The eight-armed lava giant grabbed the dragon’s head with its remaining two hands.

Kaido’s twisted dragon body struggled.

There is energy accumulated in the mouth.

Look at the two giant hands getting closer and closer to the head.

The energy from Kaido’s mouth spurted out:

“Hot breath!”

The extremely high temperature energy was compressed, and a golden beam of light instantly cut through the sky.

boom! ! !

The lava giant’s head was hit by the heat breath and was instantly evaporated.

At the same time, the high temperature of the golden flame melts the magma.

Spreading downward.

The lava giant disappears below its head.

In an instant, a large semicircular hole was melted, dozens of meters in size.

One hit.

But Kaido’s expression still darkened.

The lava giant’s head was evaporated and disappeared, and the magma was crawling crazily.

In just a few moments it condensed into shape.

But those two big hands were not affected in any way.

One of the big hands grabbed the dragon’s neck.

The lava giant bent.

Seven large armed-colored hands pinned Kaido to the ground.

Evenly captured in one place on Kaido Qinglong’s body.

Make it struggle.

The only free giant hand left was a fist.

Lift it high.

Then a huge roar erupted from the shoulders and elbows.

The power of endless magma eruption rushed out from there.

The huge force wrapped around his arm and hit Kaido’s dragon head.

The struggling Kaido.

Looking at the roaring giant fist, Long Pu shrank sharply.

Domineering instantly covers the head.

boom! ! ! !

A deafening explosion sounded.

Countless pirates who had fled to the pirate ship covered their ears and howled.

Centered around these two behemoths.

Violent air waves swept in all directions.

Kaido was hit by a punch and felt dizzy.

At this time, the magma giant’s arm was actually raised high again.

A strong sense of crisis wakes him up.

But the dizzy instinct still prevented him from making any movements for the time being.

At this time, Jin was flying in the air.

Transformed into a pterosaur.

Stay steady in the violent waves.

The head is pulled back like a slingshot:

“Diao Zhenghuang!”

Then it was released, creating a powerful shock wave.


Like a laser beam.

Shoot at the right half of the lava giant’s body.

The arms raised high and the tails of the other two arms.

It was hit and exploded by this laser-like shock wave.

boom! ! !

It directly broke the connection between these three arms and the body.

Powerless free fall.

Losing control of the three arms in front of him, Kaido struggled to hold up his upper body.

At this time, magma gushes out crazily from the shoulders of the magma giant.

The new three arms are about to take shape.

Kaido’s body burned with intense flames starting from his head downwards and began to wrap around his body.

The extreme high temperature caused the giant hand behind to begin to melt.

I felt my suppressed body loosen a little.

Kaido exerted his strength again, and flames instantly enveloped his whole body.

The entire green dragon’s body was wrapped in huge flames.

Transformed into a fire dragon:

“Fire Dragon Torch.”

“Rising Dragon Flame Bagua!”

Kaido twisted his body and focused the flames on his head.

At the same time, the armed color and the overlord color are attached to the head.

The entire fire dragon crashed into the lava giant’s chest at an extremely fast speed.

boom! ! !

Violent explosions and impact exploded in the center of the magma giant.

The entire upper body of the magma giant suddenly fell apart.

It turns into a magma meteor and shoots in all directions.

Kaido’s figure quickly shrank, turned into a human-animal form, and shook his head.

He didn’t feel comfortable with the impact just now.

Jhin turned into a pterosaur and landed next to Kaido.

The two of them stared at the only half of the magma giant left.


The sound of footsteps came from beneath the smoky magma giant.

The outline of a figure faintly emerged:

“After all, it’s still something made up of abilities.”

“It’s just easy to break.”

After finishing his words, he walked out of the smoke and looked at Kaido opposite.

Kaido looked at the figure opposite and burst out with hatred.

With his eyes turned red, he gritted his teeth and said earnestly:

“Sa! Ka! Si! Ki!!!”

Sakaski chuckled:

“That move didn’t kill you back then.”

“Good luck.”

Kaido thought of the missing lungs and the torment of the sequelae over the years.

Hatred welled up.

The whole person turned into an afterimage.

Jhin hurriedly shouted:

“Brother Kaido!”

Then the whole person turned into an afterimage and chased after him.

You can’t act out of anger at times like this, Brother Kaido…

As for Kaido, the mace that appeared in his hand at some point was filled with domineering energy.

Holding it with both hands, lightning flashed on the mace:


thunder! eight! Gua! ”

Sakaski grinned ferociously and flicked his right hand.

Countless lava was thrown out of his hand and condensed.

A mace formed.

Instantly attach a large number of armed colors.

The extremely black mace is extremely hard.

He also swung the stick at the charging Kaido!


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, making people’s ears ring instantly.

Then endless thunder and lightning were inspired from the maces in the hands of the two men and shot out in all directions.

Kaido, dominated by hatred, looked ferocious:

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Endless power exploded in his body, pressing towards Sakaski.

Sakaski felt the infinitely increasing power, and the grin on his lips continued to grow.

The entire body transformed into red lotus mode.

The back, shoulders, and elbows erupted with a huge impact like a volcano.

It overshadowed Kaido in an instant.

The pressure forced him to retreat continuously.

At this time, Jhin, who transformed into a pterosaur, also arrived.

Swooping down from the sky at extremely fast speeds.

His right foot was armed with a domineering aura, and he kicked Sakaski like a sharp arrow.

Just when he hit Sakaski with a few positions left.

The mace in Sakaski’s hand suddenly exploded.

Endless impact surged towards Kaido.

Kaido flew backwards like a meteor.

Then those eyes burning with golden light looked at the kicked Jin with an expressionless expression.

Jin’s heart felt cold at this moment, too bad…it’s too late…


Jhin’s right foot hit Sakaski’s chest.

Sakaski, who was wearing an armed color, stood firmly on the ground without taking a step back.

Jhin quickly flapped his wings to escape.

Sakaski’s left hand suddenly grabbed Jhin’s right foot.

Pull down hard.

Jhin’s entire body crashed towards Sakaski uncontrollably.

Sakaski looked at Jhin who hit him.

The ability of the right hand operates.

A punch hit Jhin in the abdomen.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Jhin spurted out a mouthful of blood:


Sakaski’s indifferent voice sounded:

“Big fire-breathing!”

Endless heat waves erupted in Jhin’s abdomen.

Feeling the violent and blazing energy, Jhin’s pupils shrank sharply.

boom! ! !

Endless magma erupted from Sakaski’s fist.

If viewed from above the island.

Starting from Sakaski’s position, the magma in front is like a huge fan.

It stretches for an unknown number of meters, covering everything in front of it.

Until it crashes over the edge of the island and into the sea.

Sakaski looked at Kaido who had stood up in the distance and wanted to escape.

The whole person turned into an afterimage and rushed away.

On the other side, Jhin struggled out of the magma:


He kept coughing up blood, and suddenly a feeling of being locked appeared.

There was no time to think about it, and the whole person rose into the sky.

Swish swish swish——

Several sounds broke through the air.

The flying sword energy struck Jin’s position just now.

The sword energy attached to the domineering force exploded there.

Jin broke into a cold sweat and looked at the person in the distance.

Carol appeared on moon steps.

Holding Sakura Ju and looking at Jhin:

“One Blade Style·Lanyu.”

He swung out sword energy like a crescent moon, spinning towards Jhin.

From big to small, from one to many.

In just a moment, the Crescent Sword Qi split into countless small sword Qi.

It headed towards Jin Gai like a curtain of rain.

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