One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 67 The biggest winner, the fruit is in hand

In front of Perona, the world's strongest investigator, it was very easy to find Fozifer.

Although her spirit fruit has a limited range, the range is larger than the Devil's Triangle, and even Enelu in the original work cannot compare.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a burst of cannon fire, and two ships began to exchange fire far apart. The World Government ship and a pirate ship bombarded each other.

After a period of inquiry, some illegal forces in the West Sea have found out that the person escorting the ship is not well-known.

Some pirates who wanted to become famous overnight, as well as people who wanted to make a fortune, set their sights on ships transporting devil fruits.


These pirates have no impact at all.

"Report to Master Fuzifu, the pirate ship has been sunk by us. Our ship was hit by a cannonball on the left side, and it had no impact."

On the deck, a man in black reported to Fuzifu.

Fuzifu's expression was serious, and he didn't even smoke a cigarette: "Continue to pay attention to the sea. If you see all pirate ships sunk, don't give them a chance to get close."


A group of people looked at the sea with great vigor, for fear of letting mosquitoes or flies in.

After the order was issued, Fuzifu dialed the phone again and informed the superiors of what happened here.

A message came back from above.

They have contacted the Navy Headquarters, and the Navy has sent a Lieutenant General to come for support. He only needs to persist for a while. As long as the handover with the Lieutenant General is completed, his mission can be said to be completed.

Fuzifu didn't think so. In his eyes, some of the vice-admirals at the Navy Headquarters were even inferior to him.

He felt that the world government did not take this matter seriously.

Half an hour later.

In full view of everyone, a small boat slowly approached.

There are two figures on this ship.

The evil-haunted Moria and the transparent man Absalom, along with the boat, were also made invisible by Absalom using the transparent fruit.

Moria just said that he should try his best to get the devil fruit, not that he must get it.

That's because in Moria's opinion, the Nika Fruit is not a necessity. If you can get it without any loss, then why not go for it?

As for grabbing it openly, it's not worthwhile at all. In Moria's opinion, the Nika Fruit is not as real as the Shichibukai identity. After all, the Nika Fruit should be just a rubber fruit in his hands.

What's more, Moria has always believed that man can conquer nature, not the so-called destiny. The Nika fruit is just a fruit after all.

After scanning the World Government's escort ship, there seemed to be no sign of being attacked. It seemed that the red-haired pirates had not received the news, or were still on their way here.

After all, Perona's abilities are so abnormal that others can't do it casually.

"Abu, wait here and be careful." Moria said in a very low voice that could only be heard by two people under the World Government's escort ship.

"Okay, Lord Moria."

What Absalom can now do with his ability is turn anyone or something he comes into contact into a state of invisibility, making him immediately exposed as soon as he leaves the boat.

Moria's ability to activate the demon haunting and become transparent landed on the ship. He has now determined the location of the devil fruit...

On the table in the room where Fozifer was.

There were many people on the escort ship, and Moriah used his knowledge to avoid them.

Entering the cabin, fortunately Moria changed to agility, otherwise the narrow passage would be impossible to enter.

"Huh? Why is there a wall here?" A man in black touched his forehead and asked in confusion.

"Come on, come on, hurry up, Mr. Fozifer won't let you go if you delay things." His companion urged him quickly, thinking that he was trying to be lazy: "I walked over there just now, and there was nothing."

"is that so?"

The man touched in front of him, and sure enough, there was nothing there. He couldn't help but shook his head, thinking that his sense was really wrong, and then followed his companion onto the deck.

If the transparency is removed, they will find a figure standing on top of a wooden barrel.


As soon as the two of them walked out, the barrel broke into pieces, and Moriah stepped directly in with his foot. The contents inside were also exposed, which were oranges as big as a fist.

This kind of thing is normal on the ship, otherwise people who are at sea for a long time are prone to scurvy.

Moria picked an orange of suitable size and stuffed it into her arms, and continued walking inside.

Then he was in trouble.

Because maybe it was because Fozifu had eaten the Devil Fruit now that he could feel his aura slightly.

