The crisp sound of bone cracking sounded.

Crocodile vomited blood and was knocked out.


He rolled on the ground for an unknown distance before he stopped.

Stand up with one hand on the ground.

Looking at Barrett in the distance:


“It’s domineering again…”


Something seemed to come to mind.

Crocodile, who was already gloomy, became even more angry.

Then he took a deep breath, endured the severe pain, and his whole body turned into yellow sand and blended into the surroundings.

The wind and sand in the sky became more violent.

Surround Barrett in the center.


Shampoo Islands, outside the huge mangrove No. 27.

As the soldiers arrived, they lined up behind Sakaski.

Because the navy is coming.

The people who fled gradually looked over boldly.

A burst of domineering color suddenly erupted from Sakaski’s body and blasted around.

An indifferent voice sounded:



A crisp sound of standing at attention sounded:


Nearly a thousand naval soldiers behind Sakaski shouted in unison.

Then they divided into two teams and ran to both sides.

In an encircling posture, everyone is separated by a large distance, surrounding the huge mangrove No. 27.

After the siege was completed, Sakaski signaled Carroll to guard the perimeter.

Then he led Enilu towards the windy sand in the sky.

Carol took out Ying Ju from her waist.

The Yingshi in his hand flashed, and two arc-shaped sword energies emitted from his position.

Deep ravines were drawn along the ground, surrounding an area of ​​huge mangroves.

Some people with some strength were directly suppressed and did not dare to explore further.

Carol chuckled.


Sheath the knife.


Sandstorm center.

Crocodile gathered layers of sand waves nearly 100 meters high, surrounding Barrett.

Barrett stood there with a grin on his face, motionless as he watched the waves of sand surrounding him.

Crocodile gathered his figure at the top of the sand wave:

“court death!”

“Desert Reincarnation!!!”

A gloomy voice sounded, and layers of sand waves moved toward Barrett.

The sand waves covering the surrounding areas charged towards Barrett, blended and gathered.

A huge yellow salon volume reaching the sky is formed.

Countless tiny gravels rubbed against Barrett’s skin at extremely fast speeds.

Barrett was finally moved.

Because these billions of tiny gravels were able to consume even a trace of his domineering energy.

A hint of damage to his skin.

Barrett’s smile became even more ferocious.

This is… really… great!

On the warship, except for Sakaski, basically no one could cause him harm.

But Sakaski can’t be a sparring partner all day long.

Therefore, Barrett’s progress has reached a critical point and he can only hone his dominance.

But at this time, I finally felt the feeling of physical injury again.

This feeling… is simply too comfortable for Barrett, who was charging and blasting on the battlefield as a child…

“Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!!!”

“Keep pushing!!!”

The scarlet eyes seemed to penetrate through the layers of sand waves, and the voice, accompanied by a domineering and domineering tone, directly hit Crocodile.

Crocodile at the top of the sand wave suddenly looked ugly.

Not only the reason for being suddenly bombarded with overlord sex, but also because of these contemptuous words.

“Ha ha ha ha ha….”

“I will fulfill your wish.”

“Erosion of reincarnation!!!”

The gloomy-looking Crocodile laughed angrily, and endless waves of sand covered Barrett.

The wind and sand in the sky formed a huge ball of sand that turned crazily where Barrett was.

The sand ball, which is hundreds of meters high, is still shrinking.

Barrett strangles and compresses towards the center.

Sandstorm center.

The sound of stiff compression and condensation continued to sound.

The sand with adhesion ability is also constantly attacking Barrett’s body.

Barrett took the initiative to remove the ghost mode.

The skin is instantly eroded and destroyed.

The water in the body is sucked away and the body shrinks a little.

After dozens of breaths.

The entire body size has shrunk to one-third of its original size.

Bearing endless pressure and weight.

Barrett moved his limbs, feeling the severe pain all over his body.

“That’s almost it.”


He let out a light breath and instantly entered ghost mode.

He raised his fist, blue breath flowing through his arm.

outside world.

Crocodile, who was above the sand waves, suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

After the huge maracas shrank to the size of a hundred meters, it became smaller again.

It can’t be compressed anymore.

Although you can clearly feel that water has been absorbed, it’s not much.

Thinking about countermeasures in his mind.


