, and was relatively short.

He didn't look outstanding, but his identity was known to everyone in the West Sea...

Capone Becky, the helmsman of the Capone Gang, one of the five major mafia families in the West Sea!

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