The dragon who got off the boat froze on the spot.

Then he remembered the purpose of his trip and walked towards the town.

Looking at an old man lying on a recliner on the side of the road:

“Hello, do you know where Norman Bryan’s home is?”

The uncle on the recliner sat up.

The remaining hand was fanning the fan and looking at the dragon:

“Who are you? What do you want to do with him?”

Long said:

“My name is Monkey D. Long, and I’m Brian’s best friend.”

“He can’t come back for the time being, so he asked me to send some things to the elderly at home.”

The uncle on the recliner nodded:

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Bryan, it’s in the northwest corner of the east side of the town.”

“There is a huge ginkgo tree in the yard.”

“It’s very conspicuous and can be seen at a glance.”

“How is little Brian? It’s been more than two years since he left.”

Long paused slightly:

“He’s fine, but he can’t come back because of work.”

“That’s why you asked me to come over.”

The uncle sitting on the recliner laughed and said:

“That’s it, then go quickly.”

“Make Grandma Candice happy.”

Long nodded:

“OK, thanks.”

Then he walked in the direction pointed by the uncle.

The hand holding the package under the cloak tightened…it was Brian’s relic…

My thoughts seem to go back to that night a few months ago…


A few months ago, Gaya Island.

The second day of the manhunt.

“Hurry up!”

“The criminal just ran away and disappeared.”

“Search quickly!”

“One person per room, speed up!”

“Don’t miss any corner!”

Long was on a rooftop looking at the soldiers searching below.

It turned into a breeze and disappeared.

Gathering bodies together in one room.


The sound of breaking through the air came.

The dragon, which has not yet condensed into its complete body shape, raised its right hand and attached its weapon color.

Grab the blade directly:

“Don’t be nervous, I don’t mean any harm.”

After speaking, he slowly let go of his hand.

He looked at the man opposite who was missing an eye and ear.

The man opposite stared at him warily and took a few steps back:

“Tell me why you’re here, Marine.”

Long said:

“I just want to understand what you are looking for and the truth.”

“What makes you so desperate?”

The man opposite stared at the dragon for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed:

“What we need to do is uncover the truth that is being covered up by a criminal government.”

“It’s about bringing the buried evil to the public.”

“People all over the world should have the right to know everything.”

“Instead of having everything controlled by the evil government and the ugly Celestial Dragons.”

“Why, you still want to continue listening.”

After saying that, he looked at the dragon and navy with disdain…hehe…

Long was unmoved by his ridicule:


The man opposite was stunned:


The dragon looked serious:

“I want to know the reason for all this.”

The man opposite looked at Long’s serious expression and was silent for a while:

“Since you want to know…”

“Then let me tell you a story about the island.”

“Hmm… Where do I start?”

“Let’s start with the neighbor’s Aunt Bell…”


“……….and Uncle Torrel.”

“Having a lovely son and daughter.”

“But just because the Tianlong people were patrolling the islands in the North Sea.”

“His children accidentally walked in front of the Celestial Dragon.”

“He was shot to death on the spot by the Tianlong people!”

“When Uncle Torrel rushed forward.”

“He was actually arrested on the spot by the country’s army and the navy protecting the Tianlong people.”

“It’s ridiculous.”

“Uncle Torell will be executed afterwards.”

“The reason turned out to be the blood of Uncle Torell’s son who was beaten to death.”

“Splashed on the Celestial Dragon’s shoes!!!”


“What an ugly world.”

“Even though Uncle Torell managed to escape later, he still had an arm broken.”

“There is no hope of revenge in this life.”

“I can only stay on the island full of hatred until I die.”

“And on the island where I grew up, almost 80 percent of the people had this tragic experience.”

“They gathered here, silently licking their wounds.”


“Because they can’t do anything, because they can’t resist!”

“Why do you think we want to find out the truth?”

“We must make the crimes that the government has covered up

Make it public. ”

“We want people around the world to know the truth.”

“One day we will overthrow that evil government and the ugly Celestial Dragons!!!!”

The agitated man roared angrily.

Looking at the emotional man, Long fell silent.

I can’t imagine what these people must have felt when these things happened.

Regarding the experience of these people, even if they are used to seeing the Celestial Dragons do whatever they want in the Chambord Islands.

At this moment, it seems that a small witch is a big witch.

After a moment of silence, Long said:

“Feel sorry.”

The man opposite smiled:

“You don’t need to apologize. It’s not you who caused this.”

“It’s the evil government and the Celestial Dragons.”

“I can also see that you are a good person.”

“Can you promise me one thing?”

Long Weiwei nodded:

“you say.”

The man opposite took out a small box from his body.

There is nothing in the box.

Just a sachet and a cross and some berries:

“Help me get this to Pado Island.”

“Leave it to my grandma, Mary Candice.”

“Tell her by the way.”

“I can not go back.”

“If you can, please help a bunch of those scholars.”

“They are guiding lights…”

“By the way, my name is Norman Bryan.”

“Thank you for listening, Marine.”

After speaking, he showed a bright smile.

He heard footsteps getting closer.

He couldn’t hide anymore.

The attention of the group of searchers must be attracted.

One more minute of attraction, and one more minute of life for that group of historians.

If only one more scholar could survive.

That would also be a huge change to the world.


Brian kicked the door panel, causing a huge noise.

Attracting the encirclement and suppression of many soldiers.

The final scene is fixed on the body riddled with holes and the bright smile.

Long watched all this silently.

He is not the kind of person who is easily led.

He has his own judgment.

Although Brian and the people on the island have had painful and tragic experiences.

But that’s not a reason to beat him to death with a stick.

There is no absolute right or wrong, and it is true that the navy was an accomplice in the process.

But countless soldiers die fighting pirates every year.

The monument of heroes with more than 20,000 names engraved in Marineland Square was not engraved on it because he was an accomplice.

All those lives were lost fighting the pirates.

Nobility, government, bureaucracy, people, pirates, navy.

These are connected in series.

He already had a general direction in his mind.

He will definitely find the way…


A gust of breeze blew by, and the dragon on the spot disappeared.

late at night.

The historians who were preparing to stow away seemed to have God’s will.

The moment everyone boarded the ship.

A strong wind blew.

Disappear with them…


North Sea, the island where the Kingdom at the Edge of the World is located, Pado Island.

Unknowingly, I walked to the yard with the huge ginkgo tree.

Long recovered from the memory of a few months ago.

Looking at the closed courtyard door.

Raised his hand……

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