East China Sea, Date Sea Area.

On the ship of the Ax Pirates, the pirates were having a party.

Although I don’t know why the boss suddenly announced the celebration, it does not prevent them from holding a banquet.

As the drunkenness increased, the drunken people also pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

At the center of the banquet was the captain of the Ax Pirates, Kirei Yasun.

His muscular body was twice the size of the crew around him.

Standing there compared to the thin crew members around him, he looked like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

He raised a wine glass half the size of his head and drank it all in one gulp.


The wine glass fell heavily on the table:

“Ah Damou (young ones)!!!!”

The rude and excited shouting silenced the atmosphere of the banquet.

Kirei Yasn looked at the quiet people and glanced around:

“You know why I announced the banquet.”

Looking at the shocked little brother who shook his head wildly.

Kirei Yasn grinned:

“Because the nails I planted in the Navy have already begun to move.”

“They’re going to put poison in the meals at the naval base on Wind Chime Island.”

“We will arrive at Wind Chime Island before dark tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll wipe out the navy branch with blood.”

“Not only will our fame increase, but the entire island’s treasures will be ours!”


The crew of the Ax Pirates were shocked at first and then went crazy.


“Boss is mighty!!!”


“Kill them all!!”

“Follow the boss and charge!!!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Kirei Yasn looked at the crazy people with scarlet eyes and a sinister smile on his lips:


“Feed and drink enough for me!!!”


“Kill me hard!!!”


A burst of enthusiastic cheers erupted on the brightly lit pirate ship.

Time passed slowly, and the sky lit up at some point.

We are getting closer to Fengling Island……


East China Sea, Fengling Island.

Wind Chime Island is named after the blue bell flowers that fill the sky.

The island has a pleasant climate. As a remote island in the East China Sea, pirates rarely pass by here, so it appears to be extremely peaceful.

If there is any shortcoming, it would be the naval branch on the island…..

Because it was located in a remote location, it was difficult for information to spread, which also led to the birth of a “dictator”.

Navy Branch 65, branch chief “Snan Silin”.

When he was young, he was also a passionate naval warrior, but for some reasons, he had a conflict with the generals of his headquarters.

After being manipulated in secret, he was sent directly to the edge of the East China Sea.

Sinan Silin used to be angry and confused, but he quickly adjusted.

Since you can’t resist, just enjoy…

Soon a corrupt naval branch chief appeared, and because of his great strength.

Gradually he ruled the island from all aspects. He controlled the black and white of the island, and gradually lost himself…

On the mountain behind Navy Branch 65.

A luxurious courtyard covering tens of thousands of square meters is located in it.

At three o’clock in the morning, branch chief Sinan Silin got up from the gentle village.

Years of depravity have made him fatter to more than 300 pounds, but he looks even more fierce.

He casually pushed away the two girls who came from the island, got up and got out of bed:


After a while, a knock on the door was heard.

Sinan Slim getting dressed:

“come in.”

There was a “yes” from outside the door, and then a butler in a suit appeared:


Sinan Slim yawned:


“I played all day yesterday.”

“What happened?”

Butler Beard replied respectfully:

“Master, nothing happened.”

“But the families of the two girls came here to look for them. You see…”

Si Nan Silin snorted coldly:

“Break your legs and throw them out.”

“They don’t know who is in charge of this island!!!”

“How dare you come to the door!”

“You’re tired of living.”

“By the way, what happened to the boys sent by the headquarters recently?”

Butler Beard nodded yes and then replied:

“No, those boys have been very peaceful recently.”

Sinan Silin groaned for a few seconds:

“In this case, let’s give some benefits appropriately.”

“There must be some background to being able to send the warships from the headquarters directly.”

“It’s nothing more than offending someone, so I’ll hide here for a while.”


It must be too rigid. ”

“Prepare breakfast.”

Butler Beard nodded, “Yes” and stepped back.

After a while, a table of rich dishes was served on the table in the villa.

Si Nan Silin learned the etiquette of aristocrats and ate elegantly.

But that fat figure and fierce face are not harmonious.

Sinan Silin threw a huge chicken leg into his mouth, cracked it several times, chewed the bones and swallowed it, and asked:

“Today’s breakfast tastes good. We have changed the chef, Beard.”

Beard lowered his head and replied:

“That’s right, a merchant ship arrived at the island yesterday.”

“We have received a new batch of special seasonings.”

“That’s why the taste is a little different.”

Sinan Slim nodded and stopped paying attention.

I didn’t see Beard lowering his head behind him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. The sauce is so special that it will kill you…

The hatred in the reddish eyes flashed and then disappeared.


East China Sea, Fengling Island Branch 65.

Five serious-looking soldiers were standing in the shade of the tree.

Looking at this chaos, the navy branch’s disgust was clearly evident.

Gambling and drinking can be seen everywhere in the branch.

Half of the branch of nearly a thousand people were drunk.

The youngest soldier among the five said angrily:

“Damn it, this bunch of trash should be destroyed soon.”

“I can’t bear it anymore.”

The strongest one is calm enough:

“Don’t worry, it’s just today.”

“hold on.”

“Snan Slin’s medicine has already been administered.”

“As for these guys.”

“How much you survive at night depends on your luck.”

There is also a soldier who is more rational:

“But some people’s sins may not lead to death.”

The sturdy soldier glanced at him:

“There’s not that much time to decide what’s right or wrong.”

“If everyone is sentenced according to good and evil, I don’t know how many years and months it will be delayed.”

“These guys have been following Si Nan Silin to dominate the world for more than ten years.”

“There can be a few good ones.”

“Saving his life fighting pirates is a good ending.”

“As for those who survived, huh.”

“Slowly take care of them.”

The rational soldier nodded. He was not a pedantic person either.

After watching for a while, several people were really upset and walked back to the dormitory to prepare.


late at night.

The Ax Pirates’ ship sailed into the corner of the island.

Everyone jumped into the water and climbed to the shore.

The five people who had been waiting early greeted everyone in the pirate group.

The stalwart navy soldier and Yarekisian nodded.

Then he beckoned for the other four to lead many pirates to the navy branch.

He followed Yare Yasien and several elite pirates to the mountain with the luxurious courtyard.

With the sound of several crickets chirping.

Butler Beard opened the door gently…

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