New World, Isle of Sitan.

This is the headquarters of the territory occupied by Kaido.

Three days ago.

Jhin came back seriously injured.

But neither Kaido nor the crew showed up.

The men on the island couldn’t help but become suspicious.

With Jhin’s iron-blooded methods, the situation was barely stabilized.

At the same time, he gathered manpower and sent his subordinates to investigate the news.

Jhin stood on the bow of the boat and looked into the distance.

Behind him is a report from a subordinate:

“Brother Jin, I’ve bought all the news on the black market.”

“But there is no news about Boss Kaido.”


Jhin suddenly burst out with murderous intent and stared at the subordinate:

“Shut up!”

“If you can’t buy it on the black market, you just don’t have enough money.”

“Take all the treasures.”

“We must find out the news about Brother Kaido!”


As he spoke, he pulled out the long knife from his waist and pressed it on his men’s necks.

His subordinates felt Jhin’s killing intent and swallowed:

“Yes Yes!!!”


Sheath the knife.

Jin’s calm voice sounded:

“Go ahead.”

But the rising and falling chest showed that Jhin was not in a calm mood.

Everything will be fine, Brother Kaido is Joey Boy…

It will be fine, definitely…


New World, Vassen Islands.

A huge green dragon descended from the sky.

boom! ! !

Smashed in front of the largest restaurant on the island.

Kaido put down the Quinn he was holding and transformed into a human form.

He waved his hands to disperse the smoke.

Carrying Quinn, he walked to the restaurant and scanned the people in the restaurant:

“Serve me wine! Serve me meat!!!”

“Go quickly!!!”

Killing intent burst out with a hint of dominance, knocking out a large number of people.

Because this is the new world.

The few remaining people have recognized that this is Kaido, the great pirate who has become famous in recent years.

The trembling boss went to prepare the food.

The rest ran out in panic and hid far away.

Kaido snorted and ignored them.

Instead, he took the wine bucket that the waiter brought up and pressed Quinn directly into the wine bucket.


After a moment, a violent coughing sound was heard.

The suffocation and the alcohol poured into her nose woke Quinn up.

Quinn’s head was pulled out of the barrel by a huge force.

The light coming from his eyes made Quinn look vaguely at the fierce man in front of him and swallowed.

Kaido looked at the awake Quinn, pointed at his modified arm, and asked impatiently:

“This thing can replace organs.”

After speaking, he exuded a sense of power and looked at Quinn.

Quinn said solemnly:

“It can be replaced, but it depends on the specific organ.”

Kaido breathed a little heavier:

“Where are the lungs?”

Quinn nodded:


After hearing the exact answer, Kaido suppressed the excitement in his heart and took a sip of wine.


The wine barrel hit the bar hard, and Kaido suddenly burst into tears and laughed:

“woo woo woo woo!!!”



After a frightening burst of crying and laughing, Kaido, who was interrupted by a sudden cough, stared at Quinn with red eyes:

“Fuck with me.”

“I’ll leave my lungs to you.”

“As long as you can make lungs that fit my body.”

“Whether it’s money or people, you get whatever you want.”

Quinn heard Kaido’s generous offer and understood why he was arrested.

Taking a deep breath:

“Is anything possible…?”

“The experiment I want to do requires a large number of living people…”

Kaido suddenly laughed:

“Hahahahaha, aren’t they just human beings?”

“Everything you see is yours!”

As he spoke, he pointed at the people who were stunned by the overbearing color.

Quinn looked at the unconscious people and his breathing became faster.

The ambition for his great experiment could no longer be suppressed.

He looked at Kaido with a smile:



South China Sea, Jovennan Island.

Cap’s warships were in port.

After breaking the green pepper cone, there was no news from Roger.

Karp, who was bored for a while, learned to play Sakaski and traveled around the world.

This day we stopped at the port for supplies.

Jovennan Island serves as an outpost into Upside Down Mountain.

There is an endless stream of ships stopping at this port.

Suddenly, Garp seemed to have discovered something interesting, and looked at a tall and slender figure in the restaurant on the shore.

“That brat…”

Garp’s eyes narrowed slightly, a little interested.


I saw the tall figure in the restaurant on the shore, supporting his chin with one hand and shaking the wine glass with the other.

While shaking, some ice cubes appeared in the transparent wine glass without anyone noticing.

Suddenly feeling something, he looked in the direction of Garp.

The two looked at each other, the tall and slender figure frowned, drank the wine in one gulp, and turned to leave.

Garp chuckled, jumped off the boat, and followed the tall and slender figure closely.

Unconsciously, I entered a dark dead end.

The tall figure turned around, looked at Garp and said:

“This gentleman.”

“You seem very free.”

Garp grinned widely:

“Kid, come with me.”

“I’m attracted to you.”

The tall and slender figure raised his brows and exhaled a cold breath:

“Ah la la, I’m not interested in middle-aged men.”



Garp disappeared instantly and appeared at Kuzan’s position.

An iron fist blasted Kuzan directly into the wall.

He stretched out his little finger and pressed his nose, looking at Kuzan who was struggling to get up:

“Ice what?”

Kuzan stood up holding his stomach, covered in cold sweat.

Although the appearance of cold sweat on him, a user with the frozen fruit ability, was a bit strange.

But it was indeed a cold sweat… it hurt…

He opened his mouth with difficulty and looked at Garp:


Garp chuckled:

“You can still get up after one punch from me.”

“Yes, yes, join the navy with me.”

Kuzan suppressed his anger and shouted:

“Only a ghost wants to add…”

Suddenly seeing Garp’s raised fist opposite him, Kuzan’s voice turned serious and he said:

“Why don’t we talk about the treatment?”

Karp laughed:

“Let’s talk on my boat.”


After saying that, he ducked and grabbed Kuzan, just like carrying something… directly carried him away…


New World, on Sakaski’s warship.

Sakaski, who had just finished instructing Barrett, called in Carroll.

The two returned to the office.

Sakaski tossed off his cloak and sat on the sofa.

He took the newspaper from Carol.

“The information has been sorted out…”

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