New world, Ed Waugh sea area.

A scream sounded on board the Golden Jackson:

“Captain Roger!!!”

“Life is the most important thing!”

“We’d better start with the Golden Lion!”

The young Bucky put his head in his hands and yelled with a broken face.

Shanks, who was also young at the side, said helplessly:

“You have become invulnerable to death no matter how much I cut you.”

“What does it matter, Bucky.”

Bucky looked at Shanks sadly and angrily:

“You have a lot of weaknesses, idiot!”

“By the way, Mr. Kurokas!”

“How is the captain’s condition?”

“Isn’t it suitable for fighting yet?”

“As a doctor, go and stop him!!!”

He said and quickly ran to the ship’s doctor Kurokas.

Kurokas carried a barrel of javelins on his back and shook the javelin in his hand.

There was a whooshing sound in the air, and Kurokas smiled and said:

“Unfortunately, he’s in great shape right now.”

Bucky collapsed and rushed towards Rayleigh:

“Mr. Reilly!!!”

Rayleigh shook his head and smiled:

“Give up, Bucky.”

“You haven’t gotten to know Roger after all this time.”

“No one has been able to convince him yet.”

“You have to trust Tom on this Golden Jackson.”

“Besides…Roger doesn’t have much time left…”

The words fell silent, and everyone fell silent except for the collapsed Bucky.

In the stormy sea.

Roger stood firmly on the bow of the ship, grinning widely as he looked at the surrounding golden lion fleet and floating islands.

The golden lion opposite stood on a huge golden ship.

Golden hair and flowing cloak:

“I’ve said this many times, Roger!!!”

“Although we have had grudges before, let’s forget about it!”

“As long as you know the whereabouts of the weapon that can destroy the world.”

“Coupled with my military strength and the perfect plan that took several years to build!!!”

“You can rule this world immediately!”

“Be my right arm!”


Roger looked across at the golden lion that seemed to have the ambition to swallow the sky.

He chuckled softly and said firmly:

“I’m not interested in domination, Shiki!”

“What’s the point of being a pirate if you don’t get to do what you want to do.”

“No matter how much pressure you put on me.”


“I reject all your proposals!”

The golden lion opposite’s smile softened a little:

“In other words, your answer is to tell me to kill you now, right?”


Roger pulled out the long knife from his waist and said with a smile:

“It means to defeat all of you!”

He said and waved forward.


A cannonball was fired from the head cannon of the Golden Jackson, blowing up a pirate ship on the opposite side.

Under the gloomy sky, the firelight reflected the face of the golden lion.

The golden lion suppressed his smile, in that case…

The remaining right arm pulled out the long knife from his waist.

The whole person rose into the sky and aimed at the Golden Jackson:

“Shishiwei Senkiriya!”

The golden sword energy lighting up the sky was slashed away.

The hundreds of meters long sword energy was densely packed like a giant net covering the Golden Jackson.

At the same time, the behemoths on the floating islands and the surrounding ships also rushed toward them.

Roger’s eyes bloomed with red light, arousing a domineering look.

The long knife in his hand flashed with black lightning.

Then a black sword energy, also hundreds of meters long, slashed towards the golden lion.

A footstep.

The golden lion followed the sword energy and rushed into the sky.


Swords clashed.


Endless air waves erupted from the center of the two people in a circular shape and spread towards the world.

The dark clouds in the sky split into two halves, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The golden lion swung the long knife in his hand.

Overlord color attached and wrapped.

The blade of the sword flashed with traces of golden thunder and lightning.


It seemed like an ancient roar sounded.

The aura emitted formed an illusory lion head that filled the world.

The whole body of the golden lion seemed to turn into a golden thunder and lightning, wrapping the illusory lion head.

An afterimage of golden light streaked across the air and rushed downwards:


Roger, who was in mid-air, held the knife with both hands and moved it to the right side behind him to accumulate power.

The overlord color wrapped around the blade triggered black and purple thunder and lightning flashes.

Looking at the lion king who occupies the field of vision, it seems that he is swallowing up the whole world.

Roger chuckled, his domineering aura seemed to form a black evil ghost behind him.

With a movement of his feet, he rushed towards the sky with the evil ghost wrapped around him:


Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Endless roar sounded…

I don’t know how many miles away from the sea


Several warships stayed here.

Only veteran warriors like Warring States and Garp could feel the intense battlefield.

Garp grinned widely as he felt the battle, as if he was participating in it.

The breath all over his body is stirring, Roger…

Warring States had a solemn expression on his face and looked forward with slightly narrowed eyes:

“Those giant beasts of the Golden Lion…”

The young navy generation on the side looked into the distance and felt nothing.

It’s not that you can’t feel it.

You can still see a little bit of the huge lion head composed of aura, and the black evil ghost.

The power can be felt even from a distance.

Kuzan, Huo Shaoshan and others on the side looked solemn.

Feel the huge gap with the world’s strongest…

But there are exceptions…

Porusalino scratched his face:

“Within the mouth~”

“The strong men in the new world are all like monsters~”

“You can feel the amazing momentum from such a distance~”

“It’s so scary~”


New world, Ed Waugh sea area.

A desert island far away from the center of the war.

Sakaski jumped out of the speedboat.

Instruct Barrett to lead the team towards the Golden Lion’s territory.

Then he turned around and walked towards the center of the island.

Then the whole person turned into a pool of magma and merged into the ground.

After entering the core layer of the earth.

Find the right direction and follow the magma in the center of the earth.

While controlling the surrounding magma, it rushed towards the center of the battle.


The new world is the center of Ed Waugh’s sea war.

The fierce confrontation caused the dark clouds in the sky to break into countless pieces like broken glass.

The fierce collision of domineering sword energy stirred the world.

The atmosphere became increasingly depressing, like the calm before the storm.

Until the fickle weather in this sea area suddenly rioted.

Strong winds, huge waves, lightning, and howling filled the world.


Rayleigh slashed out with a sword energy that was a hundred meters long.

A furious rhinoceros hundreds of meters high was decapitated with a knife.

But the inner sense of crisis continued to increase.

Stimulating the body’s instincts, the heart beats crazily:

“Everyone! Get back to the ship immediately!!!”

Rayleigh’s roar spread throughout the battlefield. Everyone didn’t know why but still retreated in an orderly manner.

Bucky held three knives in his hand.

After stabbing one person away, he burst into tears:

“That’s it! Retreat quickly!”

“Mr. Reilly!!!”

Rayleigh had no time to pay attention to him.

The early warning in his heart had already made him panic.

Looking at the two fighting in the sky, he took a deep breath:



Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

It was as if a meteor hit the ground in ancient times, causing deafening explosions and crazy vibrations.

Huge waves rose in the distant sky.

Waves of hundreds and thousands of meters seemed to connect the sky and the earth, pressing towards everyone.

Everyone’s pupils shrank suddenly, and an infinite chill rushed to their heads.

“Grab everything around you!!!”


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