The Grand Line, first half.

Some deserted island.

The scenery of the island is beautiful and pleasant.

But the record pointer is extremely slow.

In the blink of an eye, the Roger Pirates have been stationed here for more than a month.

this day.

Suddenly a news bird flew over the island.

The people eating barbecue in the center of the island looked excited.

Roger grinned widely and put down the barbecue in his hand.

A red light flashed in his eyes.

Overlord color shot straight into the sky and shot down the news bird.

Roger chuckled.

Rayleigh covered his forehead and sighed, then flashed.

Jumped out of the dense jungle.

Appear in mid-air.

He took out a hundred beli and stuffed it into the pocket of the unconscious newsbird.

Then he placed the unconscious newsbird on the top of the branch.

He grabbed a newspaper and jumped down.

Lei Li said helplessly:

“Don’t be so aggressive, Roger.”

Roger laughed:

“It won’t be an example next time, and it won’t be an example next time.”

As he spoke, he took the newspaper in his hand and flipped through it.


Suddenly Roger’s eyes narrowed and he shouted excitedly:

“Hey! Rayleigh!”



“So funny.”


“Let him be our companion.”

Reilly took the paper.

On the cover is a two-sword swordsman holding two swords.

Behind it were a bunch of beheaded pirates.

The costumes are said to be different from those on the sea, and it can be seen that they are very ancient.

reads the title on the cover.

“The wandering swordsman! A warrior from the legendary Golden Land!”

Reilly thought thoughtfully:

“The land of gold…the land of Wano.”

Roger laughed and said:

“Yeah, it’s interesting.”

“Go to him and be my companion.”

“Hahahahaha cough cough…”

Rayleigh suddenly frowned:

“You can’t hold on to your cough any longer.”

“Sail out tomorrow and go to Guci Island.”

“Have to check.”

Roger smiled coquettishly:

“Hi hi.”


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Today is a rare day off.

Enelu walked towards the home of the Warring States general.

Push the door open and enter.

Warring States in the courtyard accompanied Rosinandi with a smile on his face.

If others saw this, they would be stunned.

The usually serious and serious Warring States general would actually show such a kind smile…

It’s like a little girl running into Sakaski with an ice cream cone.

Sakaski touched the little girl’s head with a smile on his face, handed her 100 beli and said:

“Buy a five-story one.”

Just as outrageous…

Enelu, however, was not surprised and shouted:

“Warring States General! Rosinandi!”

Warring States looked up at Enelu with a smile:

“I’m here to play with Rosinandee again, Enello.”

Enelu said with a smile:


Warring States looked at the time and said:

“Then you should play with Rocinante for a while first.”

“I’m going to take care of business.”

Enelu gave Sengoku a look of assurance.

Warring States looked at Rosinandi and smiled kindly and walked back to the room.

Quickly finish the business… go buy some new clothes for Rosinandy in the evening.

Rosinandi also ran over excitedly when he saw Enelu.

But there was no sound.

Even when he spoke, he only opened his mouth but made no sound.

Enel was stunned:


Rosinandi nodded and opened his mouth to say something.

Suddenly he thought of something and waved his hands.

A translucent cover covered the two of them.

Enelu frowned:

“Devil fruit.”

At this time Rosinandi’s voice came out:


Then he fell down:

“But it doesn’t seem to be of any use.”

“It can only block out sound.”

Enelu raised his eyebrows… Isolating the sound.

That move can’t be shouted out, it’s too cruel…

Then he comforted:

“It’s okay, Rocinante.”

“The fruit ability is just an auxiliary.”

“The body is everything.”

Rosinandi nodded ignorantly:


Enel said with a smile:

“Come on, let me show you my newly acquired moves~”

Rosindi looked at Enelu with admiration:


A transparent cover covered the two people as they walked toward the back of the headquarters.

On the way.

Enel shows Rosinandi new moves:


As he spoke, lightning flashed all over Enelu’s body.

A sharp electric light lit up in his hands.

A shrill sound like the chirping of a thousand birds


The lightning in his hands sometimes turned into a spear, sometimes into a short blade.

Rocinante looked at Enelu with starry eyes.

Suddenly Enelu stopped.

He looked at the crowd around him with a shocked face.



As if thinking of something, he turned back to look at Rosinandi, as if he had discovered a treasure.

Remove the ability and raise Rosinandi high:


“Rosinandi! Your fruit power is amazing!!!”


Rosinandi, who was lifted up, looked confused:


Enel said excitedly:

“This cover can isolate all sounds!”

“All sounds!!!”

“Your ability! Plus my ability!”

“Invincible in the world!!!”


“Let’s go! Let’s experiment!!!”

After saying that, he couldn’t wait to pull Rosinandi and ran to the Naval Academy.


Naval Headquarters Academy, under a big tree.

Porusalino lay lazily on the lawn under the trees.

The sun shines through the branches and leaves, shining on the body bit by bit.

Porusalino stretched himself:


He narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

I don’t know when I fell asleep.

This was what Enel and Rosinandi saw when they ran over.

Enelu smiled like a devil.

Let Rocinante use his abilities.

If you couldn’t see it with the naked eye, you wouldn’t be able to tell that there was anyone here just by feeling.

The two walked slowly towards Porusalino.

Porusalino didn’t respond until he came to him.

Enelu’s right wrist flashed with electricity.

The gold jewelry on his wrist suddenly squirmed and condensed.

It turned into a golden spike more than one meter long.

Slowly pressed against Porusalino’s temple.

Gave Rocinante a sign.

Rocinante nodded and removed his ability.

Suddenly Porusalino opened his eyes.

A deadly threat stimulates the brain.

No time to think too much.

Relying on the instinct of the body, he instantly turned into a ball of light and fled from the place.

Appeared a hundred meters away.

Enelu frowned.

At this speed, you can really perform a battle using the Yata Mirror Movement…

Porusalino also discovered Enelu and the spike in his hand at this time.

He took a long breath:

“Within the mouth ~ Eneru ~”

“It’s so scary~”

“How can something so threatening be directed at people~”

He looked at Porusalino who had no self-consciousness at all.

Anilu’s mouth twitched slightly, he should have stabbed it just now!

The lightning flashed in his hand, and the golden spikes turned into jewelry and returned to his wrist:

“Don’t mind, let’s do an experiment.”

“Thanks, Porusalino.”


After saying that, he dragged the excited Rosinandi and ran away in a hurry.

Porusalino stood helpless:


“What a wonderful lunch break~”


“Why don’t you feel it at all?”

Porusalino did not see the scene where Rosinandi removed his ability.

Suddenly I have doubts about life…

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