Jhin in the form of a pterodactyl spread his wings wide and shook.

The whole person rose into the sky on the spot.

Dodge the sword energy like a rain curtain.

Then it drew an arc in the sky hundreds of meters high.

Swoop down:

“Emperor Dan Gong.”

The wings are domineering, and the sharp aura is like a sword.

He rushed in front of Carol at extremely fast speeds.

Clang Clang Clang Clang….

The sound of gold and iron clashing is endless, and sparks are everywhere.

Jhin’s wings are like sharp knives.

Chasing and beating Carol.

The lingering image of Sakura in Carol’s hand flashed across.

Blocked all the moves without missing a beat.

Fight and retreat at the same time.

Breaking countless ground along the way.

Dust and sword energy blend together.

The two figures were submerged in it.

at this time.

Jin let out a dull “hum”.

The body paused for a moment, and then blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.

The short burst involved the internal organs that had just been seriously injured by Sakaski.

Carol’s expression condensed.

Sword energy and domineering energy erupted, blowing away the surrounding dust.

Seize the opportunity and hold the knife in both hands:

“Itto-ryu Blue Bird.”

A clear chirp sounded.

The blue sword energy formed the shape of a blue bird.

Like lightning, it flashes left and right.

Rush towards Jhin.

Jhin’s pterosaur head jerked back:

“Diao Zhenghuang.”

Bounce forward.


A laser-like shock wave shot towards the sword energy.

boom! ! !

The huge explosion from the collision blew away the smoke.

The two of them were carried backwards by the strong air wave.

Keep your posture steady and stare at the other person.

Kaido’s roar came from the distant battlefield.

I saw a green dragon rushing vertically into the sky.

But he was pulled by something.

Slammed to the ground.

boom! ! !

A huge shock came.

Jin turned into a half-beast form and flew in the sky, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

Take a deep breath and pull out the long knife.

The burning flames attached to the blade exploded out.

A lifelike fire dragon a hundred meters long was condensed.

Jhin aimed a wave at Carol:

“Fire Dragon Emperor!”

hold head high–

A dragon roar sounded, and the flames on the fire dragon surged.

Rushing towards Carol.

Carol took a breath and adjusted herself.

Move the sword with both hands to the right.

A green aura emerged from his entire body.

Looking at the charging fire dragon:

“One-sword style.”

The long sword made a slash in front of him.

“Yuji Qinglong.”

hold head high–

Dragon roar sounded.

A blue dragon with sword energy rushed out from the sword mark.

Accompanied by a faint roar of the knife, it burst out.

Rush towards the fire dragon.

The sharp sword energy collided with the bursting flames,

Offset blend.


Boom boom boom! ….

The two sword energy dragons collapsed at the same time.

The body composed of flames and sword energy exploded inch by inch.

The sound of explosions was endless.

boom! ! ! !

After a loud bang, the heat wave hits.

A huge mushroom cloud rose.

Forcing Carol to retreat.

Jhin, on the other hand, took advantage of the impact of the explosion and groaned.

Transformed into a pterosaur and rushed towards Kaido.


At this time Kaido and Sakaski are here.

Kaido in the form of a half-animal dragon.

The joints were pinned by several lava spears covered in armed colors, and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

In Sakaski’s hand, he held Kaido’s mace.

Walk towards Kaido.

Kaido’s mouth was filled with energy.

Of course Sakaski found out.

But don’t care.

At this time, all Kaido’s joints were broken by Sakaski.

Pin it with the lava spear for now.

Even if Kaido is the Blue Dragon Fruit of the Phantasmal Beast Species, it will take time to recover.

Not to mention that Kaido has not yet awakened.

Not so abnormally resilient.

Suddenly Sakaski looked up to the north.

A flaming pterosaur charged towards Sakaski.

There is also powerful energy brewing in his mouth.

Sakaski raised his eyebrows:

“It can fly.”

In this case……

He raised his hand and pointed it at the charging Jin.

Wave your hand upward:

“The Sword of the Cliff.”

In front of Jhin, a giant magma sword tens of meters wide rushed out from the ground.

With extremely fast speed and powerful insight and color prediction.

It was too late for Jhin to escape at this time.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes.

The move brewing in his mouth was about to be sprayed towards Sakaski.

At this moment, Kaido, who was held down by a spear, suddenly looked up.

Aim at the rushing Jhin.

A hot breath spurted out.

Like a laser.

Several meters thick golden heat breath collided with the top of the Cliff Sword.

Kaido’s roar came:

“Escape quickly and find an opportunity…”

boom! ! ! !

It’s not over yet.

A sound broke through the air.

The mace wrapped in overlord color hit Kaido on the head.

interrupted Kaido.

It also broke the surrounding magma spears with domineering energy.

Kaido was knocked unconscious directly.

Looking at the unconscious Kaido.

Sakaski let out a breath.

He said in a low voice as if he was having fun:

“Thunder gossip.”

Throw away the mace.

At this time, Jin had turned into a black spot and disappeared into the horizon.

Sakaski narrowed his eyes.

The only remnant of the fourth race on the sky mural…

At this time Carol came over:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

Sakaski said “hmm” and asked:

“How long will it take for the warship to arrive?”

Carol said:

“About half an hour.”

Sakaski nodded.

Use lava to turn into chains.

Attached domineering.

Lock Kaido’s joints.

Said to Carol:

“I’ll bring some more sea tower stone chains later.”

“Escorted to Punk Hassad.”

Then the sight and color came out.

His arms turned into lava and raised up.

Aiming at the remnants of the Beast Pirates who escaped to the sea.

Endless thick smoke and magma burst out:

“Meteor volcano.”

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