A few days later, on the Sakaski warship.

Carol came over with a piece of information:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski, the latest information is out.”

Sakaski casually blocked Barrett’s move.

A back throw knocked him to the ground:


“how’s it going.”

Carol looked at the two people fighting and picked up the information and said:

“Hare Nock is bleeding profusely this time.”

“Besieged by furious BGIMOM and golden lions.”

“Two-thirds of the entire site was destroyed.”

“But these two people are too powerful.”

“To scare everyone.”

“I don’t know what conditions Hale Nok reached with the other pirates.”

“Some new generation pirates have come to help.”

“In the end, Hale Nok paid a great deal of treasure.”

“The new world is at peace.”

“Hare Nok’s territory is now only two-thirds of its original size.”

“The remaining third of the island that was destroyed at the junction with the other two sides.”

“There are also many underground industrial chains of Hale Nok, shipping, weapons, etc.”

“Divided among the new generation of pirates.”

“It can be regarded as a buffer zone for the three parties.”

“The current three-part world structure in the new world has been broken.”

“The new generation of pirates took the opportunity to unite and occupy the center.”

“There will be a lot of trouble in the future.”

“Perfect result.”

Sakaski raised his hand to stop Barrett:

“Not bad, continue to accumulate domineering power.”

After speaking, he looked at Carol:

“It’s better if there is trouble.”

“Chaotic pirates are easier to control.”

“There won’t be any big problems for the time being.”

“The eyes of the world are now on Roger.”

“The purpose of the Roger Pirates is already clear.”

“The legendary final island.”


“What’s going on over there at Long?”

Carol said:

“Major General Long’s words are in the report of the headquarters. He is on vacation recently.”

Sakaski chuckled and took a vacation…

“Where are those scholars?”

Carol replied:

“As for scholars, most of them have escaped.”

“It should be Major General Long who helped hide it.”

“If there was no one-time arrest on Gaya Island last time.”

“It will be difficult to catch him again.”

“Many people who were led helped him hide and even resisted.”

“There have been casualties among navy soldiers.”

After a few seconds of silence, Sakaski took a deep breath:

“Continue to monitor.”

“Go back and get some single pages to age.”

“Look for opportunities for them to find out.”

“Let Enelu record the magnetic field that marked them.”

“Sometimes seeing and hearing may not work.”

“But the magnetic field was clear to him.”

In the original work, Enelu is the entire Kingdom of God monitored by electromagnetic fields.

Now those who learn and develop from Vegapunk will only become stronger.

Sakaski thought for a moment and then said:

“If you encounter a dragon, be careful.”

“Don’t expose yourself.”

“Tell Enel.”

“Clothes that isolate the body from the naked eye must never be left behind.”

Carol nodded:

“Any other instructions?”

Sakaski said:

“A new wanted order has been issued.”

“If there is a pirate with a D in his name, please let me know.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Carol said:



The Great Line, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and the Snow Island.

Snow Island is located on the edge of the Cigu Kingdom’s waters. The island is sparsely populated and is one of the islands under the Cigu Kingdom.

In the sky full of snow and giant mushrooms.

A sturdy child was hiding in the corner, looking at the hazy light in the sky.

I don’t know where my thoughts are going.

Thinking of that horrible laboratory…

Thinking of the terrible mouth that swallowed him and his two sisters…

I thought of that madman who smiled arrogantly…

Crazy hatred surged into my heart, and it hit the ground hard.

I took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down. Revenge has been avenged…

Thinking of what the madman said before he died.

Looking at his hands, if that madman is right…

He is able to possess more than one Devil Fruit.

And the price for this kind of defiance is the two sisters who have become one with him…

But…can’t take any chances.

Only if we find that fruit…

He reached out and pulled out the newspaper beside him. The cover of the newspaper was the introduction of Hale Nock.

This is a newspaper from a few years ago.

In the calculations of the young Marshall D. Teach, only this man with huge dark power in the new world

The giant.

Only then can you have a chance to obtain that fruit.

The fruit rated as the most vicious in the illustrated book…

“We must go to sea!!!”

If he can really obtain multiple fruit abilities…

The Tuntun Fruit owned by the dead mad scientist must be found and controlled…


A few months later.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the Marshal’s office, Sora was correcting documents while smoking a cigar.

At this time, Karp opened the door and came in while biting a donut:

“Hahahahaha, Marshal, I’ll ask for another leave!”

Marshal Kong’s face darkened as he was correcting the document.

The tip of the pen in his hand was pressed directly by uncontrollable force.


Slap the pen on the table:


“This is the first time this year!!!”


“Do you still want to do it!!!”

Garp scratched his head:

“Hahahahaha, aren’t there Sengoku and Sakaski?”

“This time it’s mainly because of my boy.”

“I haven’t been able to contact that boy Long for a long time. Why don’t we look for him?”

Marshal Kong snorted:

“Speaking of which, what’s going on?”

“There’s something wrong with the dragon’s condition. It’s been disappearing intermittently since a few months ago.”

“As a father, you have no news at all.”

Karp said:

“I just found out about it.”

“That’s outrageous.”

“Don’t worry, I will teach that boy a lesson when I find him.”

“Then it’s settled.”

“I’m going on vacation now!”


After saying that, he quickly opened the door and went out.


The sound of a door closing sounded.

Marshal Kong looked at the furious Garp and shook his head, feeling tired…

Open the drawer, take out a new pen, and continue to struggle…


North Sea, a kingdom at the edge of the world.

There is no navy, no pirates, and no government control here.

Everyone on the island is smiling and communicating, and everything seems so peaceful and peaceful.

The moment Ke Long landed on the island, he was still shocked…

The price of this tranquility and peace…

It’s because you can hardly see complete people here…

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