"Who is outside?" Fuzifu suddenly asked.

There was no response from outside, only the creaking and rocking of the ship.

Fuzifu walked out with a puzzled expression, and walked towards a place some ten meters away based on his senses that were far beyond ordinary people.

He just felt something was there, but he didn't know what it was. It might be cockroaches or rats. After all, the cabin was dark and these things were common.

Moria's heart suddenly rose to her throat, wondering if she should solve the problem immediately, then take the things and leave.

But at this moment, a figure from outside hurriedly ran in, shouting nervously as he ran: "Lord Fozifu, it's bad, it's the Red-Haired Pirates... The Red-Haired Pirates have appeared!"

Fozfer stopped instantly, also with a look of astonishment on his face, and asked in disbelief: "Red-haired Shanks!?"

"Yes, it's that red-haired one!"

The appearance of the red-haired one made Fozfer panic, and he didn't feel like paying attention to anything else, so he followed the man onto the deck.

He thought that some powerful person might appear, but he didn't expect such a big person to appear. If they came for the devil fruit, then everything would be over.

Fozfer climbed onto the deck and looked into the distance. Sure enough, a dragon-headed pirate ship appeared at the end of his sight, and the flag hanging on it was the symbol of the Red-haired Pirates.

In the cabin, Moria sighed and felt relieved. He was actually a little grateful to the red-haired one in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't delay at this time, so he went directly into Fozfer's room.

There was a box on the table, which was locked, and the box was replaced with a new one. It seemed to be made of special materials, like seastone, and the lock didn't seem to be so easy to open.

But this didn't bother Moria. He saw the shadow in his hand change several times, and finally turned into a key inserted into the keyhole.

With a click, the box opened, and a purple round fruit with curled lines on the surface appeared in front of him.

That's right, Moria took out a big orange and put it in, and then locked it politely.

With the devil fruit in his pocket, Moria ran away.

Perhaps because of the appearance of the Red Hair Pirates, Fuzifu no longer cared about other things. Moria slipped away a distance behind him, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Go full speed ahead, get rid of the Red Hair Pirates."

Fuzifu commanded the others. Although he was quite confident in his own strength, he also knew that if he faced the Red Hair Pirates, he had almost no chance of winning.


At this moment, on the bow of the Red Hair Pirates, a figure suddenly jumped into the air, and the sword on his waist was instantly unsheathed. In the buzzing of the air, a slash was swung out instantly.

The slash had already attacked the escort ship in an instant, instantly splitting the ship in two, and the sea surface where the slash passed, under the influence of this slash, actually appeared a deep gully.

It was Red-Haired Shanks who did it himself!

As a result, there is no doubt that the Red-Haired Pirates caught up with the escort ship.

Amid a scream, Laqiru found the box containing the devil fruit in the room, because apart from this, they did not find anything else.

"Where is the key?" Shanks grabbed Fuzver's collar and asked. Although the latter was covered with scars, he still gritted his teeth and did not make a sound.

"Even if you kill me, I will not tell you."

Fuzver stared at Shanks, not showing any weakness, "In addition, I can tell you another bad news. Only I know the location of the key."

He hated Shanks now. This guy directly ruined his bright future.

"Boss, there is a warship in the distance!" At this moment, a member of the Red-Haired Pirates shouted:

"The person on it is Vice Admiral Borsalino of the Navy Headquarters!"

Shanks' expression became serious for the first time in a long time. After thinking for a long time, he said to his companions: "Let's go!"

"Boss, but the box has not been opened yet. Will the things inside..." someone asked.

Shanks waved his hand: "I have sensed it, it is not wrong. As for this box, there are locksmiths everywhere."

The escort ship gradually sank, and the Red Hair Pirates left.

The people of the Red Hair Pirates were a little strange. Why did they feel that the warship deliberately let them go?

From what we found just now, it seems to be in that position, and they left without chasing...

That Vice Admiral Borsalino seemed to be looking at his watch all the time. Is this a feeling... that he came too early?

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