One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 68 Negotiation, Queen of Happy Street

A few days later, the news spread that the red hair had snatched the rubber fruit away.

As for the World Government, because of Red-haired Shanks' strength and special identity, they had no choice but to take it out on Fozifer, who was therefore escorted back to prison for questioning.

Fuzifu didn't understand or knew what he had done wrong. He thought that he had done his duty from beginning to end and was ready to die.

However, the government he was loyal to did not treat him as a hero. Not only that, he was also imprisoned as a criminal.

The more he thought about it, the more angry and aggrieved he became. He directly injured the guard and ran away, preparing to become a pirate.

Varos Island, bathing beach.

Moriah was lying on a beach chair under a parasol, leisurely and contented.

They were still one day away from Modo, Shipyard Island, but they did not plan to go there today. They planned to spend a day on the beautiful Varus Island.

There were many people in the bathhouse at the moment, but the most eye-catching one was Moriah's group.

The vicious wolf lying and sleeping offshore surprised many people.

"Captain, here it is!" Lying just one table away, Robin threw over a round object, "A coconut just picked from the tree."

As he said that, he conjured two straws out of nowhere and handed them to Moriah.

Moria pushed up her sunglasses, took them, opened the two coconuts she had just picked, and inserted the straws.

"Suck, I really envy those who can get into the water."

After taking a sip of coconut water, Moriah lamented that both he and Robin were Devil Fruit users, which made them soft when exposed to water and could not play in the water.

"Those who drown are those who know how to swim..."

Unexpectedly, Robin said such a sentence. Moriah couldn't help but turn around and look. The latter seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he covered his face with a newspaper and pretended to rest.

Sure enough, her skin has turned white, but her heart is still dark. As expected, she can't afford to offend a dark-hearted woman.

"Lord Moria, Lord Moria, do you see what I picked up on the sea?"

Perona ran to Moria, took his hand, and put something in it.


Moria blindly guessed that it was a nice-looking shell, and then Perona let go of her hand. Moria opened her hand, looked at it, and threw it away.

It turned out to be a dead crab with a strange shape...

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"

Seeing Moria's shocked look, Perona burst into laughter and ran away as if running away.

What a filial daughter, Moria almost pulled out the seven wolves and chased after her, but after thinking about it, she just forgot about it.

"Captain, let me go over there and take a look." Robin's expression changed imperceptibly, and then he headed in one direction.

Moriah hummed and continued to doze off with his eyes closed.

At this moment, there was a creak and someone sat down on the beach chair next to him again.

"Robin, you're back so soon?" Moria couldn't help but ask doubtfully when she sensed someone sitting down next to her.

But then something didn't feel right. The scent emitted by this person was different from Robin's.

"Robin? Nico Robin?" came a female voice.

Moria was stunned. The voice was very strange. He didn't know this person.

This man is not only bold, but he must also be a bit of a social arrogant.

Moria opened her eyes and took a closer look. She saw a woman wearing a long-haired fox-like mask, wearing white clothes, fishnet stockings and high heels, with curly mid-length hair on her head.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" The woman asked politely, holding her handbag.

"Whatever." Although the other party should be a beauty, Moriah still ignored her.

"What are you doing here to find me?" Moria's attitude was cold and he directly revealed the identity of the other party, "One of the emperors of the underground world, Stussy, the Queen of Happy Street! But what I am thinking about now is, what is your identity? Are you looking for me? Is it a business matter for the world government or a personal matter?"

Stussy looked shocked. She didn't expect that the other party would recognize her identity as soon as they met her face to face, and both of them knew it. You must know that she came here wearing a mask not to reveal her identity.

How did he know?

Stussy suddenly became confused and didn't know whether the conversation should continue.

After a long time, as if he had made a decision, Stussy took off his mask.

She has short curly blond hair, blue eyes, and lipstick on her lips. She has an elegant manner and a delicate face.

It was Stussy.

"Although this question is very presumptuous, I still want to ask, how did you recognize me?" Stussi asked with interest, staring at Moriah without blinking with her beautiful eyes.

Moria's attitude was indifferent: "Will you tell your opponent your trump card? If you have anything to say, just say it. There is no need to be secretive. I still have some things to do."

Stusy blinked, thought for a long time and finally decided to go straight to the topic: "The World Government is preparing to implement a Shichibukai system, and is preparing to give special powers and qualifications to seven famous and powerful pirates in the world..."

Seeming to see that Moria was a little uninterested, Stussy explained: "In addition to paying a certain amount of income to the government, the Shichibukai are free to move around in peacetime, and the World Government will also recover their bounties. No longer wanted."

Moria asked, "Does this have anything to do with me?"

Coming to him in such a hurry, Moria felt that it was related to the seizure of the Nika Fruit some time ago. Although the Devil Fruit was obtained by Moria, the outside world and even the World Government believed that it was in the hands of red-haired Shanks.

Now even if Shanks confronts the Five Old Stars, the latter will not believe it.

"To be honest, your strength and fame have been recognized by the government, and the government intends to make you one of the candidates for the Seven Warlords."

Stusi was the person sent by the Five Elders to negotiate with Moria, and by the way, let her find out the truth about the latter.

"The World Government is quite discerning." Moria's attitude eased a little: "I don't believe that the World Government will be so kind. Didn't you finish the conditions for becoming a Seven Warlord?"


Hearing Moria's active inquiry, Stusi organized his words and said: "In addition to accepting the mandatory summons of the World Government, the Seven Warlords also need to set off for the Grand Line when they become Seven Warlords, and use their fame and strength to deter and defeat other pirates."

The people who can become Seven Warlords are all uncertain factors. If they are in the four seas, it will only affect the balance and is not conducive to the rule of the World Government.

However, if they go to the chaotic Grand Line, it will be different, and this will also hit many small pirates with some fame.

Moriah pondered for a long time before saying, "If that's the case, it's within the acceptable range..."

"No, no, no, this is just the conditions of an ordinary Shichibukai."

Stussy shook her head quickly: "As for you, the World Government has added two more rules. The first is to hand over the son of the devil, Nico Robin, and the second is to hand over the detained World Government personnel and naval generals..."

Before she finished speaking, Stussy felt a chill all over her body.

Although she was alarmed, she was still half a beat late.

A big hand instantly pinched her slender white neck before she could react, and then pressed her body into the soft sand.

"Is this the attitude of the World Government? If you don't know, you might think I'm begging you. If you don't have sincerity, then there's nothing to talk about!"

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