Marshal Kong sat in the middle and spoke:

“The candidate who is suitable for the King’s Shichibukai is the so-called King of the Desert, Crocodile.”

“About this choice.”

“First, Crocodile is a natural-type Shasha Fruit capable user.”

“The second is the hatred towards the giants of the new world.”

“Not long ago Crocodile fought against Hale Nok in the New World.”

“In the end, the whole army was wiped out and I escaped from the new world alone.”

“The government has found traces.”

“Be prepared to send someone to contact us.”

“Give it a try and see what the effect is.”

“If you have any questions, you can discuss them.”

The underground exchanges were noisy.

Hezhong crossed his hands on the table:

“What about the power of the Shichibukai.”

“What is the specific range?”

Sora crossed his arms and leaned on the chair:

“This issue was discussed last time in the Holy Land.”

“Remove the Navy from the power of lawful plunder.”

“If you plunder a warship, you will be deprived of the title of Shichibukai directly.”

“Imprisoned in the underwater prison.”

“In addition, there must be no large-scale plundering of the government’s affiliated countries.”

“We have no choice but to use various means to control the government’s affiliated countries, etc.”

“The rest of the rights remain as before.”

“In this trial, various conveniences can be provided if necessary.”

“Let it grow as quickly as possible.”

“Look at the effect.”

“We will consider subsequent personnel additions.”

Crane nodded and did not continue to say anything.

But like most people, I still have some opinions on this system.

But this is a government order and there is no way around it.

Sora looked at the people around him:

“Sengoku, what about you?”

Warring States nodded:

“No objection.”

Then Marshal Kong looked at Sakaski again:

“Sakaski, what about you.”

Sakaski nodded:

“No objection.”

“Where is the location? Let me inform him.”

Marshal Kong looked suspicious:

“You don’t want to kill him directly.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“No, I just need to teach him a profound lesson.”

“Teach him how to be a good dog.”

Marshal Kong smiled knowingly:


“What about the rest of you, do you have any ideas?”

Several high-level bosses had no objections, and the rest of the people had no objections and shook their heads.

Marshal Kong nodded:

“In that case, it’s settled.”

“Meeting dismissed.”


The Grand Line, on Sakaski’s warship.

Barrett is leading his team in vigorous training.

Barrett fought fifteen of them, all using Haki sparring.

Enelu was sitting on the guardrail fishing with a golden fishing rod.

It’s said to be fishing, but it’s actually electric fishing…

After using the sense color to sense the movement of the fish, slowly move the fishing rod over:

“One hundred thousand volts discharge.”

A dazzling white light flashed from the fishing rod.


Waves tens of meters high exploded from the water surface.

The water mist from the sky sprinkled on everyone on the boat, bringing a sense of coolness.

Sakaski stood on the second deck.

Hold out your hand to call in the passing newsbirds.

After taking out a latest newspaper, I discovered:

“It’s a new year again.”

The date on the newspaper reads January 3, 1496 in the Haiyuan calendar.

After flipping through it, there was nothing noteworthy.

He casually handed the newspaper to Carol:

“The soldiers sent to the Sihai Branch have been arranged.”

“It takes two years to accumulate strength.”

“The time is coming.”

Carol chuckled:


Sakaski said:

“Where is Crocodile now.”

Carol said:

“According to the latest news, Crocodile has withdrawn from the New World.”

“Currently in the Shampoo Islands.”

“The government’s CP organization personnel are conducting surveillance.”

Sakaski nodded.

A warship that was not far from the Shampoo Islands.

At this time, the huge mangrove trees could be seen.

Sakaski, standing on the deck, narrowed his eyes.

It seems that we can already see the people fighting on the island:

“It seems that our King Shichibukai is very energetic.”



Chambord Islands, Giant Tree No. 27.

Outlaw zone area.

Crocodile suddenly broke out when he crossed paths with two passers-by.

“Crescent-shaped dunes.”

The arm turned into a huge crescent-shaped sand blade, instantly killing two disguised CP members.

The sand blade passed through the two bodies and did not cause any damage from the slash.

Instead, the water in the bodies of the two CP members was instantly sucked dry.

It turned into a mummy-like corpse, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

Everyone around him ran away in fear.

Some brave ones hid in the distance and watched the fun.

Crocodile, who had just dealt with the two of them, looked around gloomily:

“Come out.”

“The breath has been exposed.”

The words fell silent, and after a few breaths, no one came out.

Crocodile, who was secretly accumulating strength, snorted coldly:

“Desert Greatsword!”


Four tearing sounds rang through the air.

In trees, on the ground, behind houses, among people.

Four sharp blades made of sand suddenly shot out.

Cut it out diagonally.

The four figures who were attacked disappeared instantly.

Surrounding Crocodile in the distance.

Crocodile looked at two of them, wearing the iconic black suits:


“He’s a lackey of the government.”

But these CP members who had been brainwashed since childhood did not speak.

Just stare at him closely and monitor.

No one answered.

This made Crocodile feel like a clown talking to himself.

The blows suffered during this period were coupled with the contempt from CP members.

Unable to suppress his murderous intent any longer, a tornado made of sand formed in his hand:

“Heavy explosion Sha Lan!!!”

A tornado sandstorm formed instantly.

It rises when facing the wind, like a strong wind passing by, shattering everything in front.

The gloomy-looking Crocodile’s salon rolls continued to form and were thrown around.

In just a short moment, the entire No. 27 Tree area seemed to have turned into a desert.

Crocodile turned into wind and sand and swept around:

“Desert Diamond Sword!!!”

His arms turned into four huge sand blades, slashing towards the four CP members who gathered.



The sound of swords clashing was constant.

Crocodile is like a rampaging beast.

Crazy attack on everything around.

The huge trees even shrank slightly.

A lot of water was actually sucked away.

At some point, four figures appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

There are a large number of naval soldiers coming from the far rear.

Sakaski looked at this world made of sand:

“We can’t let him continue to make trouble.”


Barrett said “Yeah.”

Look at the howling wind and sand in front of you.

The corners of his mouth twisted into a cruel smile.


The whole person instantly entered the ghost aura mode that combines two-color domineering energy.

The blue skin, scarlet eyes, and the grinning mouth looked extremely terrifying.

Enelu stood beside him with his eyes full of stars:


Barrett’s sight swept across.

Push your feet hard.

Several meters of cracks instantly exploded on the ground.

The whole person rushed towards the sandstorm in the sky with violent air waves.

The yellow sand wherever it passed was cleared away by the air waves.

Head straight towards the center.


There was a loud bang.

Crocodile was punched by Barrett who suddenly came to him.

The wind and sand all over the sky stopped and hit the ground like meteors.

There was no time to think too much and he regrouped his body.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Barrett with a solemn expression:

“So domineering.”

“And what’s this gesture… damn.”

“A monster appears out of nowhere.”

Barrett’s feet moved in mid-air.

A white gas explosion forms.

The whole person rushed towards Crocodile.

Crocodile mobilizes abilities:

“Sandstorm Great Sword!!!”

A giant sword tens of meters wide and high composed of sand blades rushed diagonally towards Barrett.

Barrett’s grin continued.

Contract your arms and bring your right shoulder forward.

People were smashed down like an iron mountain.

The sound of shattering continued, and the whole person smashed through the tens of meters of sand-blade giant sword.

He directly hit Crocodile with undiminished power.


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