One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 51 Unknown Island, Blue Ape


There was no breeze and no waves, and the sun was not very poisonous. The terrifying three-masted sailboat was sailing on the sea. It had a purpose subjectively, but not objectively.

In the barque castle, the wolf was sleeping against the city wall, his nose was soaked with snot, and outside the city wall, several people were fishing with fishing rods.

Moriah was swinging the huge dumbbell in his hand. His clothes were soaked with sweat at this moment, and his arms were somewhat weak, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

"Moria... Moria..."

There was a calling voice in the distance. After hearing it, Moria pretended not to hear it and continued to exercise.

Some time later, on a beach chair not far away, Robin pushed his sunglasses to his forehead, put the newspaper aside, and said to Moria: "Captain, someone called you..."


Moriah took a breath, nodded, and walked towards the location of the sound.

Before the owner of the voice said anything, Moria had already taken the lead: "What are you barking at? What are you barking at? Over and over again, just like calling a spirit."

Since Moria's tone was very long and changed quickly, nothing unusual was heard.

Horsman put the fishing rod aside and said to Moria: "There are not many fish here. Open the door quickly and let some fish in."

Moria sneered: "I'm not very good at it, but I blame the fish for not taking the bait."

"It's just gone. It's been a long time. Some small fish are not enough for me to stuff between my teeth..." Horsman was unhappy.

This reaction doesn't sound like a joke either.

Moria thought for a moment, then ordered the Spider Rat Zombie to open the door of the outermost barrier, and the seawater outside suddenly poured in.


There are still no traces of giant fish activity.

Moria was also puzzled, what was going on in this sea area? Logically speaking, the water temperature and quality were suitable for the growth of fish, so why couldn't there be a single big fish on the surface?

While he was thinking quietly, he looked up and saw the evil wolf.

Without saying a word, Moria asked him to put his body in the water as bait to see if any fish would bite him.

Anyway, it has thick skin and flesh, so ordinary fish can't do any harm to it.

The evil wolf didn't hesitate and directly soaked his body in it.

After a long time, the evil wolf said: "I feel like I don't have any strength in my body, and I don't feel like anything is biting me..."

As he spoke, the wolf shook his head again and prepared to climb onto the boat in the sea water.

Sure enough, there are no fish? What exactly is going on?

Just as the wolf was holding on to the ground and trying to climb up, he suddenly heard a cry: "Something is biting me, and it hurts!"

The wolf quickly crawled out of the water. When his body fell to the ground, Moria saw several marks on his legs that were like the marks left after a rope was strangled.

It seemed like it had been scratched by some sharp weapon, but it was not the mark of a fish bite.

Is there someone under the water? Moria couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Immediately afterwards.

One after another figures emerged from the water, and Moriah realized that he had guessed wrong.

I saw that the figures had onion-like figures, with light blue hair on their bodies, and their faces looked like skulls.

They all held various weapons in their hands. After climbing to the shore, they shook the sea water off their bodies.

After seeing these guys, Moria was stunned.

He has seen these guys before. To be precise, he has seen them in the original work. They are the jailer beasts in Impel Down City. They are very powerful and ordinary criminals are no match for them...

As for their name, it seems to be blue orangutans.

There are six blue orangutans coming ashore at this moment, all of them are strong and strong, holding sharp weapons in their hands, including axes and machetes...

Although these guys live on land, they can also go into the water to catch prey. No wonder there are no larger fish around here. It seems that they must have entered the belly of this group of blue orangutans.

As for the weapons in the hands of these guys, it seems that they were intercepted from passing pirates. Looking at this, it seems that they are habitual criminals.

The six blue orangutans brandished weapons in their hands and chopped directly at the Moria trio. In their eyes, there was no difference between humans and fish, and they could both prey on them.

"Are these guys under the water? You make me feel so painful. It's unforgivable."

The evil wolf directly waved his fist and blasted at several blue orangutans. If the big fist of dozens of meters was hit, it is estimated that these blue orangutans would not be left.

"Wolf, wait." Moria immediately stopped him.

Hearing Moria's voice, the evil wolf instantly stopped his fist in the air: "What's wrong? Captain?"

Moria explained: "You are too powerful. If you take action, the bodies of these guys may not be usable by then."

Although he didn't understand Moria's explanation, since the former had spoken, he agreed in a daze.

"Ergou, come on, don't cause any harm to their bodies, just use enough force to stun them."

Moria didn't want any wounds on the bodies of these blue orangutans, which would not only look unsightly but also greatly reduce their strength.

"Is this how you ask for help?" Horsman crossed his arms and looked sideways at Moriah. At this moment, she stood up.

Moriah was expressionless: "Then I'll let the evil wolf take action, but your chicken drumsticks will end up in someone else's stomach today."

"I was wrong, I was guilty, I repent..."


I still like your unruly look at the beginning.

"Sizzle, sizzle!"

A flash of lightning flashed by, so fast that it could not be caught by the naked eye, and several blue gorillas fell to the ground in an instant.

Blue gorillas are not afraid even when facing ordinary sea kings, but they were instantly defeated when facing Horseman. It was not because they were too weak, but because Horseman was too strong.

In the pirate world, there are two types of people who are not easy to mess with. One is the person who has an amazing appetite and digests very quickly, and the other is the person who can break through the height and body limit. Horseman takes both into account.

Although he often makes mistakes, his real strength is very strong. Moria has never really fought with him, and he doesn't know who is stronger at full strength.

But he knows one thing. If it weren't for Doberman's use of artillery to consume and then threatening with hostages in the Moby Sea, it would be unknown who would win and lose when the fight really started.

After getting rid of these blue gorillas, an island full of trees appeared in sight.

If I guessed correctly, that should be the island where the blue gorillas live.

Six of them were sent to Hogback's laboratory. As long as they were strengthened by him, I believe that they would soon be six powerful corpses.


Moria was not most concerned about this.

He first ordered to stop near the unknown island, and then asked Perona to use the power of the Spirit Fruit to search the entire island.

Finally, in several tree holes, Moria found what he wanted.

More than a dozen blue gorilla cubs!

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