The housekeeper led several people into the courtyard.

Sinan Silin was currently sleeping soundly, hugged from left to right.


The sound of turning the handle sounded.

Si Nan Silin opened his eyes drowsily:


The figure holding a knife came over and slashed at him, making Sinan Silin shocked.

Without caring too much, she lifted the quilt and covered him.

Then he grabbed a coat and jumped out of the window.

As soon as I climbed out of the window, I saw Kirei Yasn and others waiting on the ground with axes in their hands. Oh no…

Kirei Yasn smiled ferociously.

He stepped into the air with his feet.

Holding the ax in both hands, he struck at Sinan Slim.

Sinan Silin looked at the giant ax slashed at his neck, his face darkened.

He waved his arm forward, and the air in front of him exploded slightly.

He led him to adjust his body shape backward, and at the same time moved the iron block:

“Iron block·hundred-forged balloon!”


The giant ax sank into the belly full of flesh first, and then came the collision of gold and iron.

Kirei Yasn felt the giant ax in his hand continue to lose strength.

Then a sound broke through the air.

Sinan Slim grabbed the giant ax and punched it in the head.


Kirei Yasn, who didn’t know when to raise his fists, collided with Sinan Silin.

The two landed separately.

At this time, the figure upstairs also jumped down.

Seeing that figure, Sinan Silin’s pupils shrank sharply:

“Damn it, what do you want to do?”

“Megan Locke”

Megan Locke, a sturdy naval soldier, chuckled:

“Just cleaning out the moths.”

Sinan Silin gritted his teeth and said:

“court death.”

Locke smiled contemptuously, raised his knife and rushed away.

Sinan Silin is like a flexible fat man.

He stepped on the moon steps and rushed high into the sky.

Looking at Locke who was also rushing towards him, Sinan Silin’s legs drew an afterimage:

“Lanjiao·Cut randomly!”

A swarm of blue crescent slashes rushed towards Locke.

Locke used the paper drawing to dodge, and in an instant he caught up with the escaping Sinan Slim.

Hold the knife with both hands and chop it down directly.


Another iron block blocked it.

But Sinan Silin’s whole body also hit the ground like a cannonball.

Below, Kirei Yasn rushed over with a giant ax and several elite pirates.

Sinan Silin, who hit the ground, used his hand to support it.

The whole person turned 360 degrees several times:

“Lan Jiao·Yuan Wu.”

Like water ripples, the circular Arashi Kick slashed around.

Kirei Yasenti’s ax directly chopped off the attack in front of him, and struck down with one strike.

Sinan Silin took several steps back to avoid the giant ax that was slashing at his vital points.

Knees slightly bent, wanting to reach the sky.


A flying finger gun streaked across his scalp.

He was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

Feeling fierce in his heart, he punched Kirei Yasn away and looked at the two of them warily.

Locke, who put down his fingers, also frowned slightly and became anxious…

Sinan Silin’s right fist that had just collided with the giant ax was trembling.

The scars deep into the bones were bleeding continuously, and he looked towards Kirei Yasn:

“You are pirates, right?”

“How much did this guy give you.”

“I’ll pay ten times as much.”

“No, fifty times.”

“As long as you help me kill him.”

“Each of you is giving you two girls as playthings.”

“How about it.”

Looking at the agitated subordinates beside him, the grin on the corner of Kirei Yasn’s mouth became even worse:


“If I kill you, it will be mine too.”

After finishing his words, Kirei Yasun and Locke rushed towards Sinan Slim at the same time.

The three of them were fighting in a chaotic mess, their figures constantly intertwining.

Gradually, Sinan Silin discovered that something was wrong.


Kicked Locke away.

Sinan Silin suddenly woke up and looked at Kirei Yasn:


“That’s shaving!”

“You are the sea….!!!”

Pu Chi Pu Chi——

A series of sounds of swords entering the body were heard.

Locke, who had just been kicked away and landed next to the elite pirates, suddenly rose up.

The long knife in his hand cut several people in half in an instant.

He shook off the blood on his body and walked slowly towards Sinan Silin.

The stunned Si Nan Silin only reacted at this time.

This is all a trap…a ​​trap for him…

Damn it, who is it? ! !

At this time, there were only three people left in the courtyard, and the rest had long been released by the housekeeper.

The two slowly approached Sinan Silin.

Kirei Yasn suddenly had a wicked smile on his face.

The body began to squirm continuously.


The whole person became Snan Slim!

Looking at the horrified Sinan Silin opposite.

This “Snan Slim”

A wicked voice sounded:

“second round.”



Wind Chime Island, Navy Branch 65.


A rapid alarm sounded.

Gunshots and shouts of death were heard throughout the base.

The base was invaded by pirates at some unknown time.

The awakened soldiers fought back in panic with weapons in hand.

After bringing the pirates into the base, the four of them disappeared.

In fact, he was hiding on a rooftop watching the battle below.

Looking at the soldiers and pirates dying below, they clenched their fists.

It was obviously them who led the way…

They are obviously a bunch of rubbish…

They are obviously a bunch of losers…

It’s obviously better to destroy it as soon as possible…

But after it really happened, I couldn’t help but want to rush out several times.

But they were all held back by the more rational soldier:

“For the plan.”


Jerram, the youngest and most impulsive among them, took a few deep breaths.

I closed my eyes not to look at the picture below.

But the dense gunshots still made him look away.

Finally, after seeing several naval soldiers who organized resistance, they were cut into pieces by a group of pirates who rushed over.

I couldn’t bear it any longer.


The figure disappeared instantly and appeared below.

The whole person kept using “Shaving” to flash, and the finger gun in his hand kept moving.

Bloody holes appeared on the necks of the incoming pirates.

The rational soldier glanced at the direction of the mountain and sighed softly:

“Let’s do it.”

I really saw familiar people dying in front of my eyes.

No one can be calm, no matter right or wrong, good or evil.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

This is a step that must be taken.

The plan cannot be stopped…

Even such plans are still being carried out or being prepared in branches around the world…

Swish swish——

Three piercing sounds sounded as they entered the battlefield.



Most of the surviving soldiers collapsed on the ground.

A few sparse soldiers were collecting the bodies of their friends.

The four soldiers in the headquarters became heroes in the eyes of everyone, but the strange thing was that their boss was missing.

At some point, two more long shadows walked towards the branch gate.

The atmosphere in the branch suddenly became tense.

However, the soldiers were relieved when they saw that it was Sinan Silin, the branch chief.

Sinan Slim and Locke were both seriously injured.

Locke clutched the pale head of Gire Yathon, looking as if he had been dead for a long time…but no one cared about these details.

Sinan Slin’s throat was bloody and bloody, and he was helped by Locke.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Sinan Sling’s blood suddenly surged.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

In full view of the public, he lost his life.

Locke slowly withdrew his hand from Si Nan Silin’s back…

A few days later.

After Sinan Silin’s recommendation before his death, and a few words from senior management, he discussed it.

Megan Locke, who beheaded “Kire Yasun” with a bounty of 21 million, was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.

At the same time, he temporarily acted as the head of the 65th branch of the Navy.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

As Marshal Kong, he glanced at the document and threw it aside. This was reported from below.

There is no need for him to personally appoint the Sihai branch, he just needs to report it below.


This is the first attack on the branch.

The pirates are getting more and more rampant…


Sakaski’s home, study.

Dong dong dong——


Sakaski’s voice sounded.

Then Carol pushed the door open and walked in:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski took over another branch.”

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