Since then, the division of power in the New World has gradually stabilized.

Sakaski has a global presence.

The sea fell into a strange period of silence.

Time slowly came to 1495.

In the past three years, whether it is pirates or the navy.

None of them made any big moves.

The three giants of the New World are digesting and consolidating their power and have stopped expanding.

After the Roger Pirates suddenly appeared in Twin Capes two years ago, they have been making great progress towards the new world.

The unusual behavior attracted the attention of senior navy officials.

I have been speculating about Roger’s intentions.

Naval aspect.

Gradually, I became a little overwhelmed.

The integration of the New World forces made it a whole.

Garp is chasing Roger.

Sakaski guarded the first half of the Grand Line.

The Warring States Period led people to suppress the G1 branch of the New World.

The new generation of naval monsters gradually grew up and became famous all over the world.

The shortage of high-level combat power prevents the navy from inserting itself into the new world.

At this time, after discussions between the senior leaders of the Holy Land and Navy Marshal Kong.

A plan called “The King’s Seven Martial Arts” was put on the agenda.

The intention is to select seven new pirates with great potential.

The government grants them legal rights to plunder, as well as some special rights.

Let it compete with the giants of the New World for power and profit, thereby inhibiting their development.

However, this legal right to plunder was opposed by many generals.

It has not yet been implemented.

Carol, on the other hand, took Anilu with her as she traveled around the world unknowingly.

Countless soldiers trained since childhood were arranged to join the branch.

I don’t know when, but every year several branch heads of the Sihai Branch accidentally die at the hands of pirates…

This strange tranquility lasted until Roger returned to the new world.

was broken…….


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sakaski just came back from the G1 branch.

Before I even got off the boat, I heard an alarm sounding.

In a flash, he rushed directly towards the marshal’s office.

Marshal’s Office.

Sakaski pushed open the door and entered. At this time, some high-level generals had gathered in the room.

Marshal Kong nodded to Sakaski and motioned for him to sit down next to him.

Sakaski found a seat next to him and sat down.

Not a moment.

A clerk from the Navy Headquarters ran in.

Reporting the situation:

“Marshal Kong, Roger came into contact with the golden lion in the Ed Wo sea area of ​​the new world.”

Marshal Kong nodded:

“For Roger and the Golden Lion…”

Garp suddenly stood up and walked out:

“Haha, here’s your chance.”

Veins appeared on Marshal Kong’s head:

“Wait a minute, Garp, I haven’t finished speaking yet!”

Garp chuckled:

“But I’m done listening!”

As he spoke, he opened the office door.

Marshal Kong slapped the table:

“Stop for me…”


There was a slamming of the door closing.

He forcefully suppressed Marshal Kong’s words.

Regarding Garp’s character, Marshal Kong was also extremely helpless.

But Warring States has been arranged, and with Garp there shouldn’t be any big problems.

The problem between Golden Lion and Roger is solved, and there is only one thing left.

Then he looked at the rest of the people in the room:

“For the proposal of the King Shichibukai.”

“If you have any other opinions, you might as well tell me.”

Suddenly everyone in the marshal’s office felt as if they had eaten gunpowder.

“It’s impossible. It’s a big joke to allow pirates to plunder legally.”

“Those are pirates. If plunder becomes legal, wouldn’t it be a joke for our navy?”

“We absolutely cannot agree to this kind of thing.”


“When did the navy need pirates to help suppress the sea!”

“Absolutely not…”

Marshal Kong had a headache looking at the noisy crowd.

A slap on the table:


He rubbed his temples and looked at Sakaski, who remained silent:

“Sakaski, what do you think?”

Everyone also stopped and looked at Sakaski.

As the “fourth” person who is currently the strongest in the navy.

Sakaski’s still has a certain prestige.

After pondering for a moment, Sakaski spoke:

“The proposal of King Shichibukai has a good intention.”

“Just to contain the pirate giants of the New World.”

“This can reduce the sacrifices of naval soldiers a lot.”

“But the power of the King Shichibukai is too great.”

“There have to be restrictions.”

“For example, this legal right to plunder is too general.”

“If nothing else, if they plunder warships, why should we let them go?”

If not specified within a range. ”

“I’m afraid that even if I try to suppress it in the future, I won’t be able to lose it.”

“The treaties it needs to abide by must be spelled out in detail.”

“Then penetrate, control, and even help its development from all aspects.”

“Raise him to be a dog, not to be on par with the Navy.”

“The dog just needs to be able to bite.”

“If you don’t obey, just kill them. There are many people who want to be like dogs in the face of the threat of death.”

“Don’t indulge them too much.”

“It is best to concentrate the Shichibukai under the king in the first half of the Grand Line.”

“With the support of the Navy Headquarters, we can compete with the giants of the New World for power.”

“Lock those pirate giants firmly in the new world and restrict their development.”

After everyone thought about it carefully, it made sense.

Marshal Kong’s eyes lit up:

“Yes, that makes sense.”

“I’m going to the Holy Land.”


“By the way, Leopold, go check the nearest registration and see who is closest to Gaya Island.”

“Inform them to arrest that team of O’Hara’s illegal organizations as quickly as possible.”


Sakaski, on the other hand, looked motionless…


the other side.

Garp had just walked out of the marshal’s office.

Suddenly a carefree young man appeared behind him.

Kuzan put his hands in his pockets and said with exaggerated admiration:

“Mr. Karp, you refused to be promoted again.”

“It’s so handsome!”

Garp grinned:

“If you want to be free, you don’t need such a high status.”

After speaking, he looked at Lieutenant General He next to him:

“Xiaohe, give me a ride after the boat sails.”

Lieutenant General He next to him glanced at him:

“The order to attack hasn’t been issued yet.”

“The ship will be destroyed by you soon, and I don’t want you to get on the ship.”

Karp laughed:

“Don’t say that. I have to deal with Roger.”

With that said, everyone walked towards the port full of ships.

On a warship in the port.

Sengoku, who was assigning tasks to Porusalino and others, suddenly turned his head.

Looking at Garp walking down below, he had a bad feeling and roared:

“Garp! Shiji’s matter has been handed over to us. You should go back quickly!”

Garp laughed and walked onto another warship:

“Don’t worry! Warring States!”

“All the credit goes to you!”


The Warring States Period Blue Vein Riot on the opposite warship:

“That’s what I meant! Bastard!”




On a warship on the Grand Line, the phone bug’s voice rang.

After years of experience and knowledge, Long Zhen has become more calm.

After answering the phone, a questioning voice came from over there:

“Is this Major General Monkey D. Long?”

Long said:

“It’s me, please say.”

The correspondent’s voice on the other side of the phone rang:

“Is such that.”

“The previously wanted group is an organization that studies government taboos.”

“Appeared near Gaya Island.”

“Your side is the closest. Marshal Kong has given orders to capture them as quickly as possible.”

“I’ll pass the information on to you.”

Long said:


After speaking, he gave instructions to the helmsman.

After a while, all the information transmitted through the phone bug was recorded on paper.

Long frowned and looked at the information:



A corner of the headquarters.

Sakaski sensed everything in the communications room through sight and color.



“It’s God’s will…”

The time has come…

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