Crocodile was lying on the ground, shaking constantly.

A strong wind broke out, blowing around, and a concentrated burst of overlord color affected reality.

The contemptuous words and dismissive attitude made hatred grow crazily in Crocodile’s heart.

Anger kept simmering.

Use the broken arms to forcefully prop up the body.

The severe pain and insult made Crocodile lose his mind.

He raised his scarlet eyes and roared:

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!”


A sudden burst of domineering lust!

However, he was instantly wiped out by Sakaski’s powerful overbearing lust.

Sakaski chuckled:



He put down his foot that was on Crocodile’s head.

Put your black leather boots lightly on your right hand that is supported on the ground.

Click, click, click——

The sound of broken bones sounded.

The entire right hand bone was continuously crushed.

The outburst of overlord color suppressed Crocodile’s mental power.

Slowly regain your senses.

Severe pain continued to hit his body, and his left hand that was not crushed exploded and pushed towards the ground.

He took out his right hand and fell back to the ground.

With scarlet eyes, breathing heavily, he looked at Sakaski with hatred.

Sakaski chuckled:

“Why bother.”

“Ridiculous pride.”

“Getting down on the ground is your best option.”

“At least I can suffer a little less.”


When Crocodile heard Sakaski’s words, he gasped and sneered.

Seeing this, Sakaski said indifferently:


Enelu’s crisp voice sounded:

“Lei Yelly.”

The gold jewelry on the wrist was instantly covered and melted by the electric light.

Four golden cones appeared, with jet-black armed colors attached.

Enelu waved forward.

Four golden awls were driven directly into Crocodile’s limbs:

“Twenty thousand volts electrocution.”

A burst of white light erupted from Crocodile’s body, and he collapsed to the ground.

His body kept twitching, he completely lost control of his body, and his mind went blank.

Sakaski sat on the box and smoked a cigar. Next to him, Barrett stood with a grin on his face, looking at the twitching figure on the ground.

I do not know how long it has been.

Sakaski had reached the end of his cigar.

He took a deep breath and threw the tail on the ground:


Thick white smoke covered Crocodile’s head.

“Think about it now.”

Crocodile’s intermittent laughter sounded:

“Ha ha ha ha ha..”

“have you seen….”

“Be the king of dogs.”

After saying that, another burst of domineering color burst out from his body.

Sakaski sighed:


“Not everyone who awakens their overlord color can become king.”

“What’s the use of being a king if your life is gone.”


“The dog king is also a king.”

After speaking, he raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Crocodile. It seemed that he would not give in unless he was given a profound lesson…


boom! ! !

The weapon-colored lava finger gun directly exploded Crocodile’s left hand.

Turned into blood mist all over the sky.

Ignoring Crocodile’s frightened eyes:

“the last time.”

“If you talk back again, you will become a man without legs.”


The fear in Crocodile’s heart continued.

The soaring heroic spirit that had just awakened the overlord color was completely interrupted.

The disappearing left hand brought him back to the cruel reality.

Living has everything.

Suppress the panic in my heart:

“what chance.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“now it’s right.”

“Why bother? I wouldn’t have lost my left hand if I had done this earlier.”

Ignoring Crocodile’s efforts to restrain his expression:

“The opportunity is the bill proposed by the government regarding the King’s Shichibukai.”

“You have been selected to be on trial.”

Crocodile took a few deep breaths:

“Your Majesty the Shichibukai?”

Sakaski explained calmly:

“The King’s Shichibukai is a bill proposed by the government.”

“Choose some potential pirates who have a grudge against the giants of the New World.”

“Give me the title of King Shichibukai.”

“The government is helping its development.”

“Every aspect from strength to power.”

“Even with legal rights of plunder.”

“And the most important purpose is to allow the Qiwuhai under the King to develop as quickly as possible.”

“For use against the giants of the New World.”

“The other thing is to accept the government’s call at any time.”

“You can’t shirk it for any reason.”

After listening to Crocodile’s thoughts, he already understood the government’s intention:


Killing each other…”


“What a plan.”

“What’s the scope of the legal right to plunder?”

Crocodile temporarily suppressed his fear and became a little tempted. The conditions were too tempting…

Sakaski chuckled:

“The legal right of plunder extends only to…”

“Plundering Pirates.”

Crocodile’s eyes widened:

“What a joke!”


Sakaski lifted up his black leather shoes and stepped on them.

Crush it hard:

“You asked a good question.”

“Gets the point right.”

“But the tone of your voice.”

“I don’t like it very much.”

After releasing his feet, Crocodile remained motionless on the ground for a long time.

But his slightly trembling body still exposed his extremely restless heart.

Sakaski said indifferently:

“The legal right of plunder itself includes everything except the navy and the nobility.”

“You can plunder these.”


“I don’t allow it.”

“I understand.”

“Being a dog means acting like a dog.”

“Don’t cross the line.”

After a long silence, Crocodile slowly raised his head.

At this time, his face had regained its composure and was expressionless:


Sakaski stood up:

“very good.”

“Now that I understand.”

“Then government personnel will come over later to explain various matters to you.”

“Say it again.”

“Don’t cross the line.”

“This notification ends here.”


He kicked Crocodile several meters away with a casual kick:

“Enilu, go and ask people from the government outside to come in and treat him.”

Enelu waved a gesture:



The whole person turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared.


It turned into a bolt of lightning and came back suddenly:

“Forgot something.”

He reached out and pointed at Crocodile lying in the distance.

One move with the hand.

The four golden awls were pulled out directly, and Crocodile groaned.

His angry teeth were almost broken, but he still lay on the ground motionless, suppressing his anger and calming down…


Enel turned into a bolt of lightning again…


Huge mangrove No. 24 in Shampoo Islands.

It’s approaching night.

Sakaski and Eniro Barrett were sitting outside the restaurant.

Empty dishes kept appearing on the table.

The service staff in the restaurant are constantly serving meat and wine.

Barrett’s figure, which had been shrunk by water absorption, was recovering from constant eating of meat and drinking.

Sakaski stretched his arms back and rested them on the top of the large chair.

Looking to the right, Carol is coming from that side:

“how’s it going.”

Carol came closer, shook his head and smiled bitterly:

“It’s too tragic, this injury.”

“The left hand is gone, and most of the bones in the body are broken.”

“When reporting to the superiors.”

“The superiors almost sent him to jail directly.”

“Fortunately, I awakened my Overlord Color, so I stayed because of this.”

Thinking of the arrogance of the Shichibukai in the original work, Sakaski chuckled:

“The more miserable you are, the better your memory will be.”

“Otherwise it would be lawless.”

“Come and eat.”

Carol said “Hmm” and was about to sit down.

Suddenly the four people at the table looked to Sakaski’s right.

A little girl was holding ten layers of ice cream, and while running with her friends, she mixed it under her feet.

The whole person pounced on Sakaski.


Sakaski supported the little girl.

But all the ten layers of ice cream fell on Sakaski.

The little girl looked at the empty cone in her hand and Sakaski’s serious and terrifying face.

Tears flashed in his eyes, tears welled up, and his shoulders kept shaking, but he didn’t dare to cry.

The people and friends around him didn’t dare to come forward.

Sakaski wiped the ice cream on his arm:


Carol chuckled.

He stretched out his hand to the side of his body where Ying Ju was hanging…


He took out a thousand beli and walked up to the little girl.

After touching his head, Carol’s gentle voice sounded:

“Be good~ don’t cry~”

“Let’s go buy some twenty-story ones~”

“Eat with friends~”

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