Sakaski’s voice was heard.

Kaido looked at the source of the sound angrily.

Staring at Sakaski, they clashed fiercely.

The items in the room vibrated crazily.

At this time, Vegapunk endured the discomfort and came here.

Seeing this scene, I smiled bitterly:

“As expected, we still have to trouble Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

Sakaski said:


Talking about mobilizing abilities.

Magma suddenly burst out of the ground and covered Kaido’s body.

Only a pair of eyes and a nose are left.

Covered in jet black military color.

Then he looked at Vegapunk:

“There’s a maddening potion here.”

Vegapunk was stunned:

“Yes, but I’m studying the three schools of Quin and Caesar.”

“They mainly study bacteria and microorganisms there.”

“There’s quite a bit of stock.”

Sakaski nodded upon hearing this:

“Get some and pour it into him.”

“Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so easy to cooperate with the experiment.”

Vegapunk suddenly realized:


Not long after, a potion that could make people violent was obtained.

Behind him were many scientists from the Third Research Institute.

I heard there is such rare experimental material.

This is not very attractive to them.

Even Quinn and Caesar, who couldn’t deal with Vegapunk, rushed over.

Everyone went down to the “experimental subject” lying down.

Sakaski took the violent potion.

The covering magma opened a hole in the mouth.

Just poured it in.

Then a violent aura erupted from Kaido.


The sound of chains breaking sounded.

Mixed with a hint of sea tower stone, the special alloy chain can no longer control Kaido.

Sakaski grabbed Kaido’s shoulders.

The sight and smell swept across the entire island.

Found a valley with no human traces.

Take Kaido directly and rush here.

He suddenly threw Kaido into the valley.


There was a loud noise, and then all the chains on Kaido were broken.

The whole person roared irrationally.

Relying on the instinct of the body, he directly transformed into a giant dragon and wanted to soar into the sky.

Sakaski raised his hands:

“Fire Prison Lock Dragon.”

Several magma chains emerged from the ground and latched onto Kaido.

Then dense chains of magma were entangled, with armed colors attached.

Wrap around Kaido’s blue dragon body.

It can only twist on the ground by instinct.

Although it can twist, the amplitude of the shaking is not very large.

Enough for this group of scientists to sample.

When Vegapunk and the others arrive,

I saw that this valley, which had no human contact before, had changed drastically.

The ground was completely cleared, leaving only the green dragon that was bound and twisted in layers.

Not far away stood a huge black stone monument.

There are three characters written on it: “Suolong Valley”.

Sakaski has been waiting under the stone monument for a long time.

Seeing Vegapunk coming over, Sakaski said:

“Without further ado, hurry up and take samples.”

Vegapunk nodded without any further words, and directly directed everyone to work throughout the night.


The next afternoon.

Vegapunk stretched next to the weak blue dragon that had passed its violent stage.

When Sakaski saw this, he knew it was a close call.

He walked over and asked:

“Is it done?”

Vegapunk gets excited when he mentions this:

“Yes, the sampling of various parts of this dragon has been completed.”

“Only research remains.”

He said with a smile.

Such rare experimental materials were unthinkable before.

Although I have lost my freedom…sigh…

Sakaski put his hand on a chain.

Added a lot of weapon colors.

Said to Vegapunk:

“Let’s take a rest first.”

Vegapunk nodded and suddenly remembered:

“By the way, we have to ask people from the other two research institutes to come and collect the samples.”

“We have to clean up here first.”

Then he directed everyone to carry samples and equipment.

Soon people from the two institutes swarmed in.

They almost got into a fight just over sampling.

At this time, Quinn seemed to be tripped by something.

It rolled near Qinglong’s head.

At this time, Kaido had already recovered his sanity.

But he kept pretending to be weak in order to find a chance to escape.

A glimmer of light was revealed to observe the surrounding eyes.

Suddenly I saw Quinn rolling here.

Looking at the entire modified arm on his body, he seemed to have thought of something.

His breathing became quickened.

Then he adjusted himself for fear that Sakaski would find out.

No one noticed Sakaski, who had been leaning on the huge stone monument.

The corners of the mouth turned up a bit…




Sakaski suddenly received a summons from Vegapunk.

Then he strengthened the chain that locked Kaido and walked out.

Wait until Sakaski disappears.

After sensing that the distance is about the same.

Kaido suddenly rioted.

The overlord color and power that had been accumulated for a day exploded.

Break directly through the chains.

The scientists around them fell to the ground like wheat.

Sakaski’s aura in the distance was approaching very quickly.

Kaido didn’t have time to think about it.

He looked at part of Quinn’s mechanical body with greed and longing.

He grabbed the unconscious Quinn and soared into the sky in the opposite direction.

At the same time, energy is accumulated in the mouth.

When Sakaski was about to catch up, he shot towards a densely populated place on the island.

I sensed that Sakaski was as expected.

Turn around to catch the hot breath.

A sinister smile appeared on Kaido Qinglong’s lips.

Wait for me, Sakaski! ! !


the other side.

Dispel Kaido’s hot breath.

During the investigation, Kaido had disappeared.

Sakaski looked into the distance leisurely.

It’s not time for you to give it all… Joey Boy Goalie….

Then his figure flashed.

Rushed back to the valley to start the rescue.

Another sleepless night.


Because of the specialness here.

What happened was reported to Wulaoxing as soon as possible.

Due to the special characteristics of Sakaski and Vegapunk, it is really difficult to deal with them.

at last.

Random punishments were ordered.

Sakaski was fined three years.

Vegapunk research tasks doubled.

It was an insignificant punishment for both of them.

However, Vegapunk felt a little guilty that Sakaski was also punished.

After all, I asked Sakaski to help capture the material.

It was also because he called Sakaski over that this happened.

So I kept saying sorry to Sakaski.

Sakaski smiled bitterly and shook his head to indicate that it was okay.

Don’t think too much, three years’ salary doesn’t matter.

In the end, it was over after Sakaski made a casual request.

Early the next morning.

After saying goodbye to Vegapunk.

Sakaski returned to the warship and suddenly thought of something:

“Carol, has the spring recruitment started?”

Carol nodded:

“Yes, Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

“What’s wrong.”

Sakaski shook his head:


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