The Grand Line, first half.

Ligar Island, port.

The leader of the Wind Scythe Pirates, Whirlwind Nigel, directed everyone to carry supplies.

At this time, a strange voice sounded behind him:

“Excuse me for a moment~”

“Can you come over and put on the shackles yourself~”

“The wanted criminal with a bounty of 58 million, “Tornado” North Nigel~”

Nigel heard the voice behind him and placed his hand gently on the handle of the knife.

A fierce look flashed across his eyes.

Draw your sword and slash backwards.

A whirlwind-shaped air blade spun and rushed directly towards Porusalino.

The sharp air blade passes through the body.

Cut Porusalino’s body into several pieces and scatter them on the ground.

A distressed voice sounded:

“Within the mouth~”

“He was cut into pieces in an instant~”

“It’s really troublesome~”

Then Porusalino’s body turned into points of light and reorganized.

He pointed his index finger in Nigel’s direction.

It’s like a cross-shaped golden light gathering and flowing:


“You can capture him without hesitation~”

“Mr. Bounty Prisoner~”

Nigel’s face darkened as he looked at the reorganized Porusalino, damn, the natural system…

The ability to attach both hands to hold a knife.

The sharp air blade rotates on the blade, visible to the naked eye.

Taking a deep breath, he exploded and swung forward with all his strength:

“Sickle·Storm Dance!!!”

A nearly 100-meter-long dragon whirlwind swept around and slashed towards Porusalino.

The sharp air blades crushed everything caught in the tornado.

At the same time, he retreated and rushed towards the pirate ship:

“Put down the supplies!”

“Everyone evacuate!”

The spinning tornado surged and rose.

Porusalino raised his eyes and glanced at the height:

“It’s so dangerous~”

“What should I do if I hurt someone~”

Lifting his fingertips slightly, the laser beam emitting golden light shot towards the center of the tornado.


Hot energy exploded in the center of the tornado.

The violent heat wave directly dispersed the huge tornado.

The air blade trapped in it slashed in all directions.

Countless houses and buildings were destroyed.

Porusalino looked at the broken buildings around him:

“It’s troublesome~”

“It’s really a bit too much~”

“Mr. Bounty Prisoner~”

The distressed Porusalino slowly raised his right foot.

Looking at the people who are about to rush to the pirate ship.

The condensed golden light flows on the right foot:

“Speed ​​is power~”

The sound of a laser beam piercing the air sounded.

boom! ! ! !

A violent explosion exploded in front of everyone who was about to board the ship.

The size of the fireball that exploded into the sky was even several times the size of their pirate ship.

In an instant the entire ship disappeared.

Only the extremely high heat wave baked them.

Countless people collapsed on the ground in fear, forgetting to escape.

Ta da da da….

The crisp sound of leather shoes sounded, and Porusalino walked slowly from behind:

“You can put the shackles on yourself now~”

“Reward for criminal~”

“North Nigel~”

Nigel came back to his senses with a fierce expression.

The adhesion ability of the long knife in his hand suddenly surged into a three-meter-long air blade.

Several afterimages passed by.

Densely dense air blades rushed towards Porusalino.

Porusalino opened his mouth exaggeratedly:

“Within the mouth~”

A three-meter-long lightsaber was instantly condensed.

“Tian Cong Yun Sword~”

Dazzling golden light flashed.

Every slash flew away with precision.

Then Nigel, who was charging towards him with the knife, struck down directly.


Light saber and air blade collided.

Porusalino looked at Nigel who was being gradually pushed down:

“The long journey ends here~”

“Mr. Bounty Prisoner~”

The entire port was shot with wind blades and lasers…


New World, Paya Island, port.

One was wearing a black coat and had a slicked back hair.

Young man wearing gold earrings sits on a wooden box under the boat.

Holding a copy of the latest newspaper in hand.


There was the sound of turning newspapers.


Suddenly something caught the man’s attention.

I saw it recorded in the newspaper some time ago.

The three giants of the new world fought over the territory divided among the new generation of pirates.

“Interesting, so interesting.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

“This kind of thing.”

“How can I be left out?”

Crocodile stood up suddenly:

“Yeah, Damou (little ones)!!!”

The younger brothers who were carrying supplies looked at the boss:


The high-spirited Crocodile grinned:

“set sail!!!!!”


North Sea, the island where the Kingdom at the Edge of the World is located, Pado Island.

Brian’s home.

Long looked at the white-haired old man.

In the end, the news of Brian’s death was not told to her.

Instead, he took out some berries and gave them to the old man.

Tell her this is the money Brian earned and he just doesn’t have time to come back now.

After quietly burying Brian’s belongings under the ginkgo tree, I chatted with the old man about many things on the island.

The more I know, the more I want to change the world.

He sighed and looked at the sky.

He said goodbye to the old man who was cooking and walked out of the courtyard.

Watching the setting sun turn into a breeze… and disappear.

What the dragon doesn’t know is…

The old man cooking in the house stopped at some point.

Drops of tears fell down and melted into the ground.

It stopped after a long time.

That’s because the tears have dried up…

He dragged his rocking chair to the foot of the tree, lay down on it and rocked the rocking chair.

Next to it is where the dragon buried Brian’s belongings.

Smelling the faint scent of the sachet she had made for Brian in the air.

He kept mumbling and repeating:

“Just come back.”

“It’ll be nice to come back…”


The Grand Line, first half, Ligar Island.

The sun has slowly set.

Countless unconscious and dead pirates lay on the ground in the port.

At the feet of a figure with slightly dirty clothes.

Lying there was none other than Cyclone Nigel.

Nigel was covered in blood, his eyes were white and his mouth was open.

The slight rise and fall of his chest showed that he was still breathing.

Porusalino took out a telephone and dialed.



After a while, Porusalino sighed:

“It’s so troublesome~”

“Why can’t I get through~”


A few days later.

Marine Headquarters, Marinevando Conference Room.

Marshal Kong looked at all the summoned officers who had arrived.

Take out a newspaper and a document:

“Okay, everyone is here.”

“Tell me the purpose of today’s meeting.”

“About the trial implementation of the King’s Shichibukai system…”

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