The huge sand ball was directly exploded.

The compressed sand was hit uncontrollably by the huge force, and surged around like waves.

The moment the maracas exploded, a blue shadow rushed out.

Crocodile was shocked:


Then a big blue hand held his face and smashed it to the ground.


A deep pit several meters in size instantly appeared on the ground.

Barrett pinned Crocodile to the ground.

He grabbed his head and lifted it up.

Looking at the stone tablet in the distance that says illegal zone.

Rush directly to the stone monument.

Put Crocodile in front of you.

With a ferocious smile, he charged directly and broke the stone tablet.

He shook Crocodile in his hand to confirm that he was not dead.

Heading towards Sakaski.

Crocodile, who was shaken, regained some consciousness.

Tough ability to mobilize.

Waves of sand several meters high suddenly gathered on both sides and covered the two of them.

Barrett brought his left hand to his abdomen and swung it out.

Several afterimages flashed by, and the air in front of him exploded with white air explosions.

The fist wind, like an air cannon, blasted the sand waves on both sides.

Bang bang bang bang…

Hitting the sand waves, a series of explosions scattered the condensed sand.

Then Barrett looked at Crocodile in his hand.

Reaching out to grab a shoulder.


Instant fracture.

At the same time, he kicked his feet.


Crocodile’s calf was kicked directly off.

Barrett’s cruel voice sounded:

“be honest.”

The severe pain caused Crocodile to wake up instantly.

But his face was held down, making him unable to make a sound.

His flushed face was covered in cold sweat.

Forced to calm down.

After being dragged for a distance by Barrett.

Crocodile’s right hand suddenly turned into a sand blade and stabbed Barrett’s throat.

At the same time, the ground turned into sand at some point.

Several sand lances stabbed various parts of Barrett’s body.

Barrett snorted coldly and instantly activated ghost mode.

The muscles all over his body swelled, and the sand blade and sand spear stabbed Barrett’s body, making the sound of swords clashing, but unable to penetrate the body at all.

Crocodile suddenly turned his blade into a palm and pressed it directly on the wound that Barrett had just made during his physical training.

All the abilities of the whole body were concentrated on the right hand, and the huge suction force sucked out a lot of water from Barrett’s body.

But it has no effect.

Barrett sneered, and a blue afterimage flashed past.


There were two more crisp sounds.

Crocodile’s limbs were completely torn off.

After a while.

Barrett dragged Crocodile, who was like a dead dog, to Sakaski who was sitting on the ruins.

With a thud, he was thrown to the ground.

Only then did Crocodile have time to take a breath:



He raised his head with difficulty, and with blood-stained eyes, he could vaguely see the figure sitting in front of him wearing a navy uniform.

Sakaski picked up a cigar thrown out from Crocodile and smiled, cigar…

Put it in your mouth, your fingertips turn into lava, light the cigar, and take a deep breath:


The thick white smoke spit out directly covered Crocodile’s face:

“You know me.”

Crocodile was stung by the sudden burst of smoke and coughed:



His dazed consciousness recovered a little, and when he looked up, his pupils shrank sharply:

“Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.”


Sakaski chuckled:

“Since we know each other, there is no need to say more.”

“You have also heard of my methods.”

“There must be a reason why I didn’t kill you.”

“I came to you this time to give you an opportunity to be a dog for the navy.”

“It’s also an opportunity for you to make a comeback.”

“If you can grasp it, you might be able to seek revenge from Hale Nok in the future.”

Of course Crocodile knew the famous Sakaski, but he still couldn’t help but said sarcastically:

“Ha ha ha ha ha…..”

“give me a chance?”

“Being a dog for the navy?”

“What a big joke.”

“Do I still need to thank you?”

Sakaski held his cigar in his mouth and snorted lightly.

White smoke enveloped the face, making it blurry.

Lift up your black leather shoes.


He directly stepped on Crocodile’s raised head into the ground.

“You have the government to thank.”

He raised his feet again.


“Thank you Navy.”

Lift again.


“Give you this chance.”

Then he crushed it with his feet.

“Thank you even more.”

“I didn’t kill you.”

“do you know.”

The words fell silent.

Sakaski’s overbearing look, which surpassed that of a general, pressed directly towards Crocodile with murderous intent.


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