One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 52 Treasure Map, Legendary Pirate

Blue orangutans, also known as Brugli, are known as "sea fighters" because they can easily hunt giant sea kings despite their small size.

They are more agile underwater than they can fight on land.

If the Blue Orangutan is made into a zombie or a ghoul, it can only be used on land. If it goes into the water frequently, the corpse will rot despite the reinforcement of Hogbark, and its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

However, if the blue orangutans can be raised and taught what to do, then they will be able to do things that humans cannot do, just like the jailor blue orangutans in Impel Down.

Bringing more than a dozen blue orangutans back to the ship, one for each person, I believe it won't take long for them to be useful.

Due to the addition of evil wolves and blue orangutans, the food reserves on the ship are really not enough.

Just when the Moonlight Pirates were about to reach a break, they finally discovered another island.

Moreover, it is an inhabited island.

After landing, I inquired a little and found out that the island is called Kalay Island.

The island is more famous for its hot spring industry, and most of the boats docked around the island are to enjoy the hot spring baths here.

A building with great oriental characteristics. There is a large character engraved on the door plaque, which looks like "Soup", but is slightly different.

In a luxurious and high-end independent hot spring, Moriah was leaning by the pool alone, with a towel on his forehead, which was very comfortable. There were personal knives placed by the pool.

"Phew! It's time to end this."

After an unknown amount of time, Moriah took a long breath, then opened his eyes and took off the towel from his forehead.


There was laughter, and then a little ghost ran in from the next door through the thick wooden boards.

"Lord Moria, I'm here to play with you!"

Perona's voice came from the ghost's mouth, and then it hovered above Moria, laughing while floating.

"Go, go, don't activate the fruit here, you'll scare people away later."

Moria waved his hand. If it was Robin who was looking for him, he would reluctantly accept it. Huo... Forget it, he is full of muscles and will always be rbq.

Perona, this is not a question of punishment or not.

Although Moria didn't mean that either.

"Lord Moria, you are so slow. We all planned to go shopping after blow-drying our hair, but you haven't come out yet."

Wind shells are a unique item of Sky Island and are extremely rare in Qinghai. However, this high-end hot spring also has them, but they are only open to distinguished guests.

Moria listened to what Perona said and did not move: "You guys, let's go first. I'm going to get dressed now."

"It's okay, we still have to wait for a long time. That guy Horsman is covered in hair. We need to wait for her to blow dry all the hair."

Perona explained why she didn't leave directly, but Moria was a little embarrassed. If she directly said that there are differences between men and women, what would this little loli know?


Seeing the change in Moria's expression, Perona approached and said, "Lord Moria, why are you acting so abnormally today? We didn't... a few years ago..."

" didn't..."

Moria immediately interrupted and said, now he really wants to reward this little loli with ten sets of holiday homework, but it's a pity that this world doesn't have it.

Suddenly, Moria saw the evil ghost next to him, and he suddenly had an idea.

The moment Moria grasped the handle of the knife, his body was instantly wrapped in armor.

Then, under Perona's gaze, he disappeared out of thin air.

This is the incidental ability of being haunted by evil spirits, transparency!

Leaving the hot spring with Perona's surprised expression, Moria got dressed and opened the attribute panel at the same time.

[Evil Haunted·Operation Armor] Number of evolutions: 0, attribute bonus:

[Power: 613+100→713]

【Speed: 325+100→425】

[Defense: 532+100→632]

【Spirit: 385】

[Physical energy: 453+100→553]

Moria was stunned for a moment after seeing the attribute panel. When the evil ghost haunted him, he did feel that his strength and speed had increased.


He also discovered a very shocking phenomenon.

When he activated the Haunting, his shadow also became invisible.

After thinking about it for a while, I understood that being haunted by evil spirits can make the user transparent. Since it is transparent, sunlight cannot reach it, and the shadow will naturally become transparent.

After thinking about all this, in a room not far away, a pink-haired little loli squatted with her head in her arms. She was knocked on the head but no one could be found anywhere.

It seems like something supernatural happened here...

at the same time.


A large ship with an unusually bright color was docked, decorated with various ornaments, and the whole ship was fiery red.

This is a flower boat.

At this moment, the number of people on the flower boat has not reached the level of overcrowding, but it is not much different. The ship is docked all around and the city is surrounded, with people coming in and out from time to time.

"Lord Absalom, come and play often!" Several beautiful women on the flower boat waved to Absalom as he drove away.

"Shh!" Upon hearing such a loud noise, Absalom's expression changed instantly and he quickly made a silent gesture. He ran out secretly.

Moriah told him not to touch women for three months, but he stopped.

It’s just that one day of rebooting, two days of rebooting, one day of rebooting…

The women on the flower boat laughed when they saw this, thinking that Absalom was afraid of being discovered by the tigress at home for cheating outside.

Before reaching the shore, Absalom wiped the lipstick marks on his face, pretending that nothing happened, and then activated the ability of the transparent fruit.

But just when Absalom boarded the port, he suddenly heard an unusual movement not far away.

Not far away, several teams surrounded a group of people in the middle, each holding a weapon in their hands, ready to fight at any time.

"Iron Hook Pirates, Morid Pirates, One-legged Pirates..." Among the surrounded people, the leader, a middle-aged man dressed in aristocratic clothes, looked at the leaders of several groups with horror on his face.

The captains of the three pirate groups ignored him, but stared at the other two colleagues with unkind eyes.

"Morid, One-legged, what do you two mean? This guy is obviously my prey..." The captain of the Iron Hook Pirates is a middle-aged man with an iron hook installed on his right arm, hence the name.

"Haha, what do you mean you came first? Then our pirate group should land on this island first? Does this island belong to me?" Morid said sharply,

"What's more, can your Iron Hook Pirates swallow the treasure of that legendary figure? Aren't you afraid of choking to death!"

"You..." Captain Iron Hook obviously didn't have a good temper, and he was ready to fight after hearing this.

"Listen to me, you two," the captain of the One-legged Pirate Group spoke at this time,

"Now our goal is to grab the sea chart that records the treasure of that big man. When we find the treasure, we can divide it or whoever has the bigger fist can take it!"

Iron Hook and Morid thought about it, and then put their weapons back. Obviously, they also agreed with the proposal of the one-legged pirate group.

At this time, Morid walked forward with a big knife and said to the group of people who were surrounded:

"Don't even think about the treasure of the legendary pirate. I advise you to hand over the sea map quickly, otherwise I will let you see how I got the name of "Executioner"!"

The invisible Absalom frowned slightly when he heard this.

The legendary pirate? The treasure left behind?

Seemingly aware of the seriousness of the problem, Absalom did not stay here.

Even though Absalom was very confident in his strength, if he faced three people at the same time, it was inevitable that something would go wrong.

"Let's leave the treasure map to Lord Moria..."

Thank you for the 2 monthly tickets from Miss Calm, 1 monthly ticket from book friend 20220305142732253, and 2 monthly tickets from book friend 20200325221902790

Thank you again for the 2 monthly tickets from Death~Blade, and 2 monthly tickets from book friend 20190525143526724!

And thank you to all the readers for reading and recommending. There are too many people so I won't list them one by one... Thank you very much!